Avenger--Anger Management

Posted By: KojaK

Avenger--Anger Management - 01/20/07 15:21

This is the first official, original game by Two Screws Loose. Constructive criticism is welcome, but don't just insult me, ok? I understand the health bar is messed up, I'm looking for a human silouette(outline, not sure of spelling) for the new health bar.

**Changes since screenshots taken: Gun is now visible, not affected by light, health bar has health status on it, test dummies attack you**

-----Sorry, please move to showcase II, not sure, this is a work in progress-----
Posted By: aztec

Re: Avenger--Anger Management - 01/20/07 15:24

could you upload a demo
screens look promising
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Avenger--Anger Management - 01/20/07 16:03

well, constructive crits....

your textures are scaled wayyyyy too high, apart from that you use block for way tooo much, they are only meant for larg things such as walls and maybe some trim.
for the sillouhette just take a picture of someone on google, go into paint use the polygon fill tool around the body, (whatever color you want besides black) and then just use black for the rest of the picture.
Posted By: KojaK

Re: Avenger--Anger Management - 01/20/07 16:19

Thanks. I'm not too good at level designing, so that's more like programmer art... But It'll be good for the demo. The demo will be released as soon as I get my zombie model. Just gotta get shooting and health working, and BOOM! I'll release the demo.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Avenger--Anger Management - 01/20/07 16:24

ok, get this to some extent finished, and then search on the jobs wanted or post on the jobs offered forum to look for people that are learning modelling and level design
Posted By: Towelie

Re: Avenger--Anger Management - 01/20/07 17:36

I would suggest finding other textures other than the standard.wad. At acknex unlimited (au.conitec.net) there are plenty of free resources for people with lack of skills in some areas. They have hundreds of models, a buttload (napolean dynamite XD) of textures, and script files you can look at to maybe find new techniques. For the crit on the screens...

-what lostclimate said, the textures are scaled and your using block too much.
-level looks a bit too dark, even for a horror game. Try using models for the cross thing and electricity box (or whatever it is) instead.
-crosshair is very distracting, I don't think the blue parts belong.
Posted By: KojaK

Re: Avenger--Anger Management - 01/20/07 17:42

Ok thanks. Most of this is temporary, like the crosshair and health bar, and the box(supposed to be a rusted ammo container) and coffin(yes, it's a coffin) are models. Well, the coffin is a prefab actually...

I meant to have a light flickering, but not sure about the code.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Avenger--Anger Management - 01/20/07 17:47

prefabs are a joke, for the sake of all humanity plz dont use them anymore
Posted By: aztec

Re: Avenger--Anger Management - 01/20/07 18:06

these days Level are made out of moddels
(unfortunatly I makes a scripters life very hard)
But its the truth they should be made complete out
of moddels
Posted By: KojaK

Re: Avenger--Anger Management - 01/20/07 18:31

Ok... It's not going to be used for anything, why make it a model? :?
Posted By: SlyBoots

Re: Avenger--Anger Management - 01/20/07 18:46

The big difference is detail. Models are also lit differently than the blocks.

Look at the difference between a coffin available on Turbosquid compared to the prefab.

Posted By: KojaK

Re: Avenger--Anger Management - 01/20/07 19:04

I understand completely now. Thanks! Now I just need to find a coffin model...

And I just remembered that models keep the same shape when resizing.
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Avenger--Anger Management - 01/20/07 20:12

SlyBoots tried to say that when you look at the prefab files which can be loaded into WED, are not as detailed as for exemple the coffin form Turbosquid he showed and the coffin also available in the prefab pack which came with your 3DGS version and can be found in your 3DGS folder. Btw:

And I just remembered that models keep the same shape when resizing.

Isn't this logic by itself


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