Space Marine (early version)

Posted By: Edgecrusher

Space Marine (early version) - 04/07/07 13:46


Originaly started for Charge gun, I continued developing one of my drawings for a character, it's still in an early stage, but things are starting to be great



Posted By: sPlKe

Re: Space Marine (early version) - 04/07/07 14:10

finally a model that does not look like it has been clicked together withing two minutes. good to see, the polycount is high, wich is good and the design is good. however the nose is pretty pig like, id change that...
Posted By: broozar

Re: Space Marine (early version) - 04/07/07 16:52

indeed. i'm curios about 2 things, a. which program did you use for all the details and b. how long did it take you?

well don, i like style, shape, great details. minor triangulation (?) problems in the helmet area (top and side).

obviously, some areas on the back and front don't stitch together, i guess you used the mirror modifier, these gaps have to be adjusted.

do you plan to normal map it? or just reduce the pollies to a reasonable amount?
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Space Marine (early version) - 04/07/07 17:30

Good high poly model start made with the new Blender tools ?
with Blender (free) or Silo you can use retopology tools to quickly make a low model from the hight model and generate the normal map.
keep it up.
Posted By: VPrime

Re: Space Marine (early version) - 04/08/07 06:16

meh its ok... way to early to tell, but it looks very messy right now, and way to organic...

There doesn't seem to be much "flow" into the current design.. looks like random "extrudes" and "mesh smooth" to look cool.

Keep working at it, it could be that its way to early right now, but i don't think i have seen any of your past work to make a judgment whether its to early int he work, or just needs fixing on the model it self..
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Space Marine (early version) - 04/08/07 09:16

The model with its detail look promising !!
I would say you used Zbrush for it
Can't wait to see this finished

Happy Easter ^^

Posted By: Edgecrusher

Re: Space Marine (early version) - 04/08/07 11:53

Thanks all for you kind words

I use Cinema4D Release 9 for modeling
Because of th gap, it's because I use a symmetry object, but I'll make it editable afterwards, just in case I still want to change something

I plan to use the hi-poly version as normalmap and then apply it on a model with less polygons

I'm looking really forward to painting the skin and animating it

Posted By: achaziel

Re: Space Marine (early version) - 04/08/07 19:06

if you ask me, i'd keep the pignose. it makes the model look unique^^ i mean, all the time the same helmets over and over... that bores me these days. that's, finally, something new!
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