Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo

Posted By: Ahriman

Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/11/07 15:14

I wanted to share with the community what I have been working on and maybe get some feedback on the current build. The game is called Hero of Olympus: Perseus, and will follow closly the story of the greek mythology hero Perseus. It is an Action/Adventure game that will eventually take full advantage of the A7 engine. Currently the demo I am showing is a very rough concept most of the work shown was done by myself and I don't claim to be an artist so take that in mind. With that being said take a look at the video, any and all comments are fully welcome.

Hero Of Olympus - Concept Video

The video was encoded with the Xvid Codec which can be downloaded here XviD-1.1.3-28062007.exe

Also near the end of the demo some of the sound was out of sync, which is fixed in the final scene.
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/11/07 15:23

This all sounds very promising but it would be even better if the video would work. I open up the link which works fine, WMP pops up and it keeps on loading for 10 min

Edit: Got it working

About the game, this looks very very but I mean very promising and pro !!
The animations until now are great if not perfect. The dynamic lights are good but they sometimes react slow to the environment but I guess that's an engine issue. Your fighting system is good but when you encounter an enemy, your main player immediatly has got hold of his sword and shield, try putting his sword and shield on his back while running/walking. While encoutering enemies than, the look of the main player grabbing for his shield and sword looks way better as in Oblivion The AI as HeelX mentioned could be improved, I guess this is your most important working point. About the level design, it really gives a 'Hero Of Olympus' feeling if you know what I mean ^^ But as EXCiter mentioned, more vegetation would complete this feeling to the full.
In overal, amazing work !!


Posted By: HeelX

Re: Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/11/07 16:33

Ahriman: Respect! This little prototype demo is very promising and looks like fun. Some may complain graphics as usual, but I think its an excellent basis for a action filled game settled in the ancient greek. To cut the matter short I will list my pros and cons here. I know that this is prototype, but nevertheless, I handle it as if you hadn't said it


  • promising character modeling
  • level design is cool, but it seems to be too big and this kind of linear level seems to be stretched just for the sake of level length. With this level length I would expect more unique locationsand puzzles.
  • the puzzle is a standard puzzle, but I like it anyway
  • the textures are very nice to look at. I really feel being adventurous in that cave
  • nice animations, for a prototype
  • the music and the battle theme as dynamic music is very well done
  • I like the way your game is handling the different climbing states
  • the ladder climbing is synchronized with the ladder itself ^^ cool!
  • I like that attack whereas the hero swings his sword around
  • very well done camera system
  • I like this "ghost" effect


  • why is the viewing range so limited? black fog = ugly
  • the AI is a bit broken.. sometimes the skeletons were instantly placed elsewhere..
  • combat is too slow for my taste. If you would speed everything up by 1.5 or 2, its more action. I was bored after the second skeleton battle in the green fluid room.. because it takes so long
  • its no real con, but I think you are generating too much bones when you attack a skeleton ^^ anyway, its funny
  • there are model errors of the light beam in the puzzle room
  • to wide/long/big level for that small amount of puzzles, enemies types and unique locations
  • even though I like the graphics, after a while its boring, because it looks everywhere the same
  • the videos are presented with scanlines.. = ugly!
  • Maybe it was easier to make those cinematics with a animation package rather doing it as ingame cinematic, but it would fit more to the game when it would have been done as ingame cutscene
  • the puzzle is nice, though I wouldn't have identified the wall as .. glass wall. Add some reflection shader or so
  • you should add a voice over when the hero discovers the stone-freezed warriors
  • there are some lightening errors somewhere in the level.. I think there was a ladder at a wall and it has a shadow that would estimate a lightsource inside the wall ^^
  • I think you should reset the enemies after the hero has been resetted. Or did I missed that and you run so fast that the enemies had no chance?
  • while fighting against 5 skeletons or so you fighted against one of them and the others werestill standing there... you should make your AI attack agressors in a group

I hope this will help you! I enjoyed watching this video (which is rare considered for gamestudio prototype videos), so I hope you will polish these prototype before giving it to your publisher.
Posted By: cartoon_baboon

Re: Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/11/07 16:38

This looks very promising. There were however a few things I didn't like:
- when you jump you are able to turn a full 180 degrees before landing which looks pretty ridiculous. I know people like having control while jumping but it should be limited to a certain extent.
- You mentioned you weren't an artist but it does look pretty strange all those bones exploding from the skeletons everytime you hit them. Rather turn that into bone splinters or dust or whatnot...
- Also the levels are looking pretty spartan at the moment.

Other than that it all seems to work really well and you've got a nice mix of fighting, running and jumping and puzzle solving going.

Keep up the good work.
Posted By: demiGod

Re: Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/11/07 16:48

Hey Ahriman, are you sure you made this demo with 3dgs? Just a joke..

Well, i must say this is really a very promising demo / game, i just saw it a loved it, maybe because i love greek mythology too.

Unfortanly we see here very few projects with the potential and quality of yours i am very happy that you came with this project using this game engine.

About the project i just can say this: its great !

So, the models are good, its animations are great i my opinion, also the movement / gravity programming are very very good. The physics seems to be fantastic.

The sounds and music are fine too and the fighting AI its not bad, but will need improvements of course.

I think you can improve the sword trail and you will need more / different enemies and improve the atmosphere of the game (level design).

At least you already have a good story, now you need to tell it in the game and improve the gameplay.

Keep it the good work and congratulations !
Posted By: EX Citer

Re: Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/11/07 17:08

Absolutely professional work. To tell if itīs good or bad I would need to play it.

The grafics and sounds are very good. I hope in the other levels are more plants and water. Otherwise it feels very dead.
The sounds are very good. If you had a team I would add some variations to the skeletons with some switchable random armor pieces and weapons (attached to a bone).

Now I donīt know anything about the concept of the game. I mean is it a serious "history" lesson or is it supposed to be funny? Because it looks like it is funny. I would keep it like that, because a serious greek action game is nothing new. If itīs cartoony like now (espacially the attack on medusa ) I like it very much and it makes the game interesting. Like duke nukem, I would be playing for the next gag. Some gags are bigger some are smaller. For example a small gag could be one liners, like "Wow, am I in the stone age here?!" or "These are some HARD GUYS!" or "YOU ROCK, GUYS!!!" or "Your fashion rocks!". "You look like you are stoned." would be funny aswell, but I am not sure if drug jokes wouldnīt redeem the sales.
Big gags could be simply by funny movements and actions, in cutscenes and in bossbattles, like in the beginning of the medusa battle.

You know my games sell because of sexy movements/scenes, god of war sells because of cruel movements/scenes and your game could sell because of funny stuff.

Well, what I want to say, you may planned to make a simply and serious good game. But you can do more, and that is what makes the difference. The concept.

EDIT: I forgot something important! The logo presentation of your company whatsoever. I am a german. And I donīt like if something is not correct.
If you call your company 3D HORIZON, and the logo title thing splash screen is animated, the logo HAS TO COME out of the horizon. Something like, first I see a white screen, then a HORIZONTAL black line is cutting through the screen. Then the name is "born" out of the horizont. And if itīs born out of a horizon it means:
- Horizon is a line which splitts something into two parts. Into a ground and into a sky.
- Horizon is something very far away
- so if the title is born out of the horizon,
1.) it must be clipped by the lower shape of the line, if itīs overlaying,
2.) and it has to be small and comming closer because itīs far away

Posted By: Ahriman

Re: Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/11/07 17:21

Lots of great feedback already thank you very much, I have learned so much from this community and have tried to give some back when I have been able to. Hopefully I will be able to continue this game and show the industry the kind of games that can be made with this engine, given the proper support and a team that will be able to follow through with my vision of this title.

Honestly in the video there are things that get seen that I wish would not be, there are multiple bugs in the prototype and a very bare enviornment this was not done intentionally I was just honestly out of time. The view distance with the fog is set so short because of the dynamic lighting using the A6 Engine for this build limited my use to 8 lights and you can even still see the lights popping on and off but it was worse when you could see much further without the fog.

For those that couldnt see the video because of the codec I have uploaded the same video with a different codec. Hero Of Olympus - Prototype Video

I wish I could add some of the changes you guys have mentioned but like I said I am out of time and am unable to continue the work without some kind of publisher support. I have sent this demo out to many publishers, a playable version along with the video and lots of business documents. Hopefully there will be a response and we can continue the work.
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/11/07 17:26


For those that couldnt see the video because of the codec I have uploaded the same video with a different codec. Hero Of Olympus - Prototype Video

Thanks for the link but I got your first video working, I've posted the comment on that one in my first post
Btw, I hope you're able to finishing this because this project has got alot of potential !!


Posted By: not_me

Re: Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/11/07 21:54

VEEEEEERY NICE! i enjoyed it...though the battles are too long.lol. it was fun to look at...its inspired me to keep working today...i was about to call it a day until i watched this.
Posted By: Ahriman

Re: Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/11/07 23:20

Thank you I am really excited that so many have enjoyed the video it gives me lots of hope for the title.

As for the combat couple of comments said it seemed slow, I can understand that. The final game will feature much more intense combat and will have more action. Being a first pass everything was pretty much rushed together but I am sure we can only get better from here.

Another idea that was in the works but didnt make it in here was a god-like ability, in which the game will feature many, where when activated would slow the game down almost to a complete stop and the player would then select enemies to attack in a sequence, once time resumed the sequence would then be executed attacking and finishing off enemies very quickly.

There are just so many ideas I have going for this title I wish I could show the entire Design Document I have for the game, but hopefully I will be able to share a very polished and finished title in 2008.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/12/07 00:21

It's very promising and I really like the overall style and it seems to be working gameplay-wise. Great work!

I do dislike this grunting voice that goes 'uuuuuuuurgh' or something, please o please remove that one, it's terribly annoying to hear (yes even for a place-holder sound )!!

Combat lacks a blocking ability with the shield I think? And personally I don't like games in which you get sort of knocked unconsciously when you're hit and you can't do anything. To get the combat more fluidly it's essential to get that right, for example the 'player-got-hit' animations should either be shorter or they shouldn't stun the player so much. You don't necessarily have to change this though, but personally I don't like it.

Apart from these two things, others have already mentioned the other things, like the emptiness of the level and lack of variation.

So far so good though, I'm looking forward to seeing more of this!!

Posted By: ShoreVietam

Re: Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/12/07 05:49

That's amazing, I don't have the time to watch it till the end now, but.. WOW!

Only two things for now:

I think the skeleton are losing too much bones..
Maybe let the lose ~4 to 8 bones on a hit and make the bone sprites darker so that they fit to the skeletons.

Maybe you could make the rotation smoother when pressing another direction key.
It can be only visually like I did in Dragonrise or like it is done in NWN.
The character moves to the desired direction an while he's doing that he rotates towards that direction (fast but not immediate, absolute movement neccessary, not relative)

Posted By: sPlKe

Re: Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/12/07 09:30


the game is promising. the animations and animation speed is way too slow, and the batteling systems seems a bit stale, but its a good start. the question is, if you want to keep that style.

i personally like it. i like stylish games. however, you migth get with the kiddy issue. if you dont care, keep this style and polish it to make it look really pretty. if you think you dont want it kiddy, change the style to a more realistic approach.

i personally wouldnt give a damn and perfect this style to make it look really stunning...

keep up your good work, its a promising title!
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/12/07 18:17


And you say it's a concept demo for simple indie makers : i don't have seen lot of such great concept games , even with 3DGS
you have some as cool things as God Of War on PS2 game , don't forget God Of War is 60-100 person , lot of 3D artists, 2-3 years to finish working full time.

But by putting your own originality you can demark fomr the PS2 game like a mini driving horse ride level or other original gameplay.

Anyway , great demo for a first shot ! Lot of potential and great commercial
game if you improve graphics, combos/powers in combat mode !!

-the lightening and texture look very flat, old style : try to bake 3D details
or use normal mapping shader , or baked stone specular lightening on walls ?

-same thing , the snakes don't seem to have great detailled textures, but perhaps your style game is between realistic/cartoon ?

another remark to improve your game :
-on the platforms put a detailled texture 'or it's cartoon style ??) ?

-Well diversified combat gameplay/strategie with ennemies would be better ,
like ennemies that could block hits some times,
also some combos and powers for ennemies and your heroe would be
necessary to avoid borring combat, not enought dynamic entairtaining ?

-More Dynamic/Strategic combat like Prince of persia or Zelda Zelda
were some attacks are better/necessary on some ennemies, jump attacks ,
attack avoid , throw can be added !!

Keep it up !
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/12/07 23:28

well i have to say i love it. I will probably watch it again once i get home, but there are some big things that need to be addressed, but those probably are going to be worked out in the final version, i realise that this is just an early prototype, thats what makes it so cool because most finished projects on this forum dont even look this good '_' anyways also as heelx said the fighting seems to need to be a little more intense right now it looks very basic, either speed it up, or add more technical stuff to it. great job.
Posted By: Ahriman

Re: Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/13/07 06:00

Wow I have to be honest I didn't expect such an overall postive opinion about the video, I have to thank you all for your opinions and suggestions they are very helpful and productive.

I am sure being that E3 is still ongoing I will not hear from any of the publishers for a couple weeks but I will keep you guys updated. I will continue to do what work I can for now and try to add most of the suggestions that have been mentioned without straying away from ideas in place already.

There are many talented developers in this forum and I have a lot of respect for you going after essentially the same goal as myself to live our dreams and make the games, after all the main goal here is to entertain and have fun.

Again if you have seen the video and would like to comment or have suggestions dont hesitate everyone's comments are not taken lightly and they are appreciated.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/13/07 08:33

Are you hiring at all? Or is this a lonewolf project?
Posted By: Ahriman

Re: Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/13/07 20:37

To answer your question yes we will be hiring soon, I will give more details on that when it comes time and if anyone is interested.

As far as the video my host has informed me that we have exceeded our bandwidth limit so I had to unfortunatley take the video down. For those who got to see it I hope you enjoyed the video, and saw the direction that this title is heading.

I will post more updates in this thread as development continues.
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Hero Of Olympus - Concept Demo - 07/13/07 22:19

Don't hesitate to show us new ennemies or NPC , or levels
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