Me262 Work in Process!

Posted By: hahn51

Me262 Work in Process! - 08/28/07 18:17


For an actual Project I've started to Build an Messerschmitt Me262 in 3D!

After 4 Hours Work here the firt pic! I think it looks good up to that point! And it have only 660 polygons^^ I'll update this thread when there's something new

Heres The picture:

So now please post your comments^^
Posted By: TSG_Torsten

Re: Me262 Work in Process! - 08/28/07 18:19

Looks nice so far! I'm interested how it looks like with textures, because there you've got often some problems
Can you tell more about this project?

Posted By: hahn51

Re: Me262 Work in Process! - 08/28/07 18:23


Yes... I Know^^ But i'll try to make the texture better than all i've done^^

Well it will be a very simple flight (simulation) simulation in brackets because it more a action game than a simulation!

I hope i could help you?
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Me262 Work in Process! - 08/28/07 20:35

Indeed, this looks quite nice and promising so far which is quite positive for the rest of your project


Posted By: Nems

Re: Me262 Work in Process! - 08/28/07 21:34

I like it, its the first jet plane ever isnt it? would make for a good game by itself as a flying game in a War2 that never ended maybe.
Posted By: hahn51

Re: Me262 Work in Process! - 08/29/07 18:55


After a loooooong time with Texturing..... The Jet is ready for the first "Flights"^^

Here a Picture!

I use the Normalmap and Shader from the Normal Map generator (TSGames)

so what do you think?
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Me262 Work in Process! - 08/29/07 19:09

The skinning is good but could be improved, it looks like you've used a 512X512 texture file because of the low resolution the texture radiates. Using a size of 1024X1024 for an object that will be the main model in your game is quite


Posted By: Slin

Re: Me262 Work in Process! - 08/29/07 19:48

It looks as if it is alredy destroyed with the shader... Create a better normalmap or please show how it looks without shader. And for my taste, the "body" could have some more vertices and faces.

Other than that it looks good so far
Posted By: VPrime

Re: Me262 Work in Process! - 09/03/07 03:25

normal maps make models look ugly 90% of the time...... why? because no one ever uses them correctly, dont just use them for the sake of using shaders.
the model itself is pretty decent, needs a new skin, and as I mentioned lose the shader.
Posted By: oldschoolj

Re: Me262 Work in Process! - 09/03/07 10:58

I'd have to agree, I think people are shader crazy. A good rule of thumb, if you can produce an game that looks excellent without the use of shaders, then you are ready to start using a shader. I wouldn't hide a poor skin, or model under a shader. Also, why use a normap, on something that isn't super-realistic, or in special need of a normalmap. I can't think of a game that ever used normals unless it was trying to achieve that ultra-realistic feel.

I like the plane model, but you definately need a new skin.
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