Eeewwww! Garbage Clean-up Campaign (w/ images)

Posted By: RruthH

Eeewwww! Garbage Clean-up Campaign (w/ images) - 10/19/07 13:06

Hey guys!

Here's my new game. It's called:

Do the math while maintaining the two communities by collecting garbage in a week. Follow the routine of the garbage truck in a day or render the service of your friendly metroaide for eight hours. Dig also the tips and facts in ecological waste management for protecting out Mother Earth.

Here are some screens:

I'll try to post a demo soon. Meanwhile I'll be fixing some bugs I've not yet solved..

C&Cs are welcome.

Posted By: ello

Re: Eeewwww! Garbage Clean-up Campaign (w/ images) - 10/19/07 13:19

sounds like fun!
Posted By: aztec

Re: Eeewwww! Garbage Clean-up Campaign (w/ images) - 10/19/07 13:46

also looks like fun great work
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: Eeewwww! Garbage Clean-up Campaign (w/ images) - 10/19/07 15:06

Great work! Wish you luck with the sales!

A small typo that I found and didn't want keep by myself!

"This panel hows how much..."

instead of

"This panel shows how much..."
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Eeewwww! Garbage Clean-up Campaign (w/ images) - 10/19/07 19:48

Nice and creative indeed, great FUN will be present for sure
Keep those games comming !!


Posted By: RruthH

Re: Eeewwww! Garbage Clean-up Campaign (w/ images) - 10/20/07 06:58

Thanks for the comment guys glad you liked it.

OMG! Didn't see that one O_O Thanks for pointing it out.
Posted By: Nems

Re: Eeewwww! Garbage Clean-up Campaign (w/ images) - 10/20/07 07:32

Coool looking game set there, brings back memories of monopoly and stuff
Your panels sets it all off too, another bonus for me.
Looks like a lot of fun to play.
Posted By: sPlKe

Re: Eeewwww! Garbage Clean-up Campaign (w/ images) - 10/20/07 11:23

now THATS a great game idea id support!
too bad the textures are so unsharp...
Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: Eeewwww! Garbage Clean-up Campaign (w/ images) - 10/20/07 12:19

Looks nice overall.. good job.
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: Eeewwww! Garbage Clean-up Campaign (w/ images) - 10/20/07 12:43

i would love to give that a go. an impressive level of completion.

Posted By: Joozey

Re: Eeewwww! Garbage Clean-up Campaign (w/ images) - 10/20/07 13:44

great job very original
Posted By: Error014

Re: Eeewwww! Garbage Clean-up Campaign (w/ images) - 10/20/07 13:49

Sharper textures, more exciting trees (as in, doesn't look like a + when seen from above) and shadows for the cars and all that would make it look nicer.

Other than that, it's an unique and interesting idea and its great to see the level of completion you're at. Plus, the town doesn't look bad as it is right now, with streets at angles other than 90°, it makes it looks more like your friendly neighbourhood and not so boring. Congratulations for that! Now, I'm curious as to how the gameplay holds up. It's hard to tell if its really fun!

So in summary, its good so far. Improve the few things mentioned and it will look even better!

Also: This thread is in desperate need of objections. And in case you don't know why, you deserve pity. PITY, you foolishly foolish fool! Man, I love that game.
Posted By: sPlKe

Re: Eeewwww! Garbage Clean-up Campaign (w/ images) - 10/20/07 15:59

Objection overruled-.-
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Eeewwww! Garbage Clean-up Campaign (w/ images) - 10/20/07 19:09

Just some words:
All people here should make lot of original games , not only
kill ennemies
Posted By: RruthH

Re: Eeewwww! Garbage Clean-up Campaign (w/ images) - 10/21/07 02:54

Thank you all for the feedback! Yes i wasn't that much contented with the trees. I'll try to change that (when i have time).cos the 'deadline's nearing' O_O. I'm still tweaking the gameplay mechanics, it still feels empty to me (that's why i haven't posted a demo yet ) My father was the one who gave me the idea. Then I designed it further and developed it in 3dgs. I started this project when I was still learning 3dgs, so this really is my 1st game EVER.
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