Mysty Mood - Water

Posted By: oldschoolj

Mysty Mood - Water - 02/23/08 22:02

Just wanted to show what I came up with for water using Mysty Moods. And say thanks to the makers because it has really improved my water.

Posted By: Slin

Re: Mysty Mood - Water - 02/23/08 22:11

The environment looks awsome, but the water seems to be the weakest part of the scene on the screenshot... .
(I am allowed to say that, since I am responsible for the water )
But I am glad that you like it
Posted By: Xarthor

Re: Mysty Mood - Water - 02/23/08 22:13

I do agree with slin.
Maybe you could add some (at least one) layer underneath the water surface to give it some more depth?
Or change the texture of that hill (in the front of the screenshot) when it hits the water.
Posted By: oldschoolj

Re: Mysty Mood - Water - 02/23/08 22:17

your right of course, i just happy to ahve some working water finnally. As far as the hill texture goes, I havnt finished mapping out the base of the hill yet. I do the vegetation first, and then decide what needs to be grass sand etc. I luv the water in Mysty Moods, and I plan on tweaking out to look perfect, I promise
Posted By: ISG

Re: Mysty Mood - Water - 02/23/08 22:17

I commented exactly what Xarthor said. If you do that, maybe add a little dirt to the terrain where water meets and another flat model underneath the water with like 60% transparency, to give it depth, it would look amazing (even more than it does now).
Posted By: Nems

Re: Mysty Mood - Water - 02/24/08 00:58

Looking good.

So whats the FPS like using this tool?

A trick I like to use is to create a model following the contours of the water line and place under the water (inverted model with upper surface facing up)and set its transparency to a value to give the depth I'm looking for and layer in animated fog sprites or models, maybe you could try something like that too.
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Mysty Mood - Water - 02/24/08 17:15

I reckon the water looks quite good but the environment does even look better, especially with the fog effect
I assume the water could have looked better if the picture was positioned from a different angle


So whats the FPS like using this tool?

Same question ^^

Thanks in progress

Posted By: oldschoolj

Re: Mysty Mood - Water - 02/24/08 19:11

I don't have any slow down with it.
Posted By: sPlKe

Re: Mysty Mood - Water - 02/25/08 03:22

do not EVER use a shoreline anywhere but the sea.

in real life, there is no shoreline except at the sea. onyl if the wind blows really hard, you have a little shoreline. a wild river of course has one aswell, but a lake never has a shoreline, especially not such a huge one...

check this out:
Posted By: oldschoolj

Re: Mysty Mood - Water - 02/25/08 03:57

in life yes there is no shorline, but I like the effect so I think I'll leave it in. I'm not trying to achieve realism or I would definately take it out
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Mysty Mood - Water - 02/25/08 19:34


I don't have any slow down with it.

Good to hear


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