Futuristic Texture Pack, Great With Shaders

Posted By: JakeL

Futuristic Texture Pack, Great With Shaders - 11/11/08 16:47

Hey everyone.

I just finished a new texture pack. It is good for futuristic interiors of things like spacecraft, space stations, or mining outposts.

It is a relatively advanced pack with most textures including a grey-scale height map, gloss map, and normal map. The color maps without shaders also are effective.

If you want more details just check out my site in the signature. If you are interested in buying go here .

Now for some screens. All are rendered in A7. The first few are rendered with parallax mapping. Then, there are some with just the color maps.

Thanks for taking a look.

Posted By: JakeL

Re: Futuristic Texture Pack, Great With Shaders - 11/11/08 16:51

Ok, so here are more shots. These are close-ups of individual textures with parallax mapping, rendered in A7.

Posted By: JakeL

Re: Futuristic Texture Pack, Great With Shaders - 11/16/08 17:33

Wow, I'm surprised that there are no comments.

Should I have put this in "User Contributions"? If so, could someone move it for me, or delete it and I can start a new post?

In any case here are some more shots so it doesn't seem like a shameless bump.

Posted By: jigalypuff

Re: Futuristic Texture Pack, Great With Shaders - 11/16/08 18:48

it is a shameless bump smile but worth it, really good work man, i wish to god i could texture like that, do you know of any decent tuts to help me along?
Posted By: JakeL

Re: Futuristic Texture Pack, Great With Shaders - 11/16/08 19:13

Thanks Jigalypuff. I was starting to think I was invisible.

As for tuts, I didn't really find much online -outside the random offset tut, but I did read a couple of books. And I’ve made a lot of textures. The more you make the better you get.

3D Game Textures - Luke Adhearn
The Dark Side of Game Texturing - David Franson

The books don't really show how to make anything spectacular, but they do give a lot of really great ideas.

I have found that understanding how to use and mix layers in Photoshop is essential. Using inner and outer glow for gradients in Photoshop is a good way to make height maps.

If my 3d business is ever stable enough to allow for some free time, I'll write some tuts.
Posted By: Roel

Re: Futuristic Texture Pack, Great With Shaders - 11/21/08 15:27

what programs do you use for making textures? photoshop?
personally I think Mapzone is a great one, you can create nice textures with it
Posted By: JakeL

Re: Futuristic Texture Pack, Great With Shaders - 11/21/08 16:11

I strictly used photoshop for these, and use it the most.

I have also played around with texture maker and genetica, both procedural generators.

Thanks for the MaPZone tip! Looks pretty cool I'll check it out.
Posted By: Helghast

Re: Futuristic Texture Pack, Great With Shaders - 11/22/08 09:17

maybe you should see it as a comment hardly anyone posts wink
great job, first off, really like it, only constructive criticism i can give;

the scratches look too generic, dont know really what's up with the,, they just look wrong at some places (either too big... i dunno) might wanna change that.
also, when scratches are applied, most of the time "weathering" is visible as well, the edges should be a bit torn as well...

anyway, getting back to my first statement, a LOT of great projects on these boards dont get the attention they need to, while beginners end up with a topic that reaches on and on with hatefull spam messages (ask error014, he'll confirm :P). anyway, that kinda ended up as a rent.. not my intention, sorry for the OT.

I have the luke adhearns tutorial book as well, must be said, really like it, can recommend it to a lot of other people out there as well!

again, good job, keep it up!

Posted By: JakeL

Re: Futuristic Texture Pack, Great With Shaders - 11/22/08 17:46

Thanks Helgast.

Note 1: There is a version of the textures that is more weathered. I just showed the clean version in this post.

Note 2: I too have noticed a major change in these boards. First, there aren't nearly as many people, maybe half I'd say. Second, while before it seemed like everyone was overly nice with their crits (maybe due to the old star system), now people only seem to post if they have something negative to say.
Posted By: jigalypuff

Re: Futuristic Texture Pack, Great With Shaders - 11/22/08 18:33

well i bought the dark side of game texturing, excellent book mate thanks for pointing me in it`s direction smile I`d have to agree with you about the way a lot of people are being very negative on the boards recently, which is a shame as i used to think it was one of the more friendly forums i visit.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Futuristic Texture Pack, Great With Shaders - 11/23/08 22:29

they look great, my only comment is that they look a little too bright to be metal. metal in general (with the exception of aluminum and some others) usually has a dark backing and only appears bright with moving bright light reflections. they do like nice though.
Posted By: Dante_Scott

Re: Futuristic Texture Pack, Great With Shaders - 11/23/08 22:45

What shaders are you using for the lights.

Posted By: JakeL

Re: Futuristic Texture Pack, Great With Shaders - 11/24/08 04:03

they look a little too bright to be metal. metal in general (with the exception of aluminum and some others) usually has a dark backing and only appears bright with moving bright light reflections

I get your point. I wanted it to look clean and bright for the clean versions of the textures, so it was more based on the look I wanted (art direction) than realism. The grungier versions are darker. I didn't want them to look like Doom. One thing to note though is that the base materials for the textures were all created from photo material, steel mostly. It's not really true that metal in general has a darker backing, it mostly depends on corrosion and the level of polish applied to the metal. Polished steel is a great example.

I'm just using some parallax shader from AUM, sorry can't remember the number off hand, one of the newer ones. I think its Slins submission, but I could be wrong.
Posted By: JakeL

Re: Futuristic Texture Pack, Great With Shaders - 11/24/08 04:17

I've talked alot about the grungier versions, so I decided to share a shot. This is just flat shaded though. I might put together a parallax version sample shot of the grungier textures if I have time. Note: there is already a grungy version of each texture included in the pack. I just showed clean versions because I liked them more.

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