Chances, a boardgame project

Posted By: Nomad

Chances, a boardgame project - 04/06/09 20:04

Ive been with GS for over 5 years off and on and never got into it full on due to difficulties I have with programming. Have also produced work for companies still in business and no longer in business within the industry so am familiar with basic game dev concepts.

So I thought I'd start a little board game inspired by my mate and based loosly around games like snakes and ladders, monopoly etc in that some elements used buy them are used here too.

Format is intended to be a 'Casual Game' played from within a browser and 'turn based'.

Currently I have a basic level (wmb)with camera code from Grimbar and scripts from AUM plus users like Tompo, slin etc who provided great material to learn from (as well as all others who I cant remeber off hand).

Development is about 15%
Programming is C-script//I'm familiar with it
Engine is A7, latest update, commercial license

Lite C conversion is of course inevitible.

Code base begins with normal parameters for opening engine and displaying elements.
1. Click and go style works great for now
2. Shadows are currently a big problem (wmb level, does that matter?)
3. Camera code scrolls view with both mouse and cur keys
4. Environment is currently a black space with a board and a sun.
5. Multiplayer is expected to be 4 at most but 2 as default

Dice determines moves per player.
Currently player avatar walks to destination but did have it just teleporting without effects which would be standard for the game (walk or tele)

While I have many ideas and approaches to take, the project has only just begun and will probably evolve to something I personally wouldnt mind playing, even though I'm and FPS freak smile

Screens and proto's to follow, prob in another day or 2.
Posted By: Inestical

Re: Chances, a boardgame project - 04/06/09 21:57

Screenshots. We need them.
Posted By: Nomad

Re: Chances, a boardgame project - 04/07/09 00:29

Yes, screenshots indeed :)Cant get images to show!
The original idea is from Nems (I stay at his place when I'm in NZ) and shows the basic plan as it emerged from hothousing.

As can be seen, the original idea was heading to a side scroller type game (can still work but wouldnt be a board game then and would be too complex)but I have reverted to the classic cam2 perspective.
Thinking great thoughts, the board was to have incorporated individual images per tile (where actions were to happen)


but then the file size got too big due to the graphics so had tp go back to a basic tile image and add the effects later..

The smaller images on this texture are ment to be decals or sprites which perform functions depending on what tile was occupied.

Some other individual textures (no longer using them)...

More to follow of the game window and some elements.
Posted By: DC9

Re: Chances, a boardgame project - 04/07/09 01:40

Nice looking Nomad.

The concept is solid and having active, bright coloured sprites for tiles would be great. Have you considered the type of player avatars to use?
Posted By: Nomad

Re: Chances, a boardgame project - 04/07/09 03:57

Thanks DC9, good encouragement.
The tiles may be reverted at a later stage when I have seen what the size would equate to.
As its intended for broqswer play I'd like to get the basics done then see if I can beef it up after.

Currently (screens to follow shortly) the players are inspired by flatlander and stick type human figures but havnt animated them yet so using cbabes in the interim.

Thought of a few possibilities like normal counters which morph to flying or tele creatures based upon what id already accepted as flying or teleporting type entities smile
Still, nothing is yet firm as the proto still has a way to go yet.
Posted By: Nomad

Re: Chances, a boardgame project - 04/07/09 04:39

Some character proto's for the 'counters' typicle of board games.

A flatlander citizen and a stickman gallery shots

The flatman

Joe, based on stick figure

Thats all for now...
Posted By: Cowabanga

Re: Chances, a boardgame project - 04/07/09 12:20

Seriously, it's simply awesome! smile
Posted By: KiwiBoy

Re: Chances, a boardgame project - 04/20/09 21:26

Hey Nomad, I made it smile
Still trying to get the click scrpts going but dont know enough yet.
Can pick up player with mouse only if general conditions exist but have yet to make it specific.
Got the base level main, all going well but the concept is still alittle murkey for me smile
Why not a flat board with seperate blocks for the tiles? A bit more interesting and able to soup it up a lot more than current concept.
Wheres Nems?

Heres a sqizz

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