
Posted By: BastovBros

Biplanes - 11/21/09 18:03

Hi guys, nearly 2 months ago we started our work on a plane-sim project. It is in the very beginning, much work is still to be done, especially taking into account that we do not have a good programmer or artist. That's why we create the game and learn a lot at the same time. Here is a small video and some screenshots of what w've already accomplished.
We have a series of bugs, like the trees having black polygones, some camera bugs, the smoke bug(smoke particle too big, solved already, though still present in the video), etc.... The controls are supposed to be similar to the Combat Wings mouse controls, so the plane is controlled with a mouse.
OK, here's the video:
Here are some screens of the models used in the game:

The work on the project is very slow, since we have to learn a lot, both in 3dgs and other software used.
Posted By: BastovBros

Re: Biplanes - 11/21/09 18:04

Oops, forgot to say, the models do not have texture, because all team members suck at texturing laugh
Posted By: Cowabanga

Re: Biplanes - 11/21/09 18:05

Those models are amazing, which program are you using?
And texturing isn't that hard (?).
Posted By: BastovBros

Re: Biplanes - 11/21/09 18:11

I use an old version of 3ds max, but it is enough for modelling and I like it much more than 3dgs MED. And texturing... I can create simple textures but have problems with advanced textures, for example creating pretty looking pleats, hair, etc.... I would like to try using a graphic tablet, thoough unfortunately I don't have one.
Posted By: darkinferno

Re: Biplanes - 11/22/09 03:37

the camera is rolling way too much, kinda daunting for me, other than that the movement looks smooth, wont say much on the models, am sure their great but am more interested in the coding/gameplay aspect

Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: Biplanes - 11/22/09 11:14

Looking very cool! To darkinferno: I'm sure it's very important that the camera rolls that much, since the plane goes just about upside-down, is controlled primarily by rolling and tilting (as opposed to spinning around its z-axis), and while I totally agree that it appears "daunting", that works really well with the idea of trying to control a small plane. Although I can totally understand that it might turn some off tongue

But yeah it looks like a lot of fun.

Posted By: sPlKe

Re: Biplanes - 11/22/09 17:39

now look, there is someone who actually knows what style means. im interested, ill keep an eye on that.
Posted By: ratchet

Re: Biplanes - 11/23/09 00:52

Reminds me BattleField Heroes !
I like a lot the models and the cartoon look of the pilot laugh

I hope to see some level as colorfull as in BattleField Heroes.

Keep it up.
Posted By: Blink

Re: Biplanes - 11/23/09 01:34

i like the style, and the flying is cool, i really like the models, i cant wait to see them once you painted them.
Posted By: BastovBros

Re: Biplanes - 11/23/09 08:11

Thank you all for your replies.
To darkinferno, I'll take the "daunting rolling" into account and try to fix it a bit.
To Blink, I am currently working on the character animations to put it eventually in the game, the texturing will come later, though as I have already said, I am not that good in texturing.
Posted By: Roel

Re: Biplanes - 12/03/09 09:40

The models look good, and the game looks good so far.
I hope you will give the models some cartoonish look.
you can just use plain colors for some models, simple textures, and you can even add baked ambient occlusion to the textures. this is not too hard, but I don't know if an old 3ds max supports this.
for some graphical styles this might already be enough.
Posted By: BastovBros

Re: Biplanes - 12/16/09 09:52

A small update. I would rather post a video here, but I cannot upload it on youtube or vimeo (don't know why, tested all accepted formats, only 2 minutes long and 31 mb). So here are some screenshots, which show the basic improvements:
Added basic colors to the player, it's not a final texture. The character has walking and standing animations (though I don'l like the walking anim, so it's gonna be changed), the player sits in the plane:

There is a catapult, so the player can "jump out from the plane", and the parachute script, though it shows only movement, no parachute or animations yet:

To do list:
- the animations for walking , falling, parachute
- parachute itself
- the "caboom" effect, well..... the explosion when the plane falls on the ground
- texturing......
Posted By: CetiLiteC

Re: Biplanes - 12/17/09 14:23

laugh I like it so far..
The graphic style looks like Battlefield Heroes grin
Posted By: msmith2468

Re: Biplanes - 12/24/09 19:24

it looks great
i like the idea of being able to jump from the plane
and being able to walk around
Posted By: Blink

Re: Biplanes - 12/25/09 02:50

i like the style a lot. good luck!
Posted By: BastovBros

Re: Biplanes - 01/29/10 14:28

parachute added, a lot of code was rewritten for some purposes....thus not that much progress....
the parachute looks a bit awkward, because the arc is a bit exaggerated...still trying to find the better view...
Posted By: darkinferno

Re: Biplanes - 01/29/10 15:31

looks good, just work on the transitions between modes
Posted By: ratchet

Re: Biplanes - 01/30/10 20:52

Clean and beautifull laugh

Like Mario Galaxy, some simple but very effective textures and good models.
Posted By: BastovBros

Re: Biplanes - 01/30/10 22:18

emm..well, these are far from being the textures that I want laugh I just colored the guy in flat colors...
Posted By: ratchet

Re: Biplanes - 02/01/10 16:17

Ok i thought it was painted simple textures.
But the overall simple colors and all objects looks already great together.
Posted By: Widi

Re: Biplanes - 02/01/10 16:59

Yes, the colors are great, i like it.
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