Garage Quake 2 Site (advances, pics and videos)

Posted By: Erick_Castro

Garage Quake 2 Site (advances, pics and videos) - 01/15/10 22:01

In my site a have created a page only for show my Garage-Quake2 advances. Visit and see pics and videos of my project.
Soon you can download textures, sounds and models of Quake2 , i am working for that.

This is the link

This is the video with the new advances:
Posted By: PigHunter

Re: Garage Quake 2 Site (advances, pics and videos) - 01/16/10 05:50

Looking good. Did you make the level yourself?
Posted By: MTD

Re: Garage Quake 2 Site (advances, pics and videos) - 01/16/10 10:16

This looks good.
Will the game have multilayer game mode?

Keep up the good work. wink
Posted By: Erick_Castro

Re: Garage Quake 2 Site (advances, pics and videos) - 01/16/10 14:10

PigHunter, hello friend, yes, i am designing the level by my self. Soon i will give you in the Garage quake 2 page the WAD textures. They are converted to
256 X 256 TGA format.

Posted By: Erick_Castro

Re: Garage Quake 2 Site (advances, pics and videos) - 01/16/10 14:17

MTD, hello friend. You wrote "multilayer" i think you mean multiplayer... for now, only in my dreams , friend, but it is a great idea, i will start to study that posibility.

Posted By: Redeemer

Re: Garage Quake 2 Site (advances, pics and videos) - 01/16/10 16:30

Nice level.

BTW: how come the enemies can see you through walls?
And why does your shotgun only shoot one pellet at a time?
Posted By: Erick_Castro

Re: Garage Quake 2 Site (advances, pics and videos) - 01/16/10 17:41

Thanks, Redeemer. I only use vec_dist to detect the player distance and activate the Attack or run mode of the enemy, ignoring walls . I have to fix it using c_trace to activate the enemy only when the player is visible for him. Or mix some options using distance and visibility, etcetera.

About the second questions , for now , it is shooting only one pellet.
The answer is that i dont know, for now, how to shoot more than one pellet at a time laugh

I am beginning , and i know i have to improve it. In this momment i am concentrated in the enemies AI and fixing buggs.

Posted By: Redeemer

Re: Garage Quake 2 Site (advances, pics and videos) - 01/16/10 18:14

Thanks, Redeemer. I only use vec_dist to detect the player distance and activate the Attack or run mode of the enemy, ignoring walls . I have to fix it using c_trace to activate the enemy only when the player is visible for him. Or mix some options using distance and visibility, etcetera.

I use c_scan() to check if the player can be detected. If the enemy detects the player, I then use c_trace(). If nothing is in the way, then the enemy starts attacking the player. Like this:

function enemy_event
  if( event_type == event_detect ) // I detected an entity with c_scan
    if( your == player ) // the entity I detected is "player"
      c_trace( my.x, player.x, ignore_passable+ignore_me ); // trace a line to "player"
      if( your == player ) // the object hit by c_trace is the player (not a wall, other entity, etc.)
        beep; // signify that I have seen the player
        my.flag1 = on; // so I don't "beep" again

action enemy
  my.enable_detect = on; // so I can see the player
  my.event = enemy_event;

  while(my) // while I exist
    if( my.flag1 == off ) // I haven't seen the player yet
      c_scan( my.x, my.pan, vector( 160, 0, 2000 ), ignore_me+scan_ents ); // scan for the player


This example uses C-Script, so you would have to convert it to lite-C to use it; but I think you understand wink

About the second questions , for now , it is shooting only one pellet.
The answer is that i dont know, for now, how to shoot more than one pellet at a time

Use a "for" loop to fire more than one pellet at a time. Your weapons also shouldn't always be perfectly accurate; use random() to mess up the aiming trajectory a little bit.

Keep up the good work, this is getting pretty good laugh
Posted By: Erick_Castro

Re: Garage Quake 2 Site (advances, pics and videos) - 01/16/10 20:50

Redeemer , your help and ideas are welcome , friend. Thanks for your code. I will to adapt it to my code.

Posted By: the_clown

Re: Garage Quake 2 Site (advances, pics and videos) - 01/17/10 14:47

Nice site, nice progress...
And I even understand the text on it. grin
Seems like my Spain isnt this bad afterall...
What I noticed is that the shotgun looks a bit small, maybe try to positionate it closer to the camera so it looks bigger. I know its retro style, but it could be a bit closer tough.
I tough love the level that can be seen on the pictures, looks very retro, very cool. Keep that up. grin
Posted By: Erick_Castro

Re: Garage Quake 2 Site (advances, pics and videos) - 01/17/10 16:02

the_clown, thanks,you are right , i have to scale the size of the wheapon.
My challenge is to make a complete garage version of quake 2 . I have to work hard programming 12 enemies and different weapons. For now, i am concentrated in AI.

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