Asteroids 3D V0.3

Posted By: Schubido

Asteroids 3D V0.3 - 03/13/11 17:49

This is now version 0.3 of my newbie project. I moved it to "Projects" to leave the "Showcase" area to more advanced games with exciting visual effects and shaders.
The project is a kind of family project. My children did most of the model stuff.

I'm still looking for a better name. "Asteroids 3D" does IMHO not fit, because gameplay is different to the classic Asteroid game. I'm thinking about names like "Otheroids" or "Odd Satellites" - any good idea is wellcome.

The Story

Technical advanced aliens threaten earth. For human it is essential to explore their technology.
Your mission is to steel as much as possible of the hi tech but strange looking satellites from the orbit of several planets. A bunch of asteroids and some hostile drones endanger this job.

The Game

You can collect satellites (the funny items) by flying through. You can also shoot at the items to get points - but these items are not counted as collected. To finish a level you need to collect the given (mostly 10 or 5) number of satellites within the time period. Avoid the asteroids and be aware of the drones - if they shoot at you its recommended to change your speed or direction.
If you shoot at asteroids they are bouncing a bit and change their rotation. This can be helpful to collect items from the hole of a "donut-asteroid".
Special items (watch and rocket) give extra time for finishing the level or additional live.
Every 5th level is a bonus level. there are no enemies and no asteroids. These levels are just for fun and collecting points.
Important to mention: your space ship is remote controlled - so you are save and you can't die in this game.


The best way to control the game is a 3 axis joystick with speed lever and fire button.

Arrow keys rotate the ship
Pos1/PgUp roll the ship
<Space> increase speed
<B> slow down
<V> or <Shift> shoot
alternative to arrow keys the letters waszqe can be used

Camera positions can be switched with keys 1-4

Have fun! (My 12 year old son made it up to level 24 and ~40.000 points during testing - LPF reached Level 38)
Asteroids 3D download

Since spring is coming, I will have less time for this indoor hobby. Also I'm not in the mood to do the boring stuff (menues, configuration, highscore, ...)
So I put the sourcecode just as it is (no cleanup) here and you can use it for any purpose.
Asteroids Sourcecode

Updated Level.dat 2011/03/20 14:00
There was an error in level 38 (too big planet), this is corrected in the actual download, to fix former downloads replace this : Updated Level.dat

Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: Asteroids 3D V0.3 - 03/13/11 18:10

I think it is better to post the updates of a given game in the initial thread, to show how everything evolved.
Personally, I would like to know what is different of this version against the first one. laugh
Posted By: Schubido

Re: Asteroids 3D V0.3 - 03/13/11 19:30

I fully agree, but I had no better idea to move it to the proper forum.

If someone is interested in the history:

V01 (download)
Introduced the major part of the gameplay

V02 (download)
Light effects added (sun, spotlight)
Placing Items in "donut asteroids" was added
Some additional config parameters for levels were introduced
And shooting was implemented after I got the feedback that this would be fun

Since shooting without enemy is a bit useless, 3 kinds of drones with different behaviour were added

Posted By: TheShooter

Re: Asteroids 3D V0.3 - 03/13/11 19:39

nice work wink It is funny wink
Posted By: LPF

Re: Asteroids 3D V0.3 - 03/19/11 11:50

ich schiess zurzeit mit super-mario-bob-ombs und fliege mit der 3rd person enterprise (3rd person modell in "ship" umbenennen und man kann mit einer 3rd person enterprise im ego-modus fliegen)

und in mediafire auf "3dupdated&animated" sind auch die anderen modelle animiert (-> ich habe in animated.dat alle nullen durch fünfer ersetzt und es hat dann doch noch gefunzt)
voll lustig... die blume verliert ihre blätter, eis und blumenvase fallen auseinander und setzen sich wieder zusammen, die ente wird zusammengedrückt und macht dabei den mund auf, was das schwein macht weiss ich nicht mehr und das waveboard wedelt laugh
Posted By: Schubido

Re: Asteroids 3D V0.3 - 03/19/11 12:23

Ah - das waren zwei Files, habs jetzt : witzig!!
Mit diesen Daten in Animation.dat funkts:
.5 3 .5 5 .5 5 3 .5 .7 0 3 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Posted By: LPF

Re: Asteroids 3D V0.3 - 03/19/11 13:36

wie postest du screenshots?

(ich hab da einen schönen den ich dir gern zeigen würde :D)


das rot eingekreiste sind die bob-ombs von oben!!!!!!

[img][img:][/img] Uploaded with[/img]

soweit ich weiss musst du den link kopieren und bei dir in die browserzeile eintergen, sonst kommt ein fehler

Posted By: Schubido

Re: Asteroids 3D V0.3 - 03/19/11 14:18

Das Bild muss online verfügbar sein http://...., dann kann es mit dem Button "Enter an Image" eingefügt werden.
Posted By: Schubido

Re: Asteroids 3D V0.3 - 03/20/11 12:11

So gehts ...
Bei ImsgsShack "Dieses Bild einbetten" auswählen und die Url aus "Alt-Forum" kopieren und zwischen [ img] und [ /img] (ohne spaces) einbetten.

[ img][ /img]
Posted By: LPF

Re: Asteroids 3D V0.3 - 03/20/11 12:15

bei mir kommt nur der link frown

aber sieht doch nict schlecht aus oder?

bin gestern bis level 38 gekommen grin

da war so'n riesen planet in dem die meteoriten drin waren

=>57525 punkte!!!

wie viele level gibt es überhaupt?

Posted By: Schubido

Re: Asteroids 3D V0.3 - 03/20/11 12:33

Sieht witzig aus - die Photonen hast Du damit ersetzt?
Ist allerdings wieder so ein Copyright Ding - ich glaub nicht, dass man die Mario Bomben so einfach verwenden darf ...

Ich hab im vorigen Post noch den Link im Klartext ergänzt - ist ein anderer, als Du verwendet hast!! Bzw. ist die Syntax anders. Bei "[img][img:http://..." ist ein "img" zu viel. Versuchs nochmal - klappt sicher wink

Level 38 !?! Mist, Du bist uns voraus - haben heute eine kleine Aufholjagd gestartet, aber nur bis 26 gekommen.
Naja, bis zum Ende ists noch ein Stückchen - 99 Level gibt es grin

Riesen Planet mit Meteoriten drin?? Das ist ein Fehler - habs schon gesehen, Vergrößerungsfaktor 21 statt 12 in Level.dat - das werd ich korrigieren.
Posted By: Schubido

Re: Asteroids 3D V0.3 - 03/20/11 16:31

Sourcecode added

Since spring is coming, I will have less time for this indoor hobby. Also I'm not in the mood to do the boring stuff (menues, configuration, highscore, ...)
So I put the sourcecode just as it is (no cleanup) here and you can use it for any purpose.
Asteroids3d Sourcecode
Posted By: LPF

Re: Asteroids 3D V0.3 - 03/22/11 15:04

das ist unfair daran bin ich gescheitert (ich hatte 7 raketen und bin ständig gegen den planeten geflogen => voll in irgendwelche meteoriten rein crazy)
Posted By: Schubido

Re: Asteroids 3D V0.3 - 03/22/11 22:19

7 Raketen in Level 38?? Wie machst du das???
Naja, da kam der Bug gerade recht - irgendwie muss man Dich ja einbremsen.
Posted By: Schubido

Re: Asteroids 3D V0.3 - 03/27/11 12:51

Some advertising ... blush

collect ...

... fight ...

... and survive!

Posted By: Schubido

Re: Asteroids 3D V0.3 - 04/16/11 17:40

Update - some additional ressources ...

Setup of levels and configuration can now be done with "Open Office Calc"
Download Config.ods

Download Asteroids 3D Collector Windows Installer

View Youtube video of game
Posted By: 3run

Re: Asteroids 3D V0.3 - 04/16/11 17:43

Looks awesome dude laugh
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