Intense X - Resurrection

Posted By: alibaba

Intense X - Resurrection - 06/18/12 12:19

So this is the project i was working on the last months. And i hopefully was succesful. To confirm this i need your help. Please test this testlevel and tell me if it crashes for you laugh

PS: You are not allowed to use anything in this project.

Thanks in advance! laugh

For those of you who donŽt know what IntenseX is:
IntenseX is a GameStudio plugin that makes creating games easier and more efficient. It is aimed to overcome several showstopper issues such as the need for advanced AI, pathfinding and such, and also makes it possible to create entire games without writing a single line of code.

For more Information look for AUM69 and AUM62 laugh

BTW: Thanks for Aris Kostakos! He made this possible laugh
Posted By: MasterQ32

Re: Intense X - Resurrection - 06/18/12 12:52

crash after killing an agent (it's the first agent inside again (first level, you go outside, kill all agents, go inside and kill the agent who is there))
Posted By: ratchet

Re: Intense X - Resurrection - 06/18/12 18:57

How to download it ?
After clicking on the link, we got to that page :

And there are lot of links to click , no way to get the final link frown

Can't you put another better uploader ?
Posted By: PadMalcom

Re: Intense X - Resurrection - 06/18/12 19:32

Click on "request download ticket" and you can download the file. Welcome to the internet! wink
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Intense X - Resurrection - 06/18/12 20:27

works good for me, except every other agent doesnt have a dying animation...
Posted By: 3run

Re: Intense X - Resurrection - 06/18/12 21:07

Same for me, works good, but slow (maybe caused by my old PC). Some times agents don't play dying animations.
Posted By: alibaba

Re: Intense X - Resurrection - 06/18/12 21:10

Hmm... okay, iŽll look into that dying thing.
Thanks for testing laugh
Posted By: alibaba

Re: Intense X - Resurrection - 06/26/12 21:02

Okay dear people, i think i solved that laugh
IŽll continue working on this in the summer holidays.
For those of you who missed playing the first techdemo of IntenseX, here it is, MotherŽs Den! laugh
Posted By: laugheazy

Re: Intense X - Resurrection - 09/21/12 00:12

Please don't resurrect this. I was one of the ones who fell for this and purchased the last intense X. You left, or the original developer left many users who paid for it empty handed with a very broken tool, and even more empty promises. With a price tag of around 50$ or more I think it was there should have been something there, I still have the original receipt.

The website and forums got ignored, many promises and fixes were ignored, then the website and everything closed. No warning, no I'll be back, just abandonment. Of course all the videos, to include the mothers den deal looked good then too. Good luck.
Posted By: 3run

Re: Intense X - Resurrection - 09/21/12 06:12

Actually he isn't the one who left YOU or other users as well. alibaba has nothing to do with original IntenceX and with the money you've paid for it in the time back then. Creator of the IntenceX (LarryLaffer) went to the army, so that's why everything was dead for the moment that he was there. But even before he went to the Army, he felt that IntenceX is going to die, cause of the engine bug.
Originally Posted By: LarryLaffer
To be completely honest with you, I'm not sure I want to continue working on Intense X. The real problem is this engine. It's not that it's a bad engine, and it's definitely worth it's money, but there are times that you spend so much time on things that should be easy to create. Mainly I'm referring to the bug that killed Intense X before I went to the army and delayed the release of Silver and Gold for about a year or two. Jcl was very helpful at the time, but obviously he couldn't examine the entire code I've written to pin-point the bug and the engine didn't made it easy to locate it either.
Then he said, that he would share the source code of his great plugin with anyone who will try to develop it farther.
Originally Posted By: LarryLaffer
I'll soon upload..everything.. You could either rip code snippets that suit your game or try to continue the project. Here's some videos of most Intense X features that have already been developed, if you can manage to work through foreign code and find them. I know it's not easy though, I hate working on other's code because I'll have to spent half the time to get in his 'way of thinking', but if you're up to it I'll do my best to help out when I can.

For anyone interested in developing Intense X further, please find me on skype at: "llaffer" or on msn at: "". or you can send me an e-mail at a.kostakos AT . I have an ftp account now, I could upload you everything you need to work with..
So I see no point in you words ("Please don't resurrect this."), cause it would be really great to have such tool around here. I don't know yet, but if it's going to be published for free (and I hope it will), it's going to be a great support for the GS beginner users. We should support alibaba in developing this, at least by testing it, but not by telling him such stuff as "do not develop this evil project"..

Here is the original forum:
Intense X's future
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