"2d" shooter

Posted By: Gurke

"2d" shooter - 06/18/06 10:10

I worked on this project for about four weeks and I have to confess that I haven`t nearly reached in this time what I wanted to reach so please notice that neither models nor other 2d-graphics are final.

The project working title is "p.i. (private investigator) storys" what realy sounds strange so I will think about it in the next few weeks (I`m realy happy about any suggestions^^).
The game is suppost to have a cartoon look just like all these marvel comics so I kept everything in black and white colours.
Like in the movie/comic "sin city" I only coloured things that are suppost to get your attention.
Like in Max Payne the story is told in comic strips that appear between level changes.

The story is realy simple and I don`t expect a WOW - effect so here is only a realy short version:
The hero, a private investigator, has a new "customer" who wants him to get as much informations about some person as possible.
This sounds like an easy job so he accepts.
But the person he observes gets shot.
Now he trys to find out more about the killers.

What is a 360° shooter?
Well... a 360° shooter is a game where you are able to shoot and aim with your mouse in 360° around the player.

One side note:
I got inspired by one of those 360° shooters on newgrounds so the graphics realy look like in one of those games (I`m searching for the link).
So I will have to change the player graphics realy soon.

Ich arbeite erst vier Wochen an diesem Projekt und muss zugeben, dass ich nichts von dem das ich mir vorgenommen habe erreicht habe.
Ich bitte Sie daher zu beachten, dass weder Models noch andere Grafiken final sind.

Das Projekt das ich Ihnen nun vorstelle trägt den Titel „P.I. (Privat Detektiv) storys“ . Ich weiß das der Titel nach nichts klingt, daher suche ich im Moment noch nach einem neuen Namen.
Ich habe mich bemüht dem Spiel einen Comic-look zu verpassen, wie man ihn aus den Marvel comcis kennt. Daher ist das Spiel in schwar und weiß gehalten.
Wichtige Objekten habe ich dennoch wie in Sin City ein wenig Farbe verpasst.
Wie in Max Payne wird die simple Geschichte i Form von Comic-Strips zwischen den Missionen weiter erzählt.

Die Geschichte:
Die Geschichte ist relativ simpel, also fasse ich mich kurz:
Der Held, ein Privat Detektiv, bekommt den Auftrag eine Person zu beschatten.
Als diese Zielperson jedoch während eines Kampfes erschossen wird, versucht der Held auf eigene Faust mehr über die Mörder i Erfahrung zu bringen.

Was ist das für ein Spiel?
Das Spiel ist ein 360° shooter, bei dem man mit der Maus rund um den Spieler herum zielen und schiessen kann.
Der Rest ist aus allen anderen 2d-sidescrollern bekannt.

Die verwendeten Grafiken sind nicht 100% meinem Kopf entsprungen (inspiriert von 360° shootern von Newgrounds), daher werde ich so schnell wie möglich ein neues Design für die Spielfiguren entwerfen.


If the screens wont show up please copy and paste the links in the addresbar.

Screenshot made by one of my "alphatesters"^^...

I`m still working on a better A.I.

The sword has two "attack modes".




This is a screenshot from my "Hero-Editor" that may be included in the final game. (YAY! It`s Groucho Marx!!! )

All these ingame screens are made from the "survival mode" in which the player has to survive as many enemys as possible.
I want to wait to post screens from the story mode till I have completed the first two levels.

If you like the screens watch my ingame fight(survival mode):
Note: the file is about 15mb big.

I hope that I will get lots of comments^^!


EDIT: Oh.. it`s fake 2d!
Posted By: tuschcarsten

Re: "2d" shooter - 06/18/06 10:14

...hui... looks very funny.... reminds me on Madness interactive...
Posted By: Ambassador

Re: "2d" shooter - 06/18/06 14:51

The graphic style looks pretty nice and the aiming system is very nice too =D. That would probably be a hit if it was multiplayer enabled.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: "2d" shooter - 06/18/06 15:19

Genial einfache Idee und gute Umsetzung.
Wenn du Jemanden brauchst der Level baut, pm an mich...

Posted By: Gurke

Re: "2d" shooter - 06/18/06 15:45

Thanks guys for the nice words!
I have also thought about makeing a multiplayer version but I still have to work on the singleplayer scripts that I want to finish before I start working on a multiplayer script.
The graphics will be improved soon and I will make a more comic-like GUI.
I also have to change some things in the A.I. but I think that I will be able to show a first demo-version soon!
When this game realy gets finished it will be ofcourse freeware.

Danke für das Kompliment!
Ich arbeite an dem Spiel nur nebenbei (neben Cybras) und wollte aus dem ganzen nur ein kleines freeware Spielchen machen (keinen großen Zeitrahmen für das Spiel eingeplant), aber wenn ich mal Hilfe brauche wende ich mich zuerst an dich!


p.S.: Achja, ab nun sind auch auf meiner Seite ein paar kleinerer Informationen über das Spiel zu finden.
Posted By: Endgegner

Re: "2d" shooter - 06/18/06 16:39

find ich sehr cool ^^ vielleicht liegts an mir aber ich glaube die kamera könnte ein bisschen mehr distanz vertragen, oder? ich find das n tick zu nah dran. ansonsten sehr cool ^^
Posted By: ISG

Re: "2d" shooter - 06/19/06 02:45

Looks like in Screenshot 3 they are hugging, dancing, or doing something rather than fighting. (Sorry just had to put that out there, hehe). For a 2D game it doesn't look to bad, graphics and effects don't like to bad either. Making a larger level (since seeing the video only makes it look like it's very small not to wide, you should widen it up and make more less a full level out of it. Give the player room to adventure around a bit.

Making the game more interactive, maybe a 2-Player mode or even an online Multiplayer mode would really intensify the gameplay! On top of all that you have a good project going, could use it's improvements but nonetheless you have something to show! Good job, and good luck!
Posted By: Gurke

Re: "2d" shooter - 06/19/06 12:09

Thanks again^^!
Yeah the enemy A.I. is not the best^^! I made the A.I. in less than two hours so there are lots things that have to be changed^^' ...
The enemys have to take some steps backwards or even run away if the player gets near them with the sword.
At the moment I am working on a script to make the enemy hide behind crates so they can`t get hit by the player (pretty much bugs have to be fixed ).
Oh and the level ist like I already mentioned from the survival mode.
In this mode the player has to kill as much enemys as possible before he gets killed so the level is just a small arena.
The levels I`m working on at the moment (for the story mode) are much bigger than that.
I hope that I wil be able to post some screens soon!
Like I said in the last post I was already thinking about a multiplayer mode but before I want to finish the singleplayer scripts^^.

Well... now I want to take the chance to present you a new player model I made (took me only 30 minutes so don`t expect much^^):
new model
Like I said the game has something to do with private investigators so I made the ugly boy I had before look a little bit more like one of them.
Please tell me how you guys like it!

Yeah you are right the camera needs a little bit more distance.
How about this:
new distance
Is this better or should the camera distance be smaller?

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: "2d" shooter - 06/19/06 13:21

Hi Gurke!

Ein toter Gegner sollte (hin & wieder) ein "goodie" (ammo/health) hinterlassen.
So bekommt man als Spieler eine Belohnung und hat mehr Spass...

A dead enemy should leave a "goodie". So the player gets a reward and is more happy!

Posted By: Endgegner

Re: "2d" shooter - 06/19/06 15:21

aaah yes looks way better ^^ it just felt very small and you didn't have enough space to see enemies and stuff. with bigger levels, that's gonna be a lot of fun ^^ well done, keep it up!

and the new character looks cool, as well.
Posted By: Gurke

Re: "2d" shooter - 06/20/06 15:13

Yeah I totally forgot to implent a "goodie drop".
The first level is nearly half finished and I hope to continue working on it very soon but I have some nasty school problems to solve at the moment (next year I`m going to write my final exams so I have to work hard at the mom) so I won`t be able to work on it till the weekend.
I also want to present some new enemy types this weekend so I`ll have lots of work to do^^!

Posted By: ShoreVietam

Re: "2d" shooter - 06/21/06 06:59

Na von wegen Grafik is net vorhanden, also ich finde's schon sehr stylisch wie's ausschaut.

Und die Idee sowas mit GS zu machen ist allemals klasse!
Posted By: Gurke

Re: "2d" shooter - 06/21/06 15:50

I said that I wantd to show the first new screens at the weekend but I found an screenshot that I already made so I think I can show it now.
There is nothing special here its just a new enemy type a diver (there will be a small harbour and submarine level^^):
The airtank on the back of the enemy still looks kind of strange but I will fix that. Like you might notice the diver wears normal shoes instead of fins(I will fix that too^^).
The diver will also get a new weapon type the harpoon.

Danke sehr^^.
Naja ich bin eigentlich immer nur für scripts zuständig gewesen und habe allerhöchstens simple Testgrafiken erstellt, daher freue ich mich jetzt besonders über so ein Lob^^!

Posted By: ShoreVietam

Re: "2d" shooter - 06/21/06 16:21

Ja ich weiss au net, ich finde die Figuren voll geil, der Taucher auch echt super!
Posted By: TWO

Re: "2d" shooter - 06/21/06 16:44

Me too, keep it up!
Posted By: Gurke

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 06/24/06 11:41

Thanks again you two^^.

Well... I worked on the first level but it is still not nearly finished.
BUT this does not have to meen that I can`t show some screens to you so you can give me some tips for the enviroment of the game.

Here they are:
Here is where everything starts. The apartment (at the moment without furniture)
where the hero observes his "customer" (notice the camera on the left side of the picture^^).
At first this may look pretty confusing (you can see the house front, some bricks from the wall and the floor).

Ofcourse he gets interrupted and has to flee from the building.

Well.. the elevator (yes the elevator 'crashs' and the player has to defeat some enemys *nothing new I know*).

The elevator doesn`t move anymore so the only way to get out is the ...ummm... lets call it 'fire stairs' (please tell me what they are realy called^^).

At the ground his pursuer are still there (please ignore the van! It`s still in work!).

The hunt through the backyard with some ugly fences^^! Yeah I also don`t know why there is a fire-hydrant in the backyard ...

Now I want to know what YOU think about it.
I need as much critic as possible so I can optimise the game.

Posted By: frazzle

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 06/24/06 12:45

Well first of all I wanna congratz you
it's look quite amazing really
Now my C&C:
-the view where you can see the ammo of all your guns is abit
annoying, it's hanging there somewhere in midair so try and put the
view in a corner or sort like
-The blood effects can be even 'worser', I mean that when you are hit or the enemy is been hit you could me him bleed like hell and that reminds me when your are shot, try to 'stick' the blood to the walls or
to sort like when it emerges out of a body
-I think you could make the elevator even better, I don't really see the difference between the walls or the elevator, so try to make it look more like an elevator
-For screen 15, try the give some more background creativity
-But for the rest IT'S like I already said, fanstastique !!!!!!

I hope your creative mind agrea's with my 'creative' mind


Posted By: Gurke

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 06/24/06 19:39

Hi frazzle,
at first I want to thank you for your kind words.
Yeah you are right the ammo panel is realy annoying but it is only a testpanel so it will be replaced anyway^^.
I want to keep the game nearly gui free (the player can switch the panels on by pressing a certain key or when he looses life or shoots).

To the blood topic: I`m not a friend of realy violent games (like postal, doom etc.) and I don`t care whether there is lots of blood or not but I was asked this very often by my friends who tested the game so I maybe realy should give it a little bit more blood.
The game should keep it`s comic style (I will post one of the comics that link the levels soon) and the game should not get too 'serious'.

You are right the elevator is not finished at all. It needs a cabine or at least some sort of "walls" to seperate the elevator from the rest of the game^^.

I also want to include a skyline in the background of the level but the result I got is not good enough but I will work on it^^!

By the way: I noticed that my 'hero' hasn`t got a name till now.
What about 'Wayne'?^^
Please post more comments!
If you guys loose the interrest in my game there is no reason to continue working on it.

Posted By: frazzle

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 06/24/06 19:51


Please post more comments!
If you guys loose the interrest in my game there is no reason to continue working on it.

I totaly disagrea with you Gurke, all the project you or anyone
works on is not only for this 3DGS community but in the first place
I think there are to many people who are basing them selfs on the opposite of my

Well back to your game now, I think the name is fine, Wayne
did you get the inspiration from the Cramp Twins because one of the twins is named Wayne and also is kinda violent
I forgot to say in my last post to say that the choise is up to
you about the topic blood so I think it's a good idea to not implant much
blood because of the comic style !!!!
Well my creative mind has got that dayely nucliar breakdown again ^^


Posted By: Gurke

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 06/24/06 20:16

Well.. okay maybe I also work on it because I like the story it tells (I already made up a new world for my game^^)!
A story about a dumbass p.i. with a fable for big guns (hey! sounds like Sledge Hammer^^)!
By the way.. what the hell are the Cramp twin *have to google*?
I named Wayne like this because I think the name is somehow 'funny'^^....
Yeah I know it`s not that creative but I`m not in the mood to make up a better name^^!
I don`t think that I will have lots of time in the next days to work on the project but I will try to post new screens in the next week (around wednesday ).

Posted By: frazzle

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 06/24/06 20:34

Sounds good to me gurke !!
PS: The Cramp Twins is a cartoon show on the CN channel(Cartoon Network)
I don't know if you guys know this channel in Germany ??
Posted By: Chansang

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 06/28/06 09:42

also erstmal mein Eindruck vom Spiel(damit du nicht die Lust daran verlierts ).
Ich finde dein Spiel echt genial(sag ich dir aber nichts neues ). Ne im ernst, hab es gespielt und finde es total cool.

Aber eine Frage hätte ich noch, wie hast du die Levels gemacht ? Sind es blöcke, modelle oder doch Sprites? Da ich selbst ein 2d game machen möchte, würde mich das schon interesieren. Hoffe du kannst mir nen Tip in bezug auf meine Frage geben. Wenn nicht, kann ich es verstehen

Den Namen des Spiels würde ich übrigens auf jedenfall beibehalten!!

So, bevor ich auf meiner eigenen Schleimspur ausrutsche ,
wünsche ich dir viel Erfolg und freue mich auf die fertige Version.
Posted By: Gurke

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 06/28/06 15:55

@frazzle: I don`t think that there is a chanel called like this in germany but I might be wrong..^^

First thank you for your kind words (I hope you don`t mind me keeping the thread in english).
But I was realy shocked when I read that you played the game (or do you mean the video?!? ). As far as I know I haven`t published a demo version yet^^!
To the level topic: Like I mentioned in the first post (faaaaaaaar at the end of the post using the edit function^^') the game is made with fake 2d what is pretty easy to do.
Like you assumed the level is done with blocks.
You simply have to texture one side of the block and set on all other sides of the block the "none" flag. This way you get the illusion of a 2d-world!
I already got a pm in which somebody asked me the same thing.
I always thought that it would be obvious how this effect is made.

To everyone who is also interrested in this topic:
The first game (well.. lets call it a testlevel^^) I made this way was a "Super Mario Land 1" like game (also without colors^^).
If there is enough interrest in the community in such a game I could contribute it (maybe with a small documentation on how I made the 'game').
I was always ashamed of the script I wrote and the graphics I made for the game so I never showed it to the community.
If there is enough interrest I will have to rewrite most of the script and I don`t have much time to work on my projects at the moment anyway (soon I have hollidays^^) so it would take some time till I will be able to contribute it.
If the small explenation I gave is enough just say it^^.

Back to my game:

I wasn`t able to work much on the game so there are no real changes till now but I will be able to show some new screens at weekend.
I want to show some examples of the comic strips that link the levels so you can give me some tips on the comic style.
I also want to present some main charakters that are pretty important for the story soon.
Hmm... till now I always kept what I promised so I hope I will be able to show all of this at the weekend to the community!

Thanks and keep on posting,
Posted By: Chansang

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 06/28/06 17:21

OH!!! sorry, Gurke^^
I saw the video last night and I was very tired^^

I thought that I had played your game^^ *shame on me*
but I just move the mouse while the movie was playing, just to get the feeling that I am playing

As you can see, can't wait for the demo

thanks for the info about the leveldesign and YES I am interrested in your "mario" script

see ya!
Posted By: sPlKe

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 06/29/06 01:11

i love it^^
simple put: amazing. while visually nothing but great style, the video makes fun to watch^^
Posted By: Gurke

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 07/07/06 13:44

@ Drunken Master: The demo will definitely take some time to finish ^^ but I will work as fast as possible to finish a playable version!
Also the mario example will take some time but I will do my best^^.

@Spike: Thanks!

I wasn`t able to work much on the game in the last few days but now I got summer holidays (my last summer holidays^^) and have some time to continue to work on it!
I know I promised to show new characters last weekend so I hope you don`t mind me to show them now nearly a week later^^:

First of all a female character:

She is one of three boss enemys that the hero has to survive.

Mike 'MAD' Mechanic:
Mike is like his name says a evil mechanic. He looks quite dumb but he is fast and violent so you won`t have the time to judge him by is outward appearance^^!
(Please ignore his boots. They are terrible!)

Last but not least, the "unknown":
Less is known about this guy. He is the one our hero has to observe in the beginning and might play an important role in the plot of the game!

Bump.... this is everything new I guess so post lots of ideas and comments on old or new characters! I need new ideas!

Posted By: EpsiloN

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 07/10/06 18:55

This looks pretty good it reminds me too for Maddness.
I have only 2 crits for you , or maby a suggestions
You should make collision on the bullets to hit the 'platforms' because that looks like cheating on the video , shooting the AI from below
And the second one , make the head turning when you point up or down.

Again , pretty good. Keep up the work and , personaly , I cant wait to play the demo
Posted By: Gurke

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 07/12/06 09:48

Thanks for the suggestions epsilon!
I will see what I can do about the bullets flying through the platforms.

I want to announce that I won`t be able to post new screens of the game in the next two weeks (I am on holidys with some good friends^^).
So stay tuned ^^!!
If you have questions, critics, suggestions or what ever pleas post here or send me a PM. I will definitly answere all of them when I am home again!

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 07/12/06 10:59

Hi Gurke!

Schau dir mal deinen Link in deiner Signatur an - ist so wohl nicht geplant?
Wenn du deine URL mit http:// beginnst, passiert das nicht mehr...


Posted By: Gurke

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 07/12/06 11:11

Mit dem verlinken in der Signatur hab ich nur probleme ...
Egal so geht es auch^^!
Eine Demo wird es bevor ich von meiner kleinen Reise wieder komme wohl nicht geben, allerdings werde ich alles dran setzen so bald wie möglich etwas handfestes vorweisen zu können! Mir persönlich macht es nämlich auch keinen Spaß immer wieder die demo verschieben zu müssen .
Ich kann jedoch schon mal soviel sagen, dass in meiner ersten Demo zumindest der Survival-Modus und eine noch sehr verbugte version des Multiplayer Modus enthalten sein werden!
Bis zum relese der Singleplayer Demo wird es jedoch noch eine Weile dauern.
Also bis Morgen habt ihr noch Zeit mich über weitere Details zum Spiel zu befragen, dann nehme ich nämlich ersteinmal eine PC Auszeit^^!

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 07/12/06 11:20

nimm das!:



Posted By: Gurke

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 07/12/06 17:42

Hmmm... das hab ich eigentlich auch benutzt... das Problem hatte ich schon des öfteren.. naja egal! Nu kanns auch so bleiben^^!

Posted By: EpsiloN

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 07/14/06 20:30

Well , I want to suggest more weapons atleast to fill the numbers line on the keyboard.
With a few weapons a game is a game for fun and relaxing , but with many weapons , levels and so , the game becomes more serious about game-play and takes all of your attention. Wont complete it in 2 hours but in 22...and its more interesting , because the 'small' games are fun but only for some time. I hope you understand this because I'm starting to get confused by my own words

(Sorry if something isnt clear in this text,I havent learned English (only from Cartoon Network) so I might say something wrong.)
Posted By: Gurke

Re: "2d" shooter new screens - 08/02/06 07:26

I think I understand your english^^. My english isn`t that good either! I will add some more weapons like the harpoon (already added) and some more "explosive" weapons like a rocketlauncher.
If somebody knows other weapons that he/she want to see ingame please tell me!
At the moment I don`t have time to think about the size the game will have in the end because I try it complete the multiplayer Demo as fast as possible.
I suck at multiplayer programming (I use a littlebit modified version of Locoweeds Multiplayer Tutorial script ^^') and so I got some weird problems that I have to solve before I can show it to you...
It is realy hard to "reprogramm" a singleplayer game to become a multiplayer game so please be patient!


Edit: Ah... I`m back from my so long awaited hollidays in the sun^^!
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