Demo of my game

Posted By: tek

Demo of my game - 07/13/06 22:57

This is a demonstration of my Moses game, PLEASE be gentle with me this is my first game.

walk up and down = w - s
left and right = move mouse left and right
jump = spacebar
run = shift
shoot = left mouse button
pause = enter

First go forward past the instruction from God and when you see a blue platform go to it and enter the first level "Pharaohs Pyramid"
to defeat enemies shoot them except the scorpion, to defeat the scorpion jump on their heads, you cannot destroy the hands in the floor and ghosts you have to run from them.

There are some bugs like sometimes when you lose and have to restart you should just escape and run the game again.
Also im not finsihed with the first level so you will be trapped lol, I am gonna finish it maybe u guys can give me ideas what to do next
please feedback whether good or (gulp) bad

also remember that this is my first game but im also using it as a learning step to do better stuff in the future.
Posted By: Grafton

Re: Demo of my game - 07/14/06 00:18

Great for a first attempt. I think you desperately need to use a trace to keep
the camera from going into walls, and allow the camera to tilt also.
Posted By: tek

Re: Demo of my game - 07/14/06 01:08

thank you, yea the camera has been a problem for me that I would do anything to fix. I have tried asking here for help corcerning this problem.
do you happen to know a tutorial on camera or how I can fix this ?
i know how to do it in first person shooter but not third.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Demo of my game - 07/14/06 10:27


First lessons i've learned:

- moses can't walk on water!
- moses can't also step on stairs!

keep on your work, i miss the egypt people...

Posted By: TSG_Christof

Re: Demo of my game - 07/14/06 11:34
here is a link to a Camera code u can show it and use it free its from ressources side from Gamestudio i hope he can help u.
Posted By: ZZZgames

Re: Demo of my game - 07/14/06 14:11

Hi .
The game is interesting in its gameplay and background.
The most obvious problem when you start to play is the camera i think.
The camera is too close from the ground so you should change the tilt of the camera or rise the target of the camera .
Then ,they already told you about the camera that pass through walls,thats bad but now you have good help for your code from the acknex unlimited resources.
I have too problems with camera, its not easy to make a perfect 3rd person camera .
I thought there would be guards in the first village but i didnot find them..
I entered the pyramid ,well it reminded me of the good old games like rick dangerous with traps and things ....
I could only make my way to the spikes room ..But i wonder something..
Did you model only 1 spike and copied it many times to fill the ground??
Because it seems like this method can eat some FPS(i fall from 45 to 20-25 FPS when i face this trap).Perhaps you use an event_entity for this trap thats why you make it that way...I 'm wondering if its doable to create one single big mdl with many spikes and its script says something like " if player position is inside x,y,z/my.x then player dies"..
The bird in the sky in the village ...nice detail
Honestly i got problems with my mouse when i play in the pyramid and jump..I dont know if the problem comes from the game or from my PC but in the pyramid sometimes its like i lose control of the player for half-second as he turns somewhere.
Well ,its your first attempt so its good .:)
Posted By: tek

Re: Demo of my game - 07/14/06 15:06



First lessons i've learned:

- moses can't walk on water!
- moses can't also step on stairs!

keep on your work, i miss the egypt people...


That was Jesus that walked on water. but that would be cool to do.
yea the stairs really bug me, I have done it perfectly in first person shooter but in third Moses just don't seem to wanna walk on them, I will keep trying.

Later on I am gonna add egypt people, it's gonna be like a real town with people and egyptian guards oppressing them.
Posted By: tek

Re: Demo of my game - 07/14/06 15:07

here is a link to a Camera code u can show it and use it free its from ressources side from Gamestudio i hope he can help u.

cool thanks, I pray this works , ive been dying to fix the camera.
Posted By: tek

Re: Demo of my game - 07/14/06 15:18


Hi .
The game is interesting in its gameplay and background.
The most obvious problem when you start to play is the camera i think.
The camera is too close from the ground so you should change the tilt of the camera or rise the target of the camera .

Yea I see that also, I definitely wanna change that. now that I am gonna put a cemera taht follows the player hopefully that would clear it up.


Then ,they already told you about the camera that pass through walls,thats bad but now you have good help for your code from the acknex unlimited resources.
I have too problems with camera, its not easy to make a perfect 3rd person camera .

I wish it came as easy as first person.


I thought there would be guards in the first village but i didnot find them..

I will add guards and people being opressed by them, I am just waiting to make a good guard model that looks realistic, I am currently studying modeling tutorials.


I entered the pyramid ,well it reminded me of the good old games like rick dangerous with traps and things ....

Yea thats what im going for gool ol style adventure.


I could only make my way to the spikes room ..But i wonder something..
Did you model only 1 spike and copied it many times to fill the ground??

Yea I think it's better to just draw a picture of spikes in .pcx and put that instead.


Because it seems like this method can eat some FPS(i fall from 45 to 20-25 FPS when i face this trap).Perhaps you use an event_entity for this trap thats why you make it that way...I 'm wondering if its doable to create one single big mdl with many spikes and its script says something like " if player position is inside x,y,z/my.x then player dies"..

What i did was create one spike model and just placed it all over the hole, then I created one big invisible mdl on top of it and gave it the script that if I fall I restert the level.


The bird in the sky in the village ...nice detail

Yea that was one of my first models I made.


Honestly i got problems with my mouse when i play in the pyramid and jump..I dont know if the problem comes from the game or from my PC but in the pyramid sometimes its like i lose control of the player for half-second as he turns somewhere.
Well ,its your first attempt so its good .:)

I think it's that the eating of the fps I am gonna try not to do that instead make a picture of spikes try to keep it simple.
Posted By: ZZZgames

Re: Demo of my game - 07/14/06 15:55

How many spikes did you place all over the holes?
Because the problem might not be the polycount but more the fact there are many mdls due to many spikes ... thats why i told you to create one big mdl with many spikes and attach to it the spike script.
Posted By: tek

Re: Demo of my game - 07/14/06 15:57


The camera is too close from the ground so you should change the tilt of the camera or rise the target of the camera .

Does anyone know how to fix this in my code, where I got my code was from a tutorial, I tried changing numbers but nothing seem to work.
this is my code.


var laufen[3]=0,0,0;
var unten[3]=0,0,-3;
var dist_planar = 0;
var cam_angle = 0;
var dist_total = 60;
var tilt_3rd = 30;
var dist_traced;
var zoom=300;
var move_vec[3]=0,0,0;
var stand_percent=0;
var walk_percent=0;
var player_distance[3]=0,0,0;
define gegner,flag1;
define health,skill1;
sound player_hurt=<player_hurt.wav>;
sound hit_scorpion=<hit_scorpion.wav>;
bind <bullet.mdl>;
var jump_time=1;
var gravity=2;
var player_distance;
var distance_traced;
define ground_dist, skill2;

function validate_view()
trace_mode = ignore_me + ignore_passable;
dist_traced = trace (player.x, camera.x);
if (dist_traced == 0) { return; } // No obstacles hit... fine
if (dist_traced < dist_total)
dist_traced -= 5; // Move it out of the wall
dist_planar = cos (tilt_3rd)* dist_traced;
camera.x = player.x - cos (cam_angle) * dist_planar;
camera.y = player.y - sin (cam_angle) * dist_planar;
camera.z = player.z + sin (tilt_3rd) * dist_traced;

function update_views()
dist_planar = cos (tilt_3rd) * dist_total;
camera.x = player.x - cos(player.pan)*cos(-player.tilt)*zoom;
camera.y = player.y - sin(player.pan)*cos(-player.tilt)*zoom;
camera.z = player.z + sin(-player.tilt)*zoom;
camera.pan = cam_angle;
camera.roll = 0;
camera.tilt = - tilt_3rd;

FUNCTION fall_event

ACTION player_move

while( > 0)



c_move (me,laufen,nullvector,GLIDE+IGNORE_PASSABLE);
c_move (me,unten,nullvector,IGNORE_PASSABLE);


if(camera.tilt > 90){camera.tilt = 90;}
if(camera.tilt < -90){camera.tilt = -90;
vec_set (temp, my.x);
temp.z -= 1000;
trace_mode = ignore_me + ignore_passable + use_box;

my.skill2 = trace(my.x, temp);
if (my.skill2 > 2)
player_distance.z -= 2 * time;
player_distance.z = 0;
if (my.skill2 < 0)
player_distance.z += 5 * time;

/* if(<=0)


if(key_shift ==1)
{ player_distance.x += player_distance.x;
player_distance.y += player_distance.y;}
if (key_shift!=0&&key_w-key_s!=0)
if (key_ctrl==1)

if(key_space == 1){jump();}
move_mode = ignore_passable+glide;
ent_move (player_distance,nullvector);
camera.roll = 90;

I know this is a long code, but if someone can just tell me where I can start experimenting to make the camera not be in Moses behind I would greatly appreciate :\
Posted By: tek

Re: Demo of my game - 07/14/06 16:05


How many spikes did you place all over the holes?
Because the problem might not be the polycount but more the fact there are many mdls due to many spikes ... thats why i told you to create one big mdl with many spikes and attach to it the spike script.

yea thats a good idea im gonna do that. thanks for the advice that would help my game.
Posted By: tek

Re: Demo of my game - 07/14/06 16:51

Thanks ZZZgames that did it I made one model with many spikes and the game is much smoother
Posted By: ZZZgames

Re: Demo of my game - 07/14/06 17:58

Cool that it worked

For the tilt ..You can change the tilt by two ways.
The camera function is called from player_move action with the line " update_views();"

1)So when you look at the function update_views() ,you can see there is the 8th line of the function that says "camera.tilt = - tilt_3rd;" .
So you can change directly the tilt with a numeric value here instead of the tilt_3rd var.


2)tilt_3rd is a var defined in the first lines before the functions ...
Its defined in the 6th line of the whole script you posted ..And it says "var tilt_3rd = 30;"
So you can change the value of the variable there.

This is how ,imho you can change the tilt ...But i am not sure since i cant test it.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Demo of my game - 07/15/06 14:58

gahhhhh!!!!!! wheres your comments, and your indenting mister? does someone need to look at coding etiquette tutorials??? no im just kiddng
Posted By: tek

Re: Demo of my game - 07/16/06 20:49

cool thanks for the advice the var didnt do nothing when i changed the number, the tilt 3rd i believe could work, how do you change it ?

camera.tilt=- tilt_3rd:
I tried changing tilt_3rd and putting a number but gives me error.
Posted By: tek

Re: Demo of my game - 07/19/06 15:14

hi every1 I got good news I changed the camera so that it's no longer in Moses behind and I zoomed the camera a little back I also added a new level, Level 2 "Unseen Hope" this is where Moses has to go up the mountain and get to the burning Bush

I still havent fixed the problem of when I get near a wall but hopefully I will one day.

here are some pics of the camera change and the new level feedback please

and heres mount Sinai

btw does any1 know where I can find egyptian wav music I want for my pyramid level to play an egyptian song.
I am also gonna add a panel in the beginning that you click with the mouse start and then you go to first level or exit and you leave.
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