Water shader Problem!

Posted By: hahn51

Water shader Problem! - 09/14/07 16:05


I Use the Watershader from the Aum 55. But there is a problem! In the example the shader works great but when I insert it in my project it looks like this!

So.... Whats wrong this time? I don't know where this blue color comes from....
Posted By: Wulfgar

Re: Water shader Problem! - 09/14/07 16:12

You use A6 Extra, but for Shader you need Com. or Pro. i think.

Sorry for my bad English i´m from Germany.

Du benutzt A6 Extra, aber meines Wissens gibt es Shader nur bei Com. oder Pro.

Gruß/Greets Wulfgar
Posted By: hahn51

Re: Water shader Problem! - 09/14/07 16:54

Ich hab keine extra vergessen zu ändern mittlerweile Pro
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Water shader Problem! - 09/14/07 17:23

It looks like your water misses some textures needed for the shader or something. Perhaps the shader needs a model with two textures, one colormap and one bumpmap? Which shader are you using?

Did you include everything that's necessary? For example did you include:
bind "default.fx";

Can you post the entire code you are using? It must be something related to your code ór to your water model, since it did work with the example..

Posted By: hahn51

Re: Water shader Problem! - 09/14/07 17:37


Thanks i assign a bumbmap at first skin and it works look at this!^^

but theres is just one problem at the terrain! There's a small line (left and front) who doesn't move!!

How can I solve this problem?
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Water shader Problem! - 09/14/07 18:50

Perhaps that's happening because that bumpmap texture it's size doesn't match your model's size?
I can't remember whether or not the shader changes the tiling (didn't think so), but I do know that those textures need to have the correct size.

It might also simply be the water model that has an error in it. It looks like the polygons on the left side and the lower side are all way too high. I think you should also take a look at your model in MED, perhaps it looks strange there too and then you need to change it a bit.

It's looking good already by the way, hope you solve this little problem too,

Posted By: Slin

Re: Water shader Problem! - 09/14/07 18:55

As I just told him over ICQ, it was that the terrain got chunked by the engine
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Water shader Problem! - 09/14/07 19:10

Lool, totally forgot about that hahaha,

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