Help with material error (maybe s my fault!)

Posted By: chochi

Help with material error (maybe s my fault!) - 10/10/07 03:04

Hello,there,good people of this forum.
I need some help with a normal mapping tutorial.I used the Nvidia plugin for photoshop,i skinned my model ,etc.I added the code,& builded the proyect,but at the moment of make it run,i got the following error:

Error in effect:
MtlNormalMaped(1): syntax error

heres the code.The version is 3dgsPro 6.22.0 :


var video_mode = 7;
var video_depth = 32;
var video_screen = 1;

string test2_wmb = <test2.wmb>;
var eye_tall = 25;
var dist_planar = 300;
var cam_angle = 0;
var dist_total = 300; // Change THIS value to zoom in or out
var tilt_3rd = 0;
var dist_traced;

// Declare the material:
material MtlNormalMapped //<---Here´s the bastard!
ambient_red = 64; // The ambient color.
ambient_green = 64;
ambient_blue = 64;
flags = tangent;
effect = <NormalMapped.fx>;
// The effect file containing the vertex shader, pixel shader and technique.

function main()
fps_max = 30;
level_load (test2_wmb);
wait (3);


function camera3d()
dist_planar = cos (tilt_3rd) * dist_total;
camera.x = my.x - cos (cam_angle) * dist_planar;
camera.y = my.y - sin (cam_angle) * dist_planar;
camera.z = my.z + eye_tall + sin (tilt_3rd) * dist_total;
camera.pan = cam_angle;
camera.roll = 0;
camera.tilt = - tilt_3rd;


function validate_view()

trace_mode = ignore_me + ignore_passable;
dist_traced = trace (my.x, camera.x);
if (dist_traced == 0) { return; } // No obstacles hit... fine
if (dist_traced < dist_total)
dist_traced -= 5; // Move it out of the wall
dist_planar = cos (tilt_3rd) * dist_traced;
camera.x = my.x - cos (cam_angle) * dist_planar;
camera.y = my.y - sin (cam_angle) * dist_planar;
camera.z = my.z + sin (tilt_3rd) * dist_traced;

my.lightrange = 300; = 255; = 255; = 0;

action pop
my.material = MtlNormalMapped;
my.fat = on;
my.narrow = on;

while (1)
//posicion incial de camara
//controles de camara
if(mouse_middle == 1)
dist_total += mouse_force.y * -30;
if (dist_total <= 30)
dist_total = 30;

if (mouse_right == 1)
cam_angle += mouse_force.x * -4;
tilt_3rd += mouse_force.y * -4;
if (key_cuu == on)
dist_total -= 10;
if (dist_total <= 30)
dist_total = 30;
if (key_cud == on)
dist_total += 10;
if (dist_total <= 30)
dist_total = 30;
if (key_cur == on)
cam_angle += 2;
if (key_cul == on)
cam_angle -= 2;
//control de personaje
if (key_a == on)
my.pan += 1;

if (key_d == on)
my.pan -= 1;
if (key_w == on)
c_move (my,vector(4,0,0),vector(0,0,-4),glide);
if (key_s == on)
c_move (my,vector(-4,0,0),vector(0,0,-4),glide);



Any help will be welcome

Thanks & my apollogize for my terrible inglish!
Posted By: bstudio

Re: Help with material error (maybe s my fault!) - 10/10/07 06:38

You need to update to the newest version (6.60)
Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: Help with material error (maybe s my fault!) - 10/10/07 08:01


3dgsPro 6.22.0

Keep working at it.. or you can email Conitec directly and they can help you.
Posted By: ello

Re: Help with material error (maybe s my fault!) - 10/10/07 08:08

btw, the error tells you that it is in the effect-file, which you didnt post.

6.22 is not the best choice for what you are doing
Posted By: chochi

Re: Help with material error (maybe s my fault!) - 10/10/07 10:02

(I told was MY fault!)
I´m gratefull for the fast answer!
Posted By: chochi

Re: Help with material error (maybe s my fault!) - 10/10/07 10:07

oh!I see...
here´s the shader code:

/ Copyright 2006 by Taco Cohen. All rights reserved

/ Global Variables:
// Tweakables:
static const float AmbientIntensity = 1.0f; // The intensity of the ambient light.
static const float DiffuseIntensity = 1.0f; // The intensity of the diffuse light.
static const float SpecularIntensity = 1.0f; // The intensity of the specular light.
static const float SpecularPower = 8.0f; // The specular power. Used as 'glossyness' factor.
static const float4 SunColor = {0.9f, 0.9f, 0.5f, 1.0f}; // Color vector of the sunlight.

// Application fed data:
const float4x4 matWorldViewProj; // World*view*projection matrix.
const float4x4 matWorld; // World matrix.
const float4 vecAmbient; // Ambient color.
const float4 vecSunDir; // The sun direction vector.
const float4 vecViewPos; // View position.

texture entSkin1; // Color map.
sampler ColorMapSampler = sampler_state // Color map sampler.
Texture = <entSkin1>;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;

texture entSkin2; // Normal map.
sampler NormalMapSampler = sampler_state // Normal map sampler.
Texture = <entSkin2>;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;

/ Vertex Shader:
void NormalMapVS( in float4 InPos : POSITION,
in float3 InNormal : NORMAL,
in float2 InTex : TEXCOORD0,
in float3 InTangent : TEXCOORD2,

out float4 OutPos : POSITION,
out float2 OutTex : TEXCOORD0,
out float3 OutViewDir: TEXCOORD1,
out float3 OutSunDir: TEXCOORD2)
// Transform the vertex from object space to clip space:
OutPos = mul(InPos, matWorldViewProj);

// Pass the texture coordinate to the pixel shader:
OutTex = InTex;

// Compute 3x3 matrix to transform from world space to tangent space:
half3x3 worldToTangentSpace;
worldToTangentSpace[0] = mul(InTangent, matWorld);
worldToTangentSpace[1] = mul(cross(InTangent, InNormal), matWorld);
worldToTangentSpace[2] = mul(InNormal, matWorld);

// Calculate the view direction vector in tangent space:
OutViewDir = normalize(mul(worldToTangentSpace, vecViewPos - mul(InPos, matWorld)));

// Calculate the light direction vector in tangent space:
OutSunDir = normalize(mul(worldToTangentSpace, -vecSunDir));

/ Pixel Shader:
float4 NormalMapPS( in float2 InTex : TEXCOORD0,
in float3 InViewDir : TEXCOORD1,
in float3 InSunDir : TEXCOORD2) : COLOR
// Read the normal from the normal map and convert from [0..1] to [-1..1] range
float3 BumpNormal = 2 * tex2D(NormalMapSampler, InTex) - 1;

// Calculate the ambient term:
float4 Ambient = AmbientIntensity * vecAmbient;

// Calculate the diffuse term:
float4 Diffuse = DiffuseIntensity * saturate(dot(InSunDir, BumpNormal));
Diffuse *= SunColor;

// Calculate the reflection vector:
float3 R = normalize(2 * dot(BumpNormal, InSunDir) * BumpNormal - InSunDir);

// Calculate the specular term:
InViewDir = normalize(InViewDir);
float Specular = pow(saturate(dot(R, InViewDir)), SpecularPower) * SpecularIntensity;

// Fetch the pixel color from the color map:
float4 Color = tex2D(ColorMapSampler, InTex);

// Calculate final color:
return (Ambient + Diffuse + Specular) * Color;

/ Technique:
technique SpecularTechnique
pass P0
VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 NormalMapVS();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 NormalMapPS();
Posted By: bstudio

Re: Help with material error (maybe s my fault!) - 10/10/07 10:48

Yeah, shaders do not work with 6.22 you need to have at least 6.4

Also, the 6.22 appears to circulate in the warez scene So I strongly recommend you buy the product first and then try to apply shaders
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