Envmap as a "shiny look"

Posted By: Impaler

Envmap as a "shiny look" - 12/02/07 10:12

Hi everyone,
I just downloaded from the wiki site the "Cubic environment shading shader" and have been trying to get a nice specular metallic effect with it. How can I change it or change it's material to make it so there is only a dim reflective appearence, and the model's skin texture is still visible underneath rather than a "fully shiny" look?
Posted By: broozar

Re: Envmap as a "shiny look" - 12/02/07 12:29

the effect is based on the alpha channel of your texture. the darker, the less visible. if you worked with bmp or pcx textures which don't support an aplha channel, or with TGAs without one, acknex assumes its alpha is completely white, so the texture is completely visible, but so is the effect.
Posted By: Impaler

Re: Envmap as a "shiny look" - 12/02/07 12:44

I just gave my image an alpha channel and resaved it, but it doesn't seem to change anything...
Posted By: broozar

Re: Envmap as a "shiny look" - 12/02/07 12:54

you need to paint an alpha channel, not just give one to the image. the easiest way is to save a greyscale version of the image as alpha channel for testing. i wrote some tuts about it in the wiki, if you need help with that.

Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: Envmap as a "shiny look" - 12/02/07 14:52

actually, i recomend getting paint.net, select all parts of the skin that should be shiny cut and paste them on a new layer, then turn the layer's alpha down to about 150, and you should get the result your looking for, if you also want a bit of a specular shader with it though i can give you mine, it's not perfect, and it doesn't support dynamic lights, unless you use blocks, then it supports dynamic and static, but it looks good:

Here It's the last post of mine
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