normal mapping from scene lights

Posted By: gettarobox

normal mapping from scene lights - 01/08/08 19:11

(warning)I am a 3d artist not a programmer.

I was able to get "Intro to Shader Programming" version of normal mapping working but it is only using the light from the "sun". I want the normal maps to work with the lights I place in the scene. is there and easy way to do this?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: normal mapping from scene lights - 01/09/08 03:43

Do you want to learn HLSL, or just have this shader?

If you just want the shader, there are a few. In fact, I've got one in my signature below. Otherwise, there's also one in the Wiki, as well as Slin's Shader-Collection
Posted By: gettarobox

Re: normal mapping from scene lights - 01/09/08 18:54

I can't seem to get the normals to compute the scene lights. I am using the shooter project template and the grenade guns explosions are computing properly but none of the lights I place in the scene.
Posted By: ello

Re: normal mapping from scene lights - 01/10/08 10:31

why do i get a question about authorisation for " " when loading this thread?
Posted By: HPW

Re: normal mapping from scene lights - 01/10/08 17:02

It's the Image from one post above yours. This Image is on a password protected server: ""
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: normal mapping from scene lights - 01/10/08 17:22

Shaders only compute dynamic lights (from the gun) - not static lights (the ones you place in WED)
Posted By: gettarobox

Re: normal mapping from scene lights - 01/10/08 21:40

if the dynamic flag is checked on a light is it not dynamic like the gun lights are?
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: normal mapping from scene lights - 01/11/08 02:00

No. I'm not exactly sure why WED has the checkbox. AFAIK, It will (eventually) create a dynamic light, but for now conitec hasn't completed that feature yet...
Posted By: DavidLancaster

Re: normal mapping from scene lights - 01/26/08 13:09


No. I'm not exactly sure why WED has the checkbox. AFAIK, It will (eventually) create a dynamic light, but for now conitec hasn't completed that feature yet...

Hi xXxGuitar

I'm new to this and hope my question isn't too newbie. I'm using that cool normal mapping shader. I'm using the sun along with other dynamic lights in a scene, the shader uses the sun to calculate the normal mapping however the only way the dynamic lights affect the model ontop of the sun is specularity (it seems). Is this what should be happening? Anyway you can get the models' light to be calculated from the nearest dynamic light (if there are no dynamic lights then the sun)? Anyway to have dynamic lights affect a model with a normal mapping shader the same way they do models with no shader?

Thank you.

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