problem with using water shader in 16:9?

Posted By: cro_games

problem with using water shader in 16:9? - 08/02/08 10:40

I have problem with using water shader in 16:9 resolution because view.aspect is being change..

I use this code to change resolution to 16:9:
function set_resolution(res_,wide_,_depth,_window)
	var new_ratio;
	var x_;
	var y_;
	var view_aspect;
	if (res_ == 0) { video_set(0,0,_depth, _window); return; }
	if (wide_ == 0 || _window == 2)
		if (res_ == 1)
			x_ = 640;
			y_ = 480;
		if (res_ == 2)
			x_ = 800;
			y_ = 600;
		if (res_ == 3)
			x_ = 1024;
			y_ = 768;
		if (res_ == 4)
			x_ = 1280;
			y_ = 960;
		if (res_ == 5)
			x_ = 1280;
			y_ = 1024;
		if (res_ == 6)
			x_ = 1400;
			y_ = 1050;
		if (res_ == 7)
			x_ = 1600;
			y_ = 1200;
		if (wide_ == 1)
			if (res_ == 1)
				x_ = 848;
				y_ = 480;
			if (res_ == 2)
				x_ = 960;
				y_ = 600;
			if (res_ == 3)
				x_ = 1088;
				y_ = 612;
			if (res_ == 4)
				x_ = 1280;
				y_ = 720;
			if (res_ == 5)
				x_ = 1360;
				y_ = 768;
			if (res_ == 6)
				x_ = 1600;
				y_ = 900;
			if (res_ == 7)
				x_ = 1920;
				y_ = 1080;
				if (res_ == 8)//moja
				x_ = 1440;
				y_ = 900;
		if (wide_ == 2)
			if (res_ == 1)
				x_ = 640;
				y_ = 400;
			if (res_ == 2)
				x_ = 960;
				y_ = 600;
			if (res_ == 3)
				x_ = 1280;
				y_ = 768;
			if (res_ == 4)
				x_ = 1280;
				y_ = 800;
			if (res_ == 5)
				x_ = 1600;
				y_ = 1024;
			if (res_ == 6)
				x_ = 1680;
				y_ = 1050;
			if (res_ == 7)
				x_ = 1920;
				y_ = 1200;
	video_set(x_, y_, _depth, _window);
	new_ratio = x_ / y_;
	view_aspect = new_ratio / (4/3);
	camera.aspect = view_aspect;

And this water shader from temp_FX.wdl:

MATERIAL mtl_water_mirror
//enable: Mirror Fresnel effect
//help: Water transparency depends on view angle
//id: 21

	#include <transform>
	#include <fog>
	#include <pos>
	#include <normal>
	float4 vecTime;
	float4 vecSkill41; // Wind_X, Wind_Y, Ripple, Scale
	float4 vecColor;	

	texture entSkin1;
	texture mtlSkin2;

	sampler sBumpTex = sampler_state
		Texture = <entSkin1>;
		MipFilter = Linear;
		MinFilter = Linear;
		MagFilter = Linear;
		AddressU = Wrap;
		Addressv = Wrap;

	sampler sMirrorTex = sampler_state
		Texture = <mtlSkin2>;
		MipFilter = Linear;
		MinFilter = Linear;
		MagFilter = Linear;
		AddressU = Clamp;
		Addressv = Clamp;

	struct out_water_mirror // Output to the pixelshader fragment
		float4 Pos	: POSITION;
		float4 Color: COLOR0;
		float  Fog	: FOG;
		float2 Tex0	: TEXCOORD0;
		float2 Tex1	: TEXCOORD1;

	out_water_mirror vs_water_mirror
		in float4 inPos		: POSITION,
		in float3 inNormal	: NORMAL,
		in float4 inTex0	: TEXCOORD0
		out_water_mirror Out;
		Out.Pos = DoTransform(inPos); // transform to screen coordinates
		Out.Fog = DoFog(inPos);

// bump and reflection coordinates
		Out.Tex0 = (inTex0 + vecSkill41.xy * vecTime.w ) * vecSkill41.w;
		Out.Tex1 = 0.5 * (1.0 + (Out.Pos/Out.Pos.w));

// color and transparency
		Out.Color = vecColor;
		float4 P = DoPos(inPos); // vector world position
		float3 N = DoNormal(inNormal); // normal world orientation
		float4 vecToView = normalize(vecViewPos-P); // direction towards camera
		Out.Color.a = 0.5 + vecColor.a * (1.0 - dot(vecToView,N));
		return Out;
	float4 ps_mirror_straight(out_water_mirror In): COLOR
		return tex2D(sMirrorTex,In.Tex1) * In.Color;
	float4 ps_water_mirror(out_water_mirror In): COLOR
		float4 Bump = tex2D(sBumpTex,In.Tex0);
		float2 Coord = In.Tex1 + Bump.xy * vecSkill41.z;
		return tex2D(sMirrorTex,Coord) * In.Color;

	technique water_mirror
		pass one
			AlphaBlendEnable = True;

			sampler[0] = (sBumpTex);
			sampler[1] = (sMirrorTex);

			VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 vs_water_mirror();

// bump matrix - required for texbem
			BumpEnvMat00[1] = (vecSkill41.z);
			BumpEnvMat11[1] = (vecSkill41.z);
			BumpEnvMat01[1] = 0.0;
			BumpEnvMat10[1] = 0.0;

// We need an asm shader here - for some reason,
// ps_1_1 HLSL tex2D won't sample modified coordinates
			PixelShader = asm
				tex t0         // sample Stage0 Texture rg 
				texbem t1,t0   // multiply rg with BumpEnvMat to uv, 
							   // and sample Stage1 Texture using uv+t1
				mul r0,v0,t1   // multiply Stage1 Texture by Color + Alpha

	technique fallback { pass one { } }

Can anyone make this shader work in 16:9?
Posted By: Scorpion

Re: problem with using water shader in 16:9? - 08/02/08 16:13

you have to change the arc of the mirrow view to the arc of the camera and it should work
Posted By: cro_games

Re: problem with using water shader in 16:9? - 08/02/08 17:42

How to do that?
Posted By: Quad

Re: problem with using water shader in 16:9? - 08/02/08 18:26

view.arc += 10;
view.arc -= 10;
Posted By: Slin

Re: problem with using water shader in 16:9? - 08/02/08 18:46

water_view.aspect = camera.aspect;
Posted By: Scorpion

Re: problem with using water shader in 16:9? - 08/02/08 18:48

I'm sorry I ment's aspekt I'm sure

You can also calculate it direct by the screen resolution
reflectView.aspect = screen_size.x/screen_size.y;

PS: I'm not sure what the name of the reflection view was...i think it was something with mirror
Posted By: cro_games

Re: problem with using water shader in 16:9? - 08/02/08 21:02

Thanks,but all of you are wrong..
I have find solution by my self:

view_mirror.aspect = (screen_size.x/screen_size.y)*camera.aspect;

Posted By: Scorpion

Re: problem with using water shader in 16:9? - 08/04/08 12:42

that doesn't make sense to me...can you or someone else explain it to me? the aspect is just the relation of x and y. so what is the camera aspekt is doing here?
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