shaders on level geo? - walkthrough on the basics?

Posted By: slacker

shaders on level geo? - walkthrough on the basics? - 10/10/03 03:50

A walkthrough on developing a simple shader for gstudio would be awesome, if someone knows of one. Shaders work on level geometry and map entities?

Posted By: Doug

Re: shaders on level geo? - walkthrough on the basics? - 10/10/03 05:07

Right now shaders only work on models and sprites.

As far as an simple walkthrough, there is a lot of background knowledge that you need to have if you want to understand even a simple shader. A good place to start is here.
Posted By: slacker

Re: shaders on level geo? - walkthrough on the basics? - 10/11/03 03:28

thx! Will check it out.
Posted By: Cameron_Aycock

Re: shaders on level geo? - walkthrough on the bas - 10/11/03 04:20

What about pre-compiled wmp entities?
Posted By: Nadester

Re: shaders on level geo? - walkthrough on the bas - 10/11/03 05:21

I dont think so cameron. In theory, wmb entities are still just geometry, just assembled by the engine(ie they cant have dynamic shadows). Of course I could be wrong.
Posted By: Doug

Re: shaders on level geo? - walkthrough on the bas - 10/11/03 05:40

Nadester is right. Shaders for level geometry requires reworking the way we handle levels (but that is already in the works as well).

I forgot to mention, you can use Shaders on terrian maps as well.
Posted By: dan_e6

Re: shaders on level geo? - walkthrough on the bas - 10/17/03 20:05

what is this shader thing ?
and whats bump mapping ?
Posted By: cbw

Re: shaders on level geo? - walkthrough on the bas - 10/20/03 22:16

I don't have the experience to answer on shader programing, all I know is it makes everything look better in the long run

But bump mapping is very interesting. If you look at a texture, it's flat, there's no depth to it. What bump mapping does is take a gray-scale bump map and apply it to the texture. You can think of it like a height map, different shades of gray make for different depths of bump, making the texture appear 3d with actual depth, despite it still being a 2d surface.

(I like that phrase fr some reason "different depths of bump" I think I'll use that whenever I bump a thread)
Posted By: myrlyn68

Re: shaders on level geo? - walkthrough on the bas - 10/20/03 22:55

What shaders effectively allow you to do is to override the default rendering settings for 3D environments from your video card. This will allow you to make a number of changes to how things appear on screen. There are vast resources of information available concerning shaders online (GameDev have a bunch - FlipCode - nVidia and ATI - MSDN...). Still though, for DirectX 8 shaders your absolute best all in one resource is "ShaderX." Very good book, which covers almost everything you can think of. For those who are looking ahead, you might also want to check out "DirectX 9 - Programmable Graphics Pipeline." The first half of the book deals with general shaders and DirectX 8 style shaders, while the second half gets into the DirectX 9 style shaders (they effectively use two different languages for those who are on long term projects....).

What the bump mapping will actually do is just adjust the lighting. It is still the same low polygon figures (which is why you can not use a really low polygon figure with bump mapping and expect it to look great). The models outline looks exactly as it would with no bump mapping at all. Bump Maps are what are known as pixel shaders, in they change the textures appearance. There are also other things called vertex shaders which will alter the model itself.
Posted By: indiGLOW

Re: shaders on level geo? - walkthrough on the bas - 10/21/03 03:13

No time to learn shading stuff just my question is this.

My game maps would need patches of grass, trees etc all with these gr8 shader tweaks etc. Would like to add this later, once more of the core elements of the game are in place. Is this possible etc [presume it is] and if so, what things are worth taking into consideration now? Can you reverse engineer levels to use new shader options?

plz forgive if lingo isn't accurate

Posted By: myrlyn68

Re: shaders on level geo? - walkthrough on the bas - 10/21/03 03:18

Unless they make massive changes to the engine between then and now - you really have nothing to worry about.

For the most part a shader will not care how the model is put together or what you level looks like. The only thing that you will have to consider is that adding things like bump maps will effectively double your texture memory requirements (not quite - but safe assumption to avoid hassles).

For the level geometry - it will depend entirely on how/if/when they implement geometry which can recieve shaders. Depending on how that is done, you will likely have to completely recompile the levels for the new specs - and might have to rework a number of areas.
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