Yep, it's another toon shading problem!!

Posted By: Xoul

Yep, it's another toon shading problem!! - 03/19/04 23:58

Well, here's a very stupid question !

I tried applying the toon shader from the wiki, but it states the hardware cannot "use" that (I don't remember the term it used).
Obviously I know what that means, and my question is:
Is toon shading out of the equation for me?

I mean, I've read that tuturial where you ducplicate the model, expand it and flip its normals (sorry I don't remember the name of the creator of this tuturial), but applying that to a moving model would (I think) be hard, and also, the polygon cound would duplicate.

So, is there another way, through scripting, to do it?
(maybe even reproduce the duplicate model and flip its normals through scirpting, I dunno).

I hope there is because that way, I could use simple textures on the models and they'd still look good.
Posted By: ello

Re: Yep, it's another toon shading problem!! - 03/20/04 00:05

what gpu do u have?
Posted By: Xoul

Re: Yep, it's another toon shading problem!! - 03/20/04 00:46

I have a Nvidia GeForce 2 MX. (I think that's what gpu means )
Posted By: VPrime

Re: Yep, it's another toon shading problem!! - 03/20/04 02:52

that card doesnt suppost shaders So in order to get shaders to work you must buy a "newer" card
Posted By: ello

Re: Yep, it's another toon shading problem!! - 03/20/04 07:26

yes.. i recomment a radeon 9600(i have one, i had prior the same as you have) but you may also take a geforce fx. however a shader capable gpu is worth its money
Posted By: PurpleTaiters

Re: Yep, it's another toon shading problem!! - 03/20/04 10:21

I also have a g-force mx. My is g-force 4 mx 420, so it has vertex but no pixel shaders. Is it possible to do cel shading with only vetex? I already edited the wiki one so it does the outline, but I was wondering about the shading of the model (is it possible with only vetex?). The ironic thing about my gpu is that when my computer belonged to my parents they went out bought a new card for it, but at the time I hadn't been introduced to 3d yet so I didn't give any input. Sure wish I had 'cause my comp is old enough that I would be better off buying a new machine... oh well, until then I'll just have to do the shaders on my parents' new computer...
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