Shader questions: When, where, how...

Posted By: Drew

Shader questions: When, where, how... - 04/17/04 06:11

let me just preface this: I'm not a coder, so its easier said than done..but I would be willing to trade art assets for shaders...

- Is there a Displacement map shader that could work with GS... a dx8.1 shader? If so, I would think this is a priority for conitec and users, its the new standard for charcters and weapons...(please, please!)
- can the bump shader be modified to do this?
- are there any shaders currently for gamestudio that handle lighting correctly, not just sun position?
- Are there any shader folks that would be willing to trade art for shaders? I desperatly need a glow and depth of field shader(s).
- Are there plans for easier implementation of .fx anbd cg shaders? like a copy and paste? (or do i really not understand shader integration...)
- Has anyone seen or tested the shader editor?
(i know its not in beta yet..where is it!! )
- why am I so obsessed with shaders? hehehe
Posted By: Alexander Esslinger

Re: Shader questions: When, where, how... - 04/17/04 07:14


Is there a Displacement map shader that could work with GS... a dx8.1 shader

It's not possible to make a displacement mapping shader in DirectX 8 at all.


are there any shaders currently for gamestudio that handle lighting correctly

Yes there are some, but I don't know of any public ones.


Are there plans for easier implementation of .fx anbd cg shaders

No, not until the change to DirectX 9 is done. Until then, you need shader assembler.


Has anyone seen or tested the shader editor?

No, and I don't think that it's really in development at the moment.
Posted By: PurpleTaiters

Re: Shader questions: When, where, how... - 04/17/04 07:23


- why am I so obsessed with shaders? hehehe

Shaders are cool. I'm obsessed with shaders too (just not publically). Wait a minute! The above statement made itself false by me posting.
Posted By: Drew

Re: Shader questions: When, where, how... - 04/17/04 07:36

Thanks Alexander i think..that was bad news..hehehe
I know why im obsessed, PHOTOREALISM coming to a 3Dcard near you. Its my personal and professional goal, and shaders are the way to east when they support DX9...
Posted By: Drew

Re: Shader questions: When, where, how... - 04/17/04 11:44

Alexander gave me some great explanations in a PM why most shaders wont work in A6. Big letdown..but I can wait.
Most game related shaders are directx9..
Posted By: Alexander Esslinger

Re: Shader questions: When, where, how... - 04/17/04 11:58

...only the impressive ones are DirectX 9 .
Posted By: ventilator

Re: Shader questions: When, where, how... - 04/17/04 18:00

please explain that publicly! ...i guess a lot of effects won't work in a6 because they don't rely on shaders alone but need the collaboration of the engine. and setting render targets and such stuff isn't flexible enough with a6?

does displacement mapping tesselate the mesh dynamically?
Posted By: ello

Re: Shader questions: When, where, how... - 04/18/04 03:53

hmm, in my shader books they get vertexcolorvalues from the stream. if we could get them, too , we could use them for displacementmapping .
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Shader questions: When, where, how... - 04/21/04 01:34

@ello : well, correct me if I'm wrong, but that's why you need directx 9, right?
Posted By: ventilator

Re: Shader questions: When, where, how... - 04/21/04 02:17

vertex colors have nothing to do with displacement mapping.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Shader questions: When, where, how... - 04/21/04 21:30

For the depth of the displacement maps you may need some vertexcolor input, but then again, correct me when I'm wrong

(@ventilator: You probably mean 'true' displacement mapping?
Posted By: Marco_Grubert

Re: Shader questions: When, where, how... - 04/23/04 05:14


Are there plans for easier implementation of .fx anbd cg shaders

You could create a .fx or cg shader using Rendermonkey or nvidia's Cg toolkit and then import the converted Assembler shader into GameStudio. This is not as powerful since the shader is no longer adaptive, but if it's just about ease of programming it would work.


does displacement mapping tesselate the mesh dynamically?

Yes it does and that's why DX8 has no support for it and Vertex Shaders won't help either (can't create vertices on the fly). On the other hand you could create a simplified displacement mapping by passing a highly tesselated mesh along with a bump map and then displace the vertices in the shader (I guess).
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