scratch my back i'll scratch everybodys

Posted By: elwood

scratch my back i'll scratch everybodys - 05/08/04 16:16

i am having trouble with materials and i will offer this really cool tree model to everyone if someone can help me write a script for is a little over 1500 polies.. not good for a whole forest but it really looks good and the foilage looks really good from all angles..

the tree is in 3 parts..trunk...limbs...foilage...
i need a material script for the limbs and foilage that disables backface culling and fixes the sorting problems in tgas like this link discribes..

i also need this to be done without shaders becasue my video card does not support them...

Posted By: elwood

Re: scratch my back i'll scratch everybodys - 05/08/04 19:29

i am so sorry... i didnt see the user request board..

please dont yell at me.. i know how anal people can be at message boards when someone posts in the wrong topic...

could a mod please move my post??
Posted By: ventilator

Re: scratch my back i'll scratch everybodys - 05/09/04 15:16

you just have to assign that material to your models. what exactly is the problem?
Posted By: elwood

Re: scratch my back i'll scratch everybodys - 05/09/04 22:08

hey vent, i found your post last night on the foliage script you wrote ... the one similar to far cry, and i got it to work really well.. this was just a really silly newbie problem.. i didint know know if i assigned the material in an action or what.. the starter thing threw me off.. but all works well now.. i had a small problem to start with, if the the model your using has several instances of the same texture overlapping... ie: leaves, branches, there is a wierd problem with the backface culling not being transparent in the alpha parts.. only for that mesh though.. other objects appear in the trasparent part of the alpha fine.. just not ones that are in the same mesh... a simple fix was just to make one copy of the piece and move all the piece together in wed instead of in your 3d progam...hope that makes sense cause reading back on it it dosent really make any but needless to say i solved the problem thanks to the Vent-man's awesome scripting super powers... and i will still give this tree to anybody who wants it.... just send me a pm... i dont have webspace so if somebody can up it for me that would be great.....

oh yeah, almost forgot... Vent, i am having problems with the unlit tag and your script... i am using unlit for most of my entities and painting or buring shadows in 3dmax.. when i use the unlit=no or check the unlit flag i get very strange results.. all the parts have alpha transparency but some parts loose thier texture and become completly black???? i dont know why this is happening anyideas???
Posted By: ventilator

Re: scratch my back i'll scratch everybodys - 05/09/04 22:16

if you want an unlit object you could try to substitute



Posted By: elwood

Re: scratch my back i'll scratch everybodys - 05/09/04 23:10

works like a charm... just one question.. what are those values... what do they mean.. i cant find them in the manual.. any place where i can learn more about materials??
Posted By: Alexander Esslinger

Re: scratch my back i'll scratch everybodys - 05/09/04 23:22

Also add "Lighting = False;" to your effect. For learning more about the render-states, see the DirectX SDK manual.
Posted By: Destop

Re: scratch my back i'll scratch everybodys - 05/10/04 12:05

hello, what programm did you use to make that very cool lokking tree? thanls you!
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