CallOfCthulhu wind effect & GS?

Posted By: Ganderoleg

CallOfCthulhu wind effect & GS? - 02/23/10 01:10

Have you played Call Of Cthulhu/Dark corners of the earth? grin I was always wondering if something similar to the wind effect from that game can be done with GS. It does seem a bit difficult: it's like the smoke effect but much faster & it turns around the level geometry.

If you didn't play it or forgot how it looks like here is a short clip I made with Fraps:

So what do you think: is something like this doable with GS & how? confused
Posted By: Hummel

Re: CallOfCthulhu wind effect & GS? - 02/23/10 02:59

The basic part should be to use a moving/animated texture on a polygon grid wich you deform so that it fits the corners, that is nearly equivalent to what you do when moving textures for a river - the uv-map looks like a undeformed version of the model.
Then you can add more small streched sprites to get some volume into the effect.
Using a soft particle shader to prevent a sharp intersection between fog and geometrie would also be a good idea wink
Posted By: Ganderoleg

Re: CallOfCthulhu wind effect & GS? - 03/21/10 13:29

I've had so much on my mind I totally forgot about this post...
Yeah you are right- it could be the same concept as animated texture, but it would have to be made transparent. Soft particle shader is also a good idea.
I will try it out and post something if it looks o.k.
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