the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variations

Posted By: ello

the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variations - 06/01/04 15:40

got the ati bubbleshader(from rendermonkey) over to 3dgs. man, try the technique on your water as well 8-)

here some shoz:

get the demo here
get the material-wdl here
Posted By: EX Citer

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variat - 06/01/04 15:58

Stunning!!! And of course that only works on Ati RAdeon and with 3DGS pro, right?

Geiler Effect, kann ich gut für Körperflüssigkeiten gerbauchen, falls es funktioniert.

Posted By: ello

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variat - 06/01/04 16:06

try yourself, and tell me what happens. the pc at work(nvidia fx5700) just restarts without warning;-)

you are right. looks great on humans:)
Posted By: ROMAC

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variations - 06/02/04 00:17

You just keep coming up with these amazing shaders, you can't stop can you!
I love the rainbow looking one (the first one).
I don't understand anything regarding shaders so I can't say more than it makes my eyes glow.
Posted By: BoH_Havoc

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variat - 06/02/04 00:21

erstmal muss ich sagen : saubere arbeit! die bilder schauen echt nice aus
Die Demo geht bei mir leider nicht :| Ich starte die exe, eine lade-screen kommt, dann kurz schwarzer Bildschirm und dann springt das Programm wieder zurück auf den desktop. Als Grafikkarte hab ich eine Radeon 9800 Pro...

Dann hätte ich auch noch eine Frage (die meiner Ansicht oft gestellt wurde, aber immer nur abgewiesen wurde mit "das wurde schon so oft erklärt" oder "such halt im forum" etc.... ich hab gesucht, aber ich bin nicht fündig geworden :|) : Wie bekomme ich einen shader auf eine level-geometrie, wie dass ja auch auf den screens von dir zu sehen ist? Wäre echt net wenn mir das mal einer erklären könnte oder mir einen Verweis auf einen anderen threat geben könnte
Posted By: Drew

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variat - 06/02/04 00:52

Thank you!
I like #7, except it goes crazy over time...hehehe

Posted By: ello

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variat - 06/02/04 03:17

In Antwort auf:

...Ich starte die exe, eine lade-screen kommt, dann kurz schwarzer Bildschirm und dann springt das Programm wieder zurück auf den desktop. Als Grafikkarte hab ich eine Radeon 9800 Pro...

ach, was soll das den? ich hab auch ne radeon9800. versuch mal mit rechter maus die exe in ein verzeichnis entpacken und dann die fx_tests.exe zu starten

to those where it doesnot work. maybe try extracting the files into a folder and start fx_tests.exe . could be that it does not refresh with the autostarter.

this way you also get the fx files for all of the different fx and can see how its done, or tweak it till it runs smooth. i didnt get it running smooth since the vecCycle doesnot give a smooth flowing value/at least it seems so)
Posted By: oliver2s

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variat - 06/02/04 04:44

In Antwort auf:

Die Demo geht bei mir leider nicht :| Ich starte die exe, eine lade-screen kommt, dann kurz schwarzer Bildschirm und dann springt das Programm wieder zurück auf den desktop.

Same problem here on my Radeon 9600 Pro. I've extracted the files in a folder but same problem.
Posted By: light_mystic

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variat - 06/02/04 05:33

Worked fine on my ati machine but of course geforce card went bloop and computer restarted itself lol
Posted By: Blattsalat

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variat - 06/02/04 14:26

works fine with my ati9800pro it...especialy the last one, although of the weired bug at the end of the loop
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variat - 06/02/04 14:50

Reboots my machine. GeF 5200FX Ultra.
Posted By: Dan Silverman

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variat - 06/03/04 18:45

Reboots my PC as well:

GeForceFX 5600
Posted By: Drew

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variat - 06/04/04 13:09

works great on:
ATI All-in-Wonder 9000
ATI Radeon 9600 mobile M10
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variat - 06/06/04 07:39

Works great on my ATI RADEON 9600 SE 256mb too, great work ello!

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variat - 06/09/04 09:02

I have a GeFore FX 5200 and it works fine. I just can't adjust the wavespeed.

or does it take time to take effect?

btw, #6 doesn't work for me and how do you use the wdl?
Posted By: ello

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variat - 06/09/04 12:24

speed adjustment does not take effect on all of 'em

wdl: i use effect_load and vecCycle (material.cycle)
Posted By: BHoltzman

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variations - 06/09/04 13:13

Worked fine on my Geforce FX 5700 Go. I like shader effects!
Posted By: ello

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variations - 06/09/04 13:51

In Antwort auf:

Worked fine on my Geforce FX 5700 Go. I like shader effects!

what??? at work i have a geforce5700 and it crashes to autoreboot. now i dont understand nothing anymore.
Posted By: EX Citer

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variat - 06/10/04 14:34

Also deine exe lässt meinen PC auf brutalste art und weise neustarten. Die WDL muss ich noch ausprobieren.

(Nach dem Neustarten kommt ein Bildschirm, dass 3DGS einen Fehler verursacht hat und beendet werden musste)
Posted By: ello

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variat - 06/10/04 15:55

Posted By: BHoltzman

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variat - 06/10/04 16:48

Hi Ello, I've been posting in the engine bug thread for this bubble shader demo. I had Directx 9.0b debug runtimes installed when I ran the bubble demo successfully. After I switched back to retail runtimes I got the same blue screen crash and reboot as other people reported. However, I did record the error message from two different attempts to run under retail runtimes.

stop: 0x0000008e (0xc0000005, 0x00001cf0, 0xf1e58978, 0x00000000)
stop: 0x0000008e (0xc0000005, 0x00001cf0, 0xf1bf1978, 0x00000000)

I don't know if that will help you any. I think it's more of something conitec needs to work on. But anywho, there it is.

I do like the effect by the way. It looks realy nice even in debug runtimes.

Re: the (ati) bubbleshader with some (ello) variations - 06/14/04 03:27


at work i have a geforce5700 and it crashes to autoreboot. now i dont understand nothing anymore.

well, I guess the science of graphics and computers isn't exactly exact, now is it?

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