Prince of Persia shaders ready for conv. get here

Posted By: Spark3D

Prince of Persia shaders ready for conv. get here - 06/02/04 01:43

ok... ive got a way to extract the pixel and vertex shaders from any game...
the results are like this.. i don't know how to convert these to gamestudio format..

here's the results of the shaders extracted from Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time:

Edited by Rhuarc, read the forum rules:

Participants shall not post any material likely to cause offence, that is protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right - without the express permission of the owner of such copyright - or that contains personal phone numbers or addresses.

is that useful?
Posted By: qwerty823

Re: Prince of Persia shaders ready for conv. get h - 06/02/04 01:54

First of all, extracting any works from a game (being it artwork, sounds, or CODE!) and posting it here is a copyright violation, unless you have permission from the authors.

Second of all, the "constants" for the shaders arent listed, so for the most part what you posted wasnt only illegal, but mostly useless.

Thirdly, please change your sig.
Posted By: Spark3D

Re: Prince of Persia shaders ready for conv. get h - 06/02/04 01:55

oh well.. never mind.
btw i have changed my sig
Posted By: WizRealm

Re: Prince of Persia shaders ready for conv. get h - 06/02/04 05:40

qwerty is right "ripping" any files from a game is illegal unless you have permission.
Posted By: ello

Re: Prince of Persia shaders ready for conv. get h - 06/02/04 05:59

and since you dont have any comments on the constant registers it is really useless, too.

btw, was it violating to convert the bubbleshader??
Posted By: WizRealm

Re: Prince of Persia shaders ready for conv. get h - 06/02/04 06:16

Nope because you got that from RenderMonkey. He said in his first post he used a program to rip it from a game! RenderMonkey is intented for getting shaders and legal, ripping it out from a game via a third party software is illegal. There's a big difference.
Posted By: qwerty823

Re: Prince of Persia shaders ready for conv. get h - 06/02/04 06:34

Looking at my docs with rendermonkey (and ATI's website) I dont see anything that states what the license is for the sample workspaces. I guess someone should contact ATI and find out, least we upset them for using their shaders.
Posted By: Cellulaer

Re: Prince of Persia shaders ready for conv. get h - 06/02/04 08:35

Actually, WizRealm, that isn't true. If he purchased the product he can do whatever damn well he pleases with it as long as he doesn't distribute it. If he wants to set it on fire in his front yard he can do that. If he wants to reverse engineer it and use it's shader code on text on his Windows background he can do that too. Reverse engineering is not illegal (in most countries).

Where he ran into problems is when he distributed it. In most countries distributing a copyrighted work without permission is copyright infringement.
Posted By: WizRealm

Re: Prince of Persia shaders ready for conv. get h - 06/02/04 08:36

I've looked all over their site and I don't see anything about this. I would contact them but I don't want to go through the hassel of signing up for their developer program to ask one simple question. They should just list an email and let you ask not require you to jump through flaming hoops to contact them!

Well Cellulaer I think the creators would disagree with you. Sure he can do whatever he wants and he could even rip out the shader info if he wanted to and it wouldn't be illegal. But you yourself said it

as long as he doesn't distribute it

he cannot post the shader info here, because not everyone owns the game! Even though it's shaky in the first place to rip out shader info you cannot give this info away! Also this is not reverse engineering this is theiving even if it's not useful.

Here's an example

I see some really nice artwork in a game. I rip the art out of the game, then I distribute it on this website. Same concept both are illegal.
Posted By: Cellulaer

Re: Prince of Persia shaders ready for conv. get h - 06/02/04 09:05

Distribution of copyrighted works without permission is copyright infringement. Reverse engineering a work for personal use is not copyright infringement.

Don't muck this up with bogus words like "thievery" and "piracy".
Posted By: qwerty823

Re: Prince of Persia shaders ready for conv. get h - 06/02/04 09:07


I've looked all over their site and I don't see anything about this. I would contact them but I don't want to go through the hassel of signing up for their developer program to ask one simple question. They should just list an email and let you ask not require you to jump through flaming hoops to contact them!

From the RenderMonkey documentation:

(It's for any feedback/suggestions for render monkey, im sure this applies)


Well Cellulaer I think the creators would disagree with you. Sure he can do whatever he wants and he could even rip out the shader info if he wanted to and it wouldn't be illegal. But you yourself said it

as long as he doesn't distribute it

he cannot post the shader info here, because not everyone owns the game! Even though it's shaky in the first place to rip out shader info you cannot give this info away! Also this is not reverse engineering this is theiving even if it's not useful.

Here's an example

I see some really nice artwork in a game. I rip the art out of the game, then I distribute it on this website. Same concept both are illegal.

Notwithstanding geting sued for DMCA violations, ripping the content from a game can have legitimate uses. The modding communities of many games do this very thing to tweak and make mods.

From the quake II, i remember ripping skins to use as templates to create custom skins. I dont think so much the "ripping" is illegal, as is, what you actually do with it once you rip it.
Posted By: WizRealm

Re: Prince of Persia shaders ready for conv. get h - 06/02/04 09:55

This has gotten way off topic but anyway. Yes ripping content does have uses but only if everyone owns the source too. You cannot make quake mods without quake etc.

The point is it's illegal because he posted it. He can rip all he wants as long as he doesn't share with someone who doesn't own it. And well I don't own the game I don't know about all the rest of you though.

I don't really think ripping is a illegal either but posting ripped items in public is. Thanks for the item I didn't want to download the documents.
Posted By: ventilator

Re: Prince of Persia shaders ready for conv. get h - 06/02/04 13:27


mov r0 , c7

great! now i can't use this pixel shader anymore without getting ripping accusations! (...and i really hope this shader is not patented!)
Posted By: WizRealm

Re: Prince of Persia shaders ready for conv. get h - 06/02/04 13:53

Vent we now the code useless it's just the way he got it. It doesn't really matter how useless it is he still ripped it from a game.
Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Prince of Persia shaders ready for conv. get h - 06/03/04 00:50

I've edited the material from the post, as it violates the forum rules stated in the edit.

Spark3D, please read the forum rules if you have not done so.

Posted By: Spark3D

Re: Prince of Persia shaders ready for conv. get h - 06/03/04 01:08

yes.. im sorry. i totally didn't think of the copyright stuff. sorry
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