detail_size replacing

Posted By: Lutz_Tewes

detail_size replacing - 07/06/04 05:35

So Iīve read detail_size is not longer in the manual cause we should use material instead. OK.
For two days I tried different shaders, played around with them and mixed them.
I got a bump-map on my mapentities what was very funny cause crowdy.
And I read more and more and I learned a lot.
I went to microsofts hp and downloaded the directX 9 sdk.
Very very interesting stuff.
But I am not such a good programmer, and I would like to use only a material
replacing that "detail_size", that works on 3D-graphic-carts without the
possibility of vertex or pixelshaders.

So, what can I do?
Do I really have to learn all that stuff?
Or is here anyone so kind and writes a material-effect replacing just
the old detail_size and nothing more?

With a lot of thanks before
Posted By: agreenknight

Re: detail_size replacing - 07/06/04 12:55

There is an aum about using materials. I'm might find it if I'm feeling up to it, but it's late right now so maybe later.
Posted By: Julius

Re: detail_size replacing - 07/06/04 13:05

Materials, yes. Shaders, no. There isn't an AUM for your situation, and I'm in the same one. I'd really like a shader for detail maps. Thankfully, Steempipe is working on a tutorial which uses terrain multitexturing, which could help you learn to make detail maps with shaders.

Posted By: agreenknight

Re: detail_size replacing - 07/06/04 22:49

You could ask george for something in an AUM.
Posted By: Lutz_Tewes

Anybody out there? - 07/07/04 08:09

Iīve read threw the whole forum,
threw wiki,
threw directx9 sdk help,
threw nvidias developer site,
threw atis developer site,
threw the manual of gamestudio,
threw all aums,
I made several downloads with a few hundred mb,
but I found no solution.

So I told my problem here, at the place of the experts.
I donīt want to describe the problem in every part of the forum again.

It is not a question about 200 textures on a terrain,
itīs only a question of one stupid detailmap on a terrain,
like it was possible before (and, I know, is still possible)
with detail_size.

Hello, experts?! Anybody out there?
Posted By: ventilator

Re: Anybody out there? - 07/07/04 08:31

material mtl_terrain_detail_map

texture entSkin1;
texture entSkin2;

technique terrain_detail_map
pass p0

TextureTransform[0]={1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0, // color map u scale
0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0, // color map v scale

TextureTransform[1]={8.0,0.0,0.0,0.0, // detail map u scale
0.0,8.0,0.0,0.0, // detail map v scale

(not tested but it should be possible to achieve the same results as with the old terrain detail mapping with it!)
Posted By: Lutz_Tewes

Re: Anybody out there? - 07/07/04 08:47

Stay online, Iīll try it out!
Posted By: Lutz_Tewes

Re: Anybody out there? - 07/07/04 08:51

I just tried it:
it doesnīt crash.

But the effect is only a lighter first texture on the terrain
as I can see up to now.

But thanks for your try anyway.

Posted By: Steempipe

Re: Anybody out there? - 07/07/04 18:04

You could go here:
web page

Register for the forums, then under Resources there is some code.

I had to change this in the Sample.wdl, tho:
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudioBeta\\template";
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio6\\template";
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