Problem with normal&specmap-shader

Posted By: Alan

Problem with normal&specmap-shader - 09/25/10 22:44

Hi guys,

I've been trying out some of the shaders which come with 3DGS and also one specific shader I've found in the AUM (#77, called "Normal Relief Map Shader"). To show you my problem I've got some images for you (just click the thumbnails for higher detail):

This is an in-game shot, the Normal/Relief-Map shader is applied to the torch. Everything looks good so far, however, if we go closer a bit...

... we clearly see the texture become sort of "liquid" and floating around, creating this absurd abnormity on the surface. If we move the camera, the texture pixels in this area seem to shift around as if the surface was a water surface. Here's another, closer shot:

I've also experienced similar (and of course unwanted) effects using the parallax shader which comes with 3DGS when they are applied to a block: within certain (very sharp, so less than 10°) view angles, everything becomes "liquid" and starts floating around, especially towards the edges of larger surfaces like floors which looks really really bad. The question is: how do I fix this? Is this a general problem? May there be something wrong with my specmap/normalmap?

Thanks in advance,


PS: If it helps, I can provide the used textures or the model!
Posted By: jane

Re: Problem with normal&specmap-shader - 09/26/10 01:58

looks like a double polygon, upload the model so we can check it.
Posted By: Quad

Re: Problem with normal&specmap-shader - 09/26/10 07:06

looks like stretched uv or wrong normals.
Posted By: Alan

Re: Problem with normal&specmap-shader - 09/26/10 10:31

Here's the file, I hope it's complete... otherwise tell me so I can re-upload it!


Posted By: jane

Re: Problem with normal&specmap-shader - 09/26/10 11:44

the skin of this block was in ca. 45°, maybe this was the problem.
trai it.

here the fixed file:

Posted By: Alan

Re: Problem with normal&specmap-shader - 09/26/10 12:07


thanks for trying, but unfortunately that doesn't change anything...
Posted By: alibaba

Re: Problem with normal&specmap-shader - 09/26/10 12:21

are you shure, that you use normal or specular mapping? because this normally happens, if you use prallax mapping, without a highmap.
Posted By: jane

Re: Problem with normal&specmap-shader - 09/26/10 12:34

now a new tray with the 2 closed blocks


sorry here the correct link:

Posted By: MrGuest

Re: Problem with normal&specmap-shader - 09/26/10 12:54

try removing these backfaces, it may not resolve your problem but you still shouldn't have them there

Posted By: Alan

Re: Problem with normal&specmap-shader - 09/26/10 15:14

@Jane: Amazing, that did it! Could you explain to me what exactly you did with the model, why it wrecked the shader and how I can avoid it in the future? That would be awesome laugh


Posted By: jane

Re: Problem with normal&specmap-shader - 09/26/10 15:59

the new polys 6-sided maping front. select all and set in
"Manage Skins" the first Texture with "Set Skin"
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