Shader starting help?

Posted By: marius

Shader starting help? - 09/16/04 23:16

I'm having truble starting to learn how to use the many shader script that are available. I have looked at the wiki page, but I have problem running them.

I get Error(95): Keyword unknown mat_terrain_multitexture terrain......

I guess that I have doen something wrong, could some one please tell me what I need to do to use script like this? Where should I define my skins and so forth? Or maybe some one have a small level with skinns and stuff so I can test it at my computer.

I'm using A6 comercial edition.

Posted By: iprogramgames2

Re: Shader starting help? - 09/21/04 13:27

Render Monkey is for DirectX 9 and therefore the code it generates must be changed by hand. If you aren't up to it simply download the available shaders in the threads above this one as all of them I have tried work.
Posted By: iprogramgames2

Re: Shader starting help? - 09/21/04 14:27

I forgot to mention. The beta version of the A6 DOES support DX9 and the .fx files you are trying to use. So you can try A6 Beta 6.30.X
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