noob question on materials

Posted By: Panther_Studios

noob question on materials - 12/23/04 02:44

does anyone know where i can fing a good tutorial on shaders and material effects? I know absolutely nothing about them, so this would be a lot of help.
Posted By: SlyBoots

Re: noob question on materials - 12/23/04 13:47

The manual might help a tad. Another place you could try is the wiki at the very bottom of the page. - Just some ideas.
Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: noob question on materials - 12/23/04 18:49

you want to know how to write shaders? or simply how to use existing shaders in A6?
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: noob question on materials - 12/24/04 07:33

I recommend reading some books on shaders, like shaderX 2 and the like, or if you're broke like I am at the moment, just search on google for shaders.. Off course this is only for general info on shaders, for using it in A6 it's best to try some of the wiki shaders, download the Surreal shader editor from Nadester and search the forums... Just to show some of the things I've done to find some info on shaders..

Posted By: William

Re: noob question on materials - 12/24/04 10:24

Check out 3PM. In the May issue there is an article on creating your first basic shader. In the June issue there is an begginers article on creating your first material.

May Issue - 3PM May

June Issue - 3PM June
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: noob question on materials - 12/24/04 18:33

It's really to bad I can't pay for those magazines, in the time there were still free parts of it, it was a valuable source of information....
(I don't have a creditcard or the like... and a international cheque costs more then you guys ask for the magazine itself hehehe lol)
Posted By: Panther_Studios

Re: noob question on materials - 12/25/04 11:13

okay, i have the surreal editor, and i have made the materiual effect that i want. I exported the script, and can read it too. How do i now attach the material to an object? I tried to make an action, and played around with the things that the manual said, until i had no syntax errors. When i run my level however, the model still looks the same.

P.S. I want to make a material effect for a ceiling light, that gives off a white light.
Posted By: DavidLancaster

Re: noob question on materials - 12/26/04 12:51

I'm new on shaders as well and am at the stage you are.

I used surreal shader as well to generate code:

material mat_MetalSSE{
emissive_red = 0;
emissive_green = 0;
emissive_blue = 0;

ambient_red = 201.875;
ambient_green = 201.875;
ambient_blue = 201.875;

diffuse_red = 0;
diffuse_green = 0;
diffuse_blue = 0;

specular_red = 255;
specular_green = 255;
specular_blue = 255;

alpha = 100;
albedo = 100;
power = 4.662;

Then I just put in the player's action: my.material = mat_MetalSSE. I can change those values and it affects the player. But in surreal editor the model has a metal effect, my model just seems to have the shader effect. (like how your model hasn't changed at all) Anyone know how to change it.

Posted By: Panther_Studios

Re: noob question on materials - 12/28/04 02:45

thats what im talking about. I give it the material effect, but it doesent do anything. Could it be my graphics card?
Posted By: Panther_Studios

Re: noob question on materials - 12/28/04 02:55

Just to let you know, this is my 100th post. Yeaahhhh!!!!!!!!!!
That makes me a Member
Posted By: DavidLancaster

Re: noob question on materials - 01/06/05 18:57

I got it figured out panther. If an entity has the metal flag set, the metal effect will not appear until the entity is within range of a dynamic light. The entity will not be affected by the lights pre calculated in the build process.

Hope it helps!!
Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: noob question on materials - 01/06/05 23:47


I'm new on shaders as well and am at the stage you are.

I used surreal shader as well to generate code...

In any case those aren't shaders but simple A6 material effects. Shaders use use vertex and pixel programs to calculates effects.
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