Shader tutorial???

Posted By: Braxton

Shader tutorial??? - 12/28/04 12:08


I have a very basic knolage of C-Script (can make things rotate). And I would like to learn how to create nice shaders by my self. My request is for a very indepth "free" tutorial on how to create shaders. Could anyone help me???

Thnk you,
Posted By: jumpman

Re: Shader tutorial??? - 12/28/04 13:05

I wouldnt say you'd be totally helpless if you know enough c-script to make an object rotate, but youd have a hard time trying to figure out whats going on in the shader world.

Before you even get into shaders I think you may have to understand about the rendering pipeline, because as I have experienced, the shaders are so beautiful that they are so hard to understand. Im sure there are alot of free tutorials online, and some good books if youre willing to pay.

Try this wiki link, it may give you SOME type of grounding as to what the hell is going on with shaders:
Posted By: Braxton

Re: Shader tutorial??? - 12/28/04 13:10

Thanks I'll check it out and then post what I know after that and then go from there to get help.
Posted By: Braxton

Re: Shader tutorial??? - 12/28/04 13:12

It says I have to have Visual C/C++ 6.0 with the Service Pack 5. But I only have Dev-C++ (updated to the newest version) will that work?
Posted By: Braxton

Re: Shader tutorial??? - 12/29/04 03:45

Does any one know a book that I can get on Shaders and how to make them... basically the mark-up of the language. Either in C-Script or C++??? Because obviously no one is gonna help me out with my last question.
Posted By: Ambassador

Re: Shader tutorial??? - 12/29/04 04:37

I found a book on Amazon:

it is called: The Microsoft DirectX 9 Programmable Graphics Pipeline

Maybe you should also study some DirectX 9 before diving into shaders.
Posted By: Braxton

Re: Shader tutorial??? - 12/29/04 05:07

What is DirectX 9 anyways. I know it is a program for games to work properly, but why should I know how to create one.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Shader tutorial??? - 12/30/04 23:04

You don't have to know directx 9, but it could be useful to understand the basic things the program takes care of... As for my own experience, I don't know much about directx 9, but untill now it hasn't been a problem at all...
If you really want to know directx there are some very good books out there, which will explain a lot...

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