Voronoi Cell Position

Posted By: jenGs

Voronoi Cell Position - 06/04/14 14:42

I converted this shader from glsl into hlsl.
It gives the distance and a gradient from the input coordinates to the cell center in relation to the voronoi cell to which it belongs to.
Don't ask me how the math works here. I saw this shader had a basic understanding and converted it. It works great.
I have only added the id to the original to color the cells differently.

float2 hash2(float2 p)
	return tex2D(permSampler2d, (p + 0.5) / 256.0).rg;

float4 voronoi( in float2 x)
	float2 n = floor(x);
	float2 f = frac(x);

	// first pass: regular voronoi
	float2 mg;
	float2 mr;
	float id;

	float md = 8.0;
	for( int j = -1; j < 2; j++ )
		for( int i = -1; i < 2; i++ )
			float2 g = float2(i, j);
			float2 o = hash2( n + g );
			float2 r = g + o - f;
			float d = dot(r, r);

			if( d < md )
				md = d;
				mr = r;
				mg = g;
				id = length(o);

	// second pass: distance to borders
	md = 8.0;
	for( int j=-2; j<=2; j++ )
		for( int i=-2; i<=2; i++ )
			float2 g = mg + float2(i, j);
			float2 o = hash2( n + g );
			float2 r = g + o - f;

			if( dot(mr - r, mr - r) > 0.00001 )
			md = min( md, dot( 0.5 * ( mr + r ), normalize( r - mr ) ) );

	return float4( md, mr, id);

float4 postprocessing_noise( float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR0 
	float2 p;
	p.x = Tex.x + vecSkill1[0]; // vecSkill - offset_x
	p.y = Tex.y + vecSkill1[1]; // vecSkill - offset_y
	float4 c = voronoi( vecSkill1[2] * p ); // vecSkill frequency


What I need:
I need the distance of the cell core or the cell middle to the middle of the image. I have some trouble to bring the voronoi point into the 0.0 - 1.0 space.
I want to create an island generator. The cells outside the defined range should be black and the rest white (don't worry randomness can be achieved through a second permutation map). The color should be changed by cell, not by pixel coordinate.
Posted By: jenGs

Re: Voronoi Cell Position - 06/12/14 00:38

ha, finally I solved this.
So stupid.
n + g is the grid id.
a quick distance check to any point (0 .. 1) multiplicated with the frequency/scaling factor gives me the desired results.
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