Motion blur

Posted By: slacker

Motion blur - 02/04/06 20:01

Anyone know if there is anything here that GS can't do?
Posted By: William

Re: Motion blur - 02/05/06 08:50

I'm not quite sure if this is on topic or not, but is there a motion blur shader previously released that works with 3DGS? If so, where to find it? Thanks.
Posted By: PAS

Re: Motion blur - 02/05/06 20:48

in the sphere-engine of mat_aufderheide

Posted By: Sebe

Re: Motion blur - 02/05/06 22:48


in the sphere-engine of mat_aufderheide


Really? I thought there was "only" a Bloom shader, but maybe there has been an update o_O

Anyway, here's a Motionblur from the Wiki (which doesn't use a shader, just simple render to texture - works with Pro only)

Edit: Sorry, that's just the Blur version of it - the Motion Blur one works with multiple render to textures which move a bit slower than the camera => some kind of motion blur effect.
Posted By: William

Re: Motion blur - 02/06/06 05:27

Thanks for posting the blur method. I guess i'll just implement an older method of shifting a models uvcoords towards camera to simulate wind with the blur mabye.

P.S - I don't think Sphere was released with a motion blur shader, unless i'm missing some files?
Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: Motion blur - 02/06/06 08:41

Correct.. Sphere has no Motion BLur.

I'm generally opposed to effects like's usually gimmicy.
Posted By: William

Re: Motion blur - 02/06/06 09:29

lol, your right it is a tad bit gimmicky like HDR, though I figured it would help make things seem even more faster when hitting turbo boosts. Which doesn't hurt.

BTW - How would one implement your bloom shader from Sphere without using the .dll?

I usually load my shaders like this:


bmap mtlEnv_0 = <sm_greenhills+6.tga>;

material mtl_reflect
skin1 = mtlEnv_0;

starter load_reflect_shader()
effect_load(mtl_reflect, "reflectalpha_ps1_0a.fx");

Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: Motion blur - 02/06/06 10:25

You cant use this bloom without the dll.. because it is rendered in the DLL using a texture grabbed from the backbuffer in a fast way. It cant be done any other it uses two passes to blur the bloom, this needs you to render to an invisible quad and blur the results twice.
Posted By: FoxHound

Re: Motion blur - 02/06/06 14:50

Gimmicks sell your products. I would include it for that reason.
Posted By: slacker

Re: Motion blur - 02/06/06 16:01

Hate to disgree - but coming from the 3D industry - motion blur is key - It greatly enhances the illusion of movement, adds cinematic atmosphere and makes everything more realistic. Look at what they have done with Burnout on the PSP.

Is it worth the game ticks? That I don't know..

I will check out the wiki in more detail - I have seen some cool camera effects in GS.
Posted By: ventilator

Re: Motion blur - 02/06/06 19:36

motion blur is important for movies because there you only have 24 frames per second but i think if a game does > 60 fps, motion blur isn't that important because the eye/brain will smooth everything out a bit.
Posted By: Matt_Coles

Re: Motion blur - 02/06/06 22:55

I believe this would be an handy effect if used correctly. I can do it in sylex at the mo, but there are a few small issues
Posted By: slacker

Re: Motion blur - 02/07/06 00:46

what is sylex?
Posted By: Matt_Coles

Re: Motion blur - 02/07/06 03:12

This will explain a little, do a search for more. If you want Sylex I can Upload it to my site for you, I'll also include the motion blur script
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Motion blur - 02/07/06 08:47

Did you ever think about creating "Sylex for Dummies"? I would love some product that works easily just with a few actions and events. With that I could play with all these nice effects in my scenes and with my models and I do not have to care about programming Sylex. I would pay for that. Besides that I could give you models and textures (as you can see in my signature).
Posted By: Matt_Coles

Re: Motion blur - 02/07/06 11:40

I was posting a reply about an hour ago here, and my LCD monitor dyed, so now I'm plugged into the TV . Ok,

@frank g -Like my shader collection. Yeah, I've been thinking about that, it wouldn't be that hard as all the code is sitting in a folder all nice and clean.
I'll do it, you'll prob see the scripts on Sat. I'll post them back here, they'll be free and easy to incorporate for everyone . I just hope I can get a new monitor before then so I can check the code (can't stand TV resolutions!).


Matt Coles

P.S. I'll have to find the small bug with the motion blur. It works, but the objects run away off the screen lol! I only got it working yesterday when I read the thread and saw how cool it looked in Project Offset. Shouldn't be a big deal.
Sylex's bloom works beautifully and doesn't really eat up the frame rate!
Posted By: William

Re: Motion blur - 02/07/06 12:04

I was under the impression Sylex didn't work properly. Was it ever released in English? I downloaded the German version of it right when it was released, unsure if there was any new versions released. Looking forward to your work with Sylex.
Posted By: Matt_Coles

Re: Motion blur - 02/07/06 12:15

In short - Half the features don't work, the other half do.
It wasn't released in english ever, so that's why it has been a little hard for me to pick up on it.
All the features that don't require the dll to load external textures work. (ie mirrors, motion blur, hdr, monochrome and bloom.
The ones that don't work are soft shadows (XeXeS deleted them from the plugin as they would only work with A6.4), fresnel water, and post processing effects that need external textures.
XeXeS has said he is going to release an english manual in the next few weeks, as well as a new version of Sylex with all feauters working. But who can really tell if that will happen.

Bit Dodge, but working screens:

Motion Blur:



Matt Coles
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Motion blur - 02/07/06 15:07

Matt Coles: I am looking forward to the weekend.
Posted By: William

Re: Motion blur - 02/08/06 08:31

Yea, same here. Thanks for the info Matt.
Posted By: EX Citer

Re: Motion blur - 02/10/06 21:20

For motion blur you donīt need shaders. You can do it with the pro edition (see dv2).
Posted By: Matt_Coles

Re: Motion blur - 02/11/06 01:54

ok, I've uploaded version 0.5 of the pack and you can get it here:
Posted By: slacker

Re: Motion blur - 02/17/06 21:09

Hey Matt - thanks for the link and the screens! I will try and dive into this when I get some time - It really is amazing what you and others are doing with this stuff.

I got camera motion blur working with the renderview.dll - which turns out to be a great prototyping asset.

Camera blur is a little different than what we are talking about with object motion blur. I was as much curious if there were limitiations to the G6 shader setup in terms of what people are doing with the technology.

Looks like just about anything is possible.
Posted By: William

Re: Motion blur - 02/18/06 01:22

The camera motion blur sounds intresting and is probably what I was looking for. Would it be suitable for a turbo boost effect? What's the framerate hit on it?
Posted By: XNASorcerer

Re: Motion blur - 02/18/06 02:10

I am also interessed in this camera motion blur. Could you post the code?
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: Motion blur - 02/22/06 17:46

camera.transparent=on; does a good motion blur for me
Posted By: broozar

Re: Motion blur - 02/22/06 17:52

yeah. but not for particles...
Posted By: Matt_Coles

Re: Motion blur - 02/22/06 21:15

XeXeS said it was possible to use the camera motion blur on models too by changing the rendertarget
Posted By: oronll

Re: Motion blur - 02/22/06 22:56


XeXeS said it was possible to use the camera motion blur on models too by changing the rendertarget

well how do you do that?!
Posted By: slacker

Re: Motion blur - 05/20/06 20:30

Does this look promising in terms of adapting to GStudio? It looks like this relies on the previous texture coordinate, not sure if that is available?

And... I am only showing 5 pages of post in the shader forum? Not sure why..
Posted By: ello

Re: Motion blur - 05/22/06 06:29


And... I am only showing 5 pages of post in the shader forum? Not sure why..

at the bottom you can select "show ->active from all dates"
Posted By: indiGLOW

Re: Motion blur - 05/25/06 17:31

There have been a number of attempts over the years to create a motion blur.

Some have used a alpha setting on the camera, but this tends to generate unwanted transparencies and so is not really an option, IMHO.

Another way is to render the view to an object just infront of the camera, which is slightly delayed, and semi transparent. With several of these you can create a pretty convincing blur effect.

What I would like to see, if a shader, that is either applied to an object to make it blur, or better still a shader applied to a model as above, that is just in front of the camera, that does the capture and re-skin method faster.
Posted By: Lost

Re: Motion blur - 05/25/06 18:25

Yeah only problem with rendering to an object obviously is that having several views is going to put a hugely heavy load on hardware.
Posted By: indiGLOW

Re: Motion blur - 06/01/06 10:47

Exactly Lost, which is why I asked if this could be done via a shader instead. I set up 3 shields, each with a view rendered to it, and even in the most basic of levels the FPS dropped to unplayable rates. This seems to be somewhat of an enigma in the land of FX...
Posted By: slacker

Re: Motion blur - 06/01/06 16:12


Does this look promising in terms of adapting to GStudio? It looks like this relies on the previous texture coordinate, not sure if that is available?

And... I am only showing 5 pages of post in the shader forum? Not sure why..

Isn't this code for shader based MBlur? Not sure if it is adaptable to GStudio.
Posted By: Roel

Re: Motion blur - 06/17/06 14:52

To create (cheap-looking) motion blur you no't need a shader,
just make the bg_color 0,0,0
and make the camera also transparent

that must be all
Posted By: Straight_Heart

Re: Motion blur - 06/18/06 04:11


if you actually read the comments in this post (which you didnt), the hack job of making the camera transparent creates all sorts of transparent anomalies. Terrain and models get bad sorting problems, and generally this is unnacceptable. You do get a trail however, but this is not motion blur, only a "z-sort fumble" effect.

@Matt Aufderheide

All of computer graphics is a gimmick, whether you beleive it or not. No matter how many complex calculations are running in a parrallax bump shader, the surface of it is portrayed onto a flat horizon of pixels (your moniter). And since CG nowadays tries to imitate the human eye (like HDR lighting), motion blur is visible to the naked eye. Just shake a pencil fast enough and youll see that it smears.
Posted By: EX Citer

Re: Motion blur - 06/18/06 17:53

@Straight Heart: With pro edition you can render the screen to a bmap panel and make it transparent. Then you get a very good motion blur. And that is of course motion blur. Because it blurs only motions.
Posted By: mk_1

Re: Motion blur - 06/18/06 19:39

Actually straight_heart is right. It doesn't blur anything, d3d just doesn't clear the frame buffer. With a motion blur effect you could stop the game at any time and still have the blur effect, yours is going to discontinue blurring. You can't really control it anyway and it's heavily framerate dependend.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Motion blur - 06/18/06 23:36

What would be the proper way to make a blur with render to texture?

Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: Motion blur - 06/20/06 03:50

The proper way to render motion blur would be to have a seriers of render targets in an array.. in each render target you would store a previous frmae, so you have a constant string of maybe the last 10 frames...

To show the blur effect you would just render these by alpha blending over a screen-aligned quad, with the oldest frame being the most trasparent.
Posted By: Ichiro

Cheap Motion Blur - 06/20/06 16:09

Re: The cheap render-to-panel trick, I assume that the biggest problem is that amount of blur changes with the framerate. (High framerate means many overwrites per unit time; low framerate means fewer.) I've always wondered -- can you get around this by varying the panel's alpha value with the framerate?

[Edit: I just tried this here.]
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