Unified Shaders !

Posted By: TheExpert

Unified Shaders ! - 02/25/06 19:30

Well , i use several 3D engines ,from TV3D 6.5 , BV engine , Ogre3D
some others open source to 3DGS commercial

what i can see in ogre3D and TV3D : the shaders can be used
and modified by some simple lines of code directly

here in 3DGS all people post is own WDL script , or fx file with some script
and you must specify some things ,textures etc ....

why not unifiying all that ?
-using every time skins 1 to n
instead of putting fixed ones in script ?
- always use the sun and allow one or more dynamic lights ?
or none if not necessary ?
- put every shader in FX file and give teh little script to use it ?
- for every shader give the same sample : a rotating sphere with the shader
applied to it ?

this way for every shader : we coudl find the same example : a rotating sphere :
people download the running sample , couls see it , try it , and use the FX file and paste in their project the little code to use it

because from a foreign eye of someoen that already use shaders with others engines : here this is a circus
always people sayign it don't work, what do i have ot do etc ... etc ...

with hthe same downloadable sample , it could only run
and using always FX files would make all fitting together more unified for the community

that's just my advice now all shaders guru here can continue like they
fell héhéhhéééh

but for community if i was admin in shader topics :
i would accept only unified shaders like i said in the little sphere
runnnign downloadable sample !

that's two years (and more sure ) that shaders are poor here , not a lot
, not unified , a real pain , why not changing the things and bring some
structure here ?

it was just a quick idea , now all people is free to thins and conitnue as they want
or vote for unified things
Posted By: EX Citer

Re: Unified Shaders ! - 02/25/06 21:33

interesting idea
Posted By: XNASorcerer

Re: Unified Shaders ! - 02/25/06 22:17

I agree!
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Unified Shaders ! - 02/25/06 22:25

It's an interesting idea(and a good one), but proposing it and doing it are two different things. It would take someone with shaders knowledge and the drive/enthusiasm to do it. Plus, there's the maintenance/upkeep, afterwards. It would make for a nifty, 3DGS tech demo if executed properly.

I also think it would be nice for any and all 3DGS tech demos that come out from now on to use the same unified visual style(and something that looks modern). That way there's a consistency which makes a better impression on potential customers.
Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: Unified Shaders ! - 02/25/06 23:36

I have to say i dont entirely understand this suggestion. Shaders are all going to be different in some respects, becasue they do differetn things. They already use the same texture and variable naming conventions, because of the A6 interface.. so what do you really suggest actually be done?

Poeple can use FX files if they want, or include the effect in the wdl script. this is for flexibility..the effect is the same.

So please xplain what you mean more clearly.
Posted By: Alexander Esslinger

Re: Unified Shaders ! - 02/26/06 02:29

There is the shader editor on the forecast for simplifing shader usage.
Posted By: oronll

Re: Unified Shaders ! - 02/26/06 15:45


I have to say i dont entirely understand this suggestion. Shaders are all going to be different in some respects, becasue they do differetn things. They already use the same texture and variable naming conventions, because of the A6 interface.. so what do you really suggest actually be done?

Poeple can use FX files if they want, or include the effect in the wdl script. this is for flexibility..the effect is the same.

So please xplain what you mean more clearly.

i think he is talking about setting a standard so you can just drop in an user made .FX file and it works .. no having to write a bunch of functions to operate the matrices .. dont take away the abilites we have now to full customize it .. but to have standard .. Kinda of like Smee .. how they already the code for doing alot of things setup even if you dont use it ..
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Unified Shaders ! - 02/26/06 19:05

that's it

i don't say to all shaders to look same , caus it wouldn't be shader.

i just say actually , if you want to use shaders with lights , that's not easy task,

when i say unified i mean : no more fixed parameters in code like :
fixed textures like :
texture1 = "grass.bmp" instead use skins like some people do

fixed lights :
ligh1 == 0.5,0.5,0.5 etc ...
instead use some variables parameters for position and colour : this way
any 3DGS user could use it's own light or sun if he wants ,and manage himself
what of the lights of it's level would affect what shader he wants ( with distance if he wants etc ..)

code shaders put on 3DGS functions or material definition :
-unify that and put them on FX Files instead :
it would be better for all
and to maintain programs and read them is a lot more easy to have
a script file doing only what is necessary :
no pollution code.

- put a simple cube or sphere example with all the code ready to download and
use :
it would be a lot better for community instead of each time copy some code from
page and have errors :
and this way the shader woudl be sure to work caus tested and ready to use

well ... there is more than two years that i'm here i really like 3DGS
and , it's two years shaders a really low
in number , the code is pread all around the site !
even the sticky don't refer all shaders snippets that we can find by digging a little.

My idea is some unified way of writting shaders and deliver them to 3DSG people that could easily tweak the and use them.

I say , but i don't do it , caus i'm very bad in shader programming and knowledege !
and i really really hate maths

if it wasn't the case, i would do.
but i knwo w hat i can do :
perhaps i'll take one or two snippets from the site, put them in a FX file ,verify they use teh skins or lights parameters and no fixed ones in script and put the minimum script to use them with
some comments and the downloadable example

I don't say that for me but for all 3DGS people and any new user that would come
and could find shaders ready to use and tweak with simple coments :
all in smae format : FX File , and some simple script code.
Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: Unified Shaders ! - 02/26/06 22:56

This idea is not neeeded in genreal, because as said shaders follow a naming convention.

entSkin1,entSkin2, etc..

most veriables have the same names. Some shaders have special kinds of matrices and variables needed, in this case they use mtlmatrix, and vecSkills and so on.
Internal variables in HLSL doesnt matter what names used there.

So frankly I dont see any point to this suggestion, at least in terms of programming.
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Unified Shaders ! - 02/27/06 16:48

OK !

what you variables you say , are standard shaders ones , it's ok with these or
matrix, what i said i was not ok with fixed lights or fixed textures,
and effects described in script instead of giving a working smaple with a
FX file t oforce everybody to use FX Files and forget the bad method to
describe the material in script

so it can continue like that

It would be cool to find all 3DGS existing shaders in the wiki , there are only some , not all you can find by digging ,
yes a real library with all , and not just code , all downloadable
but it's utopia

for my part it's a lot more easy to have shaders fixed in the engine like TV3D or Ogre3D, just a call in some easy lines and that's it , no matrices
problems, and only closest lights are taken account.

well i just hope future 3DGS shader editor , will bring fast and easy to apply shaders , no more time loosing
no more problems
Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: Unified Shaders ! - 02/27/06 19:01

I still dont get you mean about lights not working, it simply needs the vecLightPos[8] and vecLightColor[8] .. this does all 8 lights.
Posted By: ello

Re: Unified Shaders ! - 02/28/06 11:53

luckily you aint the admin here:) that would be fun. if a shader isnt applied to a sphere and works with every light (makes it slower btw) it cant be posted here?? thats one silly suggestion.

it would be ok if you asked for a shader library meeting exactly your needs. well, every one has other needs.

btw: i can apply shaders to a sphere (at 0,0,0) and you would like it. then you want to apply it to your own model that is moving thru your level and you would find out, it looks like crap.

you cant unifie shaders. theres a much to wide range
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Unified Shaders ! - 02/28/06 12:12

i don't ask shader library !
for me and 3D art the essential one is bump mapping specular for animated models
and somes fixed
caus my main focus is 3D art , not game programming , or put lot of shaders
in a scene.

i already have that shader with 3DGS Or others engines.

For unifying shaders : use TV3D, ogre3D, etc ... they have built in shaders and light managemnt for them...
All is ready to use.

it was just a remark i had in my mind.
no real suggestion

continue the topic , do what you want
i don't mind ... it was just a flying idea

i surely be a bad admin
but some like you for new ideas, optimism well ....
Posted By: Thomas_Nitschke

Re: Unified Shaders ! - 02/28/06 13:03

Since this seems to be an interesting idea, here we go with my two cents

@TheExpert: The way I understood you, you don't have the shader code itself in mind but the "user-friendlyness" of the script that goes with the shader. Thus, if I got that correctly, your suggestion is to have each shader contributed together with a script that includes comment tags and a small demo level showing the shader in action, so that any noob can simply download the package and see the shader working before he starts to adapt it to his needs. Assumed this is correct, I'd fully support the suggestion Of course, this would mean quite a bunch of work but if it keeps all the "WATERSHADER????????????"-like threads out of the shader forum simply because the provided script is easy enough to customize, it'd be well worth it, I guess. Thumbs up!
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Unified Shaders ! - 02/28/06 17:59

yes that's it

shaders i don't mind i already have the ones i want with TV3D and Ogre3D
i proposed like you said :
a method of availability for all 3DGS users like you said !
yes a demo, structured with a FX File , comments tags , some minimum script and
use always sun if lights influences and one or two nearest lights !

well i don't mind , it was an idea , now 3DGS users can do like they want
some don't mind to have some methodology , availability , well
not my concern anymore
Posted By: Matt_Coles

Re: Unified Shaders ! - 02/28/06 21:36

You mean like shader collection in the resources page?
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Unified Shaders ! - 03/01/06 18:58

what do you call ressources pages hhéhéhéhé never heard or talked about
ressources pages

is it shader section the index shader ?
is it wiki section ?
is it download ?

well i don't mind a lot , let's wait for shader editor, it will
surely unify that , caus i think it will use FX Files , perhaps ?
Posted By: Lion_Ts

Re: Unified Shaders ! - 03/01/06 22:43

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