Looking for a Normal Mapping effect

Posted By: kodbert

Looking for a Normal Mapping effect - 05/08/06 02:28

I've searched the forum and found a few different solutions for
doing normal mapping, but none of them works for me (3DGS 6.31.4).

The best one compiled but was all black...

If anyone has any idea where i can find a working normal mapping effect
please let me know !
Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Looking for a Normal Mapping effect - 05/08/06 02:57

1. Does your video card support the effect?
2. Did you have any dynamic lights in your level to affect it?
3. Search harder. There's hundreds of topics identical to yours.....
Posted By: Inestical

Re: Looking for a Normal Mapping effect - 05/09/06 06:26

ah, one thing can be that you don't have commercial+ edition?
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Looking for a Normal Mapping effect - 05/09/06 08:38

we really should create a sticky thread with a normal mapping effect, a little manual and a FAQ. This question will raise here every week again.

I even would write something when I find a good shader (until now I worked only with Sphere or SMEE but not with a separated normal mapping shader effect). But my english is not perfect.

Rhuarc could be the best man for this
Posted By: VampireLord

Re: Looking for a Normal Mapping effect - 05/09/06 20:06

I second this!
It would make the lives of the moderators much easier and also give added-value to A6 if a "Noobs way to implement perfect normal mapping" could be written
I currently don't have time for this as I am writing my final thesis atm.
When I am done with that I would be willing to translate the whole thing!

Posted By: Lion_Ts

Re: Looking for a Normal Mapping effect - 05/10/06 20:33

"perfetct normal mapping..."
Why not a "per-pixel lighting..." or "subsurface scaterring..." ?

Place sticky for "free shaders for A6..." (but we have one... "Shader Index")
Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: Looking for a Normal Mapping effect - 05/11/06 09:44

my Ultimate lIghting Shader was supposed to be the perfect normal mapping shader.. but I made the mistake of making it for shader model 3, which apperently many poeple still do not have support for. Someone has converted it for model 2 but then it got sort of lost and confused, and i nver bothered to make an official update...

ANyway, somewhere ther should be aversion converted to model 2 available (the only major chnage being that there had to be fewer lights per pass).
Posted By: Slin

Re: Looking for a Normal Mapping effect - 05/11/06 10:37

I think you mean this one I found sometime ago. I´m not sure if it´s yours but because it is the only Shadermodel 3 Shader I´ve ever seen on this Forum I think it´s yours. Uploadet the Shadermodel 2 Version
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Looking for a Normal Mapping effect - 05/12/06 13:26

As I remember there was a sample in the manual that shows a shader with fallback techniques. So it should be possible to create the real "perfect" normal mapping shader that works on 3.0, 2.0 and 1.x and could even fall back to FFE or just a simple texture when all that fails.

I wrote a few articles about creating shaders from high poly models and from 2d textures and mentioned all the appropriate tools. So I would translate this into English for this little project. We just need this kind of shader and I will provide examples, tools and textures.

Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Looking for a Normal Mapping effect - 11/08/06 07:41

Slin, could you please upload this shader again or better: copy it to the WIKI? I would be very grateful.
Posted By: erbismi

Re: Looking for a Normal Mapping effect - 11/18/06 21:43

I found 2 fairly good normal mapping effects, and they both work alright; one of them adds a green tint to the model (i dont know why because i havent a clue about writing shaders) and the other is just too shiny. Is there anyone who knows of a normal mapping shader that will react to dynamic lights, cos the 2 i have dont.
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