[Free]Update new UV maps....

Posted By: FeiHongJr

[Free]Update new UV maps.... - 09/23/06 12:43

Just made these real quick and figured they might be useful to someone.
8 different rocks each with 256 faces... They all use 128x128 tiling textures... I realize that its not the best but makes replacing the texture a breeze. Textures courtesy of ellos post....

Get them here(new update)
Posted By: sheefo

Re: [Free] Rocks (8 pack) - 09/23/06 14:30

Rock, eh? These will add a little detail to my terrain for my RTS

I can use them with my random vegetation geretator.


PS: I found another use for the textures, so I got 2 new things from this
Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

Re: [Free] Rocks (8 pack) - 09/23/06 14:50

Rocks , whats next , free sh*t , LOL. Actually thnx , though a simple model they can come in handy for outside areas.
Posted By: FeiHongJr

Re: [Free] Rocks (8 pack) - 09/23/06 14:51

lol well glad someone like em The textures I just got from the site ello posted just resized them and took a chunk of them and used the make seamless feature in gimp

... Really isnt the best way to make seamless textures but sure is the easiest. I didnt want to spend much time on the textures tho and figured they could easily be replaced with any stone texture.

Not sure the tiling uv is really a good way to go but again I just felt like doing something to get away from my setting up the uvs for my revolver for awhile


Rocks , whats next , free sh*t , LOL.

Darn you ruined the surprise lol Yep they are simple but figured everyone could use some rocks now and then... Speaking of sh*t I have a toilet in the tutorial thread
Posted By: sheefo

Re: [Free] Rocks (8 pack) - 09/23/06 16:40

I've downloaded you toilet model, you should make a long, brown, stinky sh*t model to go with it
Posted By: FeiHongJr

Re: [Free] Rocks (8 pack) - 09/23/06 16:54

Acctually I had made 2 stinky turds but didnt like the way they came out ...
Posted By: frazzle

Re: [Free] Rocks (8 pack) - 09/23/06 17:03

Nice rocks FeiHongJr


Posted By: sheefo

Re: [Free] Rocks (8 pack) - 09/23/06 18:46

Make a really leaky one as well (and add a water shader to it, lol)
Posted By: Joozey

Re: [Free] Rocks (8 pack) - 09/23/06 21:49

yah and a little heat air distortion above the poo! fresh poo
Nice rocks though from yourpicture the texture looks a bit too much repetitive.
Posted By: FeiHongJr

UPDATED! If you downloaded these please read! - 09/23/06 22:33

Thanks, and your absolutley right they do tile way to much and after awhile thinking about it I felt bad even releasing them.

Which is why I decided to unwrap them to make them look a little more presentable.

They look like crap from underneath but unless you plan on having your chacter crawl under a rock dont think it should be an issue.

Download New rocks here.

Posted By: lostclimate

Re: UPDATED! If you downloaded these please read - 09/23/06 22:36

the texture looks really stretched now tho, like i can see pixels, maybe make them bigger textures, and maybe blurr them a little.
Posted By: FeiHongJr

Re: UPDATED! If you downloaded these please read - 09/23/06 22:43

I didnt really make the textures. Just used ones found on the net... I would post larger ones but would just as easy for anyone to go to the site here posted by ello.

Then you can pick between quite a few texture images in high res format. Crop out a section accordingly... 256x256 for example and use it as the new texture.

If theres enough interest I will do it but figured it be better for everyone the other way since theyll have a huge choice between textures ... The images are large enough to crop a few textures out of them. So you could create a few variants of the same type of rock...

I went with small textures to decrease the file size... but as I said if theres enough interest I will gladly whip up a few new textures for them.
Posted By: Joozey

Re: UPDATED! If you downloaded these please read - 09/23/06 22:47

And they can tile about 2-3 times, thats not a problem just if you tile it too much it's quite noticeable It is indeed too pixely now, like lostclimate said. Well it's not a problem for me as I can dothat by myself but just to tellyou .

Tnx for the contribution.
Posted By: FeiHongJr

Re: UPDATED! If you downloaded these please read - 09/23/06 22:58

Heres an example of what I did in a few minutes. Just cropped a section out of the original file that was 1024x1024 and resized it to 512x512.

Posted By: FoxHound

Re: UPDATED! If you downloaded these please read - 09/24/06 04:15

Make your own textures using photoshop.


A lot of tutorials on using photoshop to make textures from scratch. You just need to search a little. Have fun.
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