Lite-C Contribution

Posted By: A.Russell

Lite-C Contribution - 02/20/07 17:18

I want to familiarise myself with Lite-C and earn a free licence when it goes gold. To that end, is there anything anyone here wants me to write? It should be something fairly generic that would be useful to most of the community, and not hugely difficult or time consuming for me.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Lite-C Contribution - 02/20/07 18:51

Do you know the Lite-C workshop? It is just like a C-Script workshop. I did not find anything new like usage of c data types, structs, type casting. I am interested in everything that expands the C-Lite workshop to a "real" C workshop.

I am also interested in all the possibilites that we have, what code libraries can be included, what functions and types are available?

Another simple tutorial could be an example of showing how string functions work and how useful they are.

Posted By: ulf

Re: Lite-C Contribution - 02/20/07 18:54

you could show how to use the latest newton.dll
Posted By: Germanunkol

Re: Lite-C Contribution - 02/21/07 07:54

How about a sword fighting demo? or meele weapons in general? That would make a great template.

Or object avoidance ...
both would be very useful.
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Lite-C Contribution - 02/21/07 18:52

Something basic...

Something that shows a general use. Such as walking around and possibly some type of interaction in a basic indoor/outdoor level.
Posted By: William

Re: Lite-C Contribution - 02/25/07 06:04

Mabye something that shows current c-script users what they can do in Lite-C that they cannot do in c-script for 3d game development(speedier code, or just general things that are very useful but not possible in C-script).
Posted By: ventilator

Re: Lite-C Contribution - 02/25/07 09:15

i would like to see some simple examples of how direct3d can be used with lite-c.


- a 3d line drawing function (z-buffering should be an option)
- functions for drawing different kinds of triangles
- accessing the frame buffer
- accessing the vertex/index/attribute buffers
Posted By: FBL

Re: Lite-C Contribution - 02/25/07 10:29

There are already d3d samples included
Posted By: ventilator

Re: Lite-C Contribution - 02/25/07 11:05

didn't notice them. it would be nicer though to have direct3d examples which work together with the engine and not just some microsoft examples which open their own window.
Posted By: A.Russell

Re: Lite-C Contribution - 02/28/07 03:03

Thanks for the suggestions so far.

Frank G: I would have to ask JCL if that is what they want. I think he said that it is intended for beginners.
ULF: Better to ask Ventilator about Newton.
Germanunkol: Could be fun to do.
xXxGuitar511: I like this idea, too.
William: Since I am just about to start with Lite-C, I don't know myself yet.
ventilator: Isn't that a bit low level to be useful to most users?

I'm still open to suggestions and will start soon.
Posted By: vlau

Re: Lite-C Contribution - 02/28/07 09:03

Rotating platform code with a small test level : While the character
step on the platform, she will rotate relatively with the platform
but still able to turn and walk any directions.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Lite-C Contribution - 02/28/07 10:58


Frank G: I would have to ask JCL if that is what they want. I think he said that it is intended for beginners.

But then it is not needed. As you probably now there already is a Lite-C workshop and it is fairly simple it covers panels, buttons, variables and all the basic C-Script stuff but not really any special Lite-C usage.
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