Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0)

Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 02/26/07 04:15

I haven't posted any contributions lately, so I thought I'd post this (As requested).

It's still the OLD version of Newton, just adapted to work with the newer versions of A6 (A6.5). I have also added my first attempt at a physics player. The old Newton examples simply used a regular entity, so it wasn't interactable with Newton. Mine is (Somewhat... lol).

Thise is only the first version... Much more work to come along in the future. If you want to contribute to this, then please let me know and I'll add it in.

Here it is: Newton 65 (5.5 mb)
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 02/26/07 05:26

Thanks for the update. While use of the latest greatest is something alot of us are waiting for, at least now the existing version will actually work with the engine. I think vent is working on a Lite-C version of the new one, although a C-script version would be nice.
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 02/26/07 05:30

Yeah, I've been waiting for the new newton to be ported too...

Hopefully SOMEONE is working on it, as it seems everytime we get into that topic, someone starts porting it, realizes it's a pain-in-the-ass, and quits...
Posted By: demiGod

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 02/26/07 13:39

Nice contribution xXxGuitar511 considering many people around here didnt make it work newton with 6.5, and the player interaction with other newton objects its very good.
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 02/26/07 13:52

Thanks - the player has a long way to go though. I need to figure out how to move the player another way though. Right now it uses the force values of newton, which means it will also be able to push a box if you were on the inside (Which is bad).

I also plan on creating a new way to link constraints to their objects. Newtons current way requires you to use WED's groups, and is very limiting.
Posted By: Mondivirtuali

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 02/26/07 13:57

Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 02/26/07 18:41

Sweet! A player which behaves like a crate, when you move him against an edge!
I like that!

The camera behaves a Sometimes third person, sometimes in the base...sometimes difficult to see the player _and_ navigate him!
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 02/26/07 20:18

The same here xXxGuitar, this is a helpfull contribution


Posted By: Drew

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 02/27/07 06:02

no!! the link is dead...

I helped create Newton for A6 with julio jerez, so I am excited to get it working again (I havent seen julio for a few years)... please re-upload!

Posted By: CD_saber

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 02/27/07 14:49

Yes, the link is down, can you please fix it? Thx
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 02/27/07 15:19

Link should be up again now...

I'm not sure why it stopped working. I logged into my host, and then the link was up again. I guess I'll have to log in everyday... lol.
Posted By: Vini

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 02/27/07 15:55

itīs down again :\
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 02/27/07 16:52

I could host it for you, or you could send it as a contribution to acknex unlimited .. that way it will always be accessible.

Posted By: Vini

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 02/28/07 11:21

today the download is working!!
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 02/28/07 14:35

Ha... I'm sorry about the crappy link. I'm using a free host ( They've been the best so far, except for this link. I don't think I'm allowed to host semi-large zip files...

Anyways, I sent an updated version (Just the level) to PHeMoX...
He will be hosting it now, and should post a link whenever he has a chance...
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/01/07 00:11

For now it's hosted at the above adress.

(it took some time, sorry)

Posted By: Drew

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/01/07 01:35

cool, thanks!
Posted By: Mondivirtuali

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/01/07 19:06

This second demo don't works..I have to put the newton ddl in the plugin folder, I suppose
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/04/07 02:42

yep, you have to copy Newton.dll into your acknex_plugins folder for the engine to recognize it in development mode...

I'm also working on another update. I've incorperated Sylex3 into it for some better quality. Physics and Graphics oh my! that was kinda gay, I'm sorry... lol.

But yeah. I've been trying to find Sylex webpage for a while now. But I can't find the damn thing. So I am settling for Sylex3. However, It's only partially working. Only some of the PP effects are working properly...

Expect an update soon!
Posted By: Mondivirtuali

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/04/07 23:26

I can't wait...I am serious.
Posted By: D3D

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/04/07 23:44


Are you going to use the shader package Slin posted some time ago? Also, this Newton version is only support for block and not model based level geometry right?
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/05/07 00:22


Expect an update soon!

Very nice, hehehe, you know where to find me so I can upload it again. Sylex3 would be nice to have incoorporated ,

Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/05/07 01:14

Alright... Sylex3 is now working correctly. I havn't figured out how to send shaders attached to models through yet, but I'm not too worried about that. The PP effects are working! So now I just need a level that illustrates its features/abilities best. (Check under the "User Requests: Level Design (not level)"). Currently I am only using the bloom shader. I will check out the Sylex3 Shaders that were contributed though, as I remember there were some very good ones...


Also, this Newton version is only support for block and not model based level geometry right?

Sort of... The current version only supports combinations of rectangular & spherical shapes to create complex scenes, not polygon precise. This is the major drawback of Newton ATM. However, you can (and is sometimes the better way) create invisible blocks & spheres for collision. You simply have to set their mass to 0 so that they don't move. I will incorperate SOME model-only parts to the level though...

Thanks for all your support everybody, as this is the reason I give this stuff away as UC's. Especially PHeMoX for hosting the files and directly linking them. If you have any requests, PLEASE let me know and I'll do my best to add them!
Posted By: Mondivirtuali

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/06/07 16:52

Done but it does not works.
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/06/07 17:20

Whats done and what doesn't work?
Posted By: Mondivirtuali

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/07/07 16:49

I copy the newton dll in the acknex plugin folder , then I try to run the level and get the error message "can't load newton ddl".
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/07/07 17:37

Which version of 3dgs do you have, do you have the latest update installed too?

Posted By: Mondivirtuali

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/07/07 17:46

Yes! 6.50 comm.
I made a directory only for the latest version. The first demo that you had shared, does work perfectly.
I renamed also the ddl, changed the path by Sed , nothing works.
Posted By: Mondivirtuali

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/07/07 18:03

It works, I dl it again and this time it works.
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/08/07 05:05

Hmm... sorry it didn't work the first time. I'm not sure why. But I'm glad it is working now...

Sorry for the constant changes (well, not really, as they are updates which are good ). But I am redesigning the level again . The new level incorperates Sylex3 (Using a Bloom shader), and is stationed at a harbor. The level is bright (to take advantage of Bloom shader), and also features a water shader (not mirrored for speed reasons). The water also uses newton bouyancy as well.

I'll try to publish ASAP, but I'm still having trouble on how to design the level. my plans include: Models based sections of the level (as requested), terrain, Sylex3 water shader + newton bouyancy[done], Sylex3 Bloom[done], Physics Player[done], ...and whatever else might be requested ...
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/09/07 18:16

OK... I've gotten alot done.

Sylex is done. PP effects are working, along with water shader. Currently I am only using the default bloom shader, but I will also check out Slins effects (I've already downloaded them). I've also added the water shader, with reflections and refractions as well! It looks f*king awsome if I do say so myself... lol.

I'm still working with Newton a bit. Model based levels are now supported. There will be a seperate action for these "special" models [not sure what I'm gonna call it yet, but this is trivial).

The Physics player hasn't changed much though. There's really not too much I can do with the newton portion of him. He now supports swimming in the water, but he doesn't animate any differently then walking, so iit looks kinda of... dumb. So, I will finish up the level, and then send it over to the great PHeMoX for hosting...

But for now, some screenshots:

Posted By: Slin

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/09/07 20:17

Wow, that looks very amazing. The only thing which is missing are some nice modelshadows...
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/09/07 20:25

yeah, I couldn't get softshadows to work with Sylex3. In fact, I've read that the softshadows were not included in the release, but were in the source code for download. So I'm not sure what to do about it. I'd really like to get 'em working.

I'm NOT using 3dgs stencil shadows. they are too slow and have that camera pos bug. I could look for (and I think I might have one), a shader for softshadows.
Posted By: aztec

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/09/07 20:46

looks very pretty Awesome shader
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/10/07 03:30

Thanks Aztec, and you too Slin (I posted you about the Softshadows in the other thread)...

Now I just need to finish the level, and I'll post the next release!
Posted By: Vini

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/14/07 10:54

waiting an update!!!
Posted By: mnemoniq

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/17/07 13:31

You don't have another link to download , plz !!! ?
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/18/07 01:59

I'm going to upload my current level tomorrow. As I get report cards on monday, I want to get this done while I still can

My last goal is to add a terrain, and a simple model-based features...
Posted By: slacker

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/19/07 23:51

This is a great contribution! Great job.

These are some of the best screens I have seen for GS.

Posted By: gri

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/22/07 08:49

hi brother of metal,

any news on this?

Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/22/07 16:11

The only thing I have not completed yet is the level. Here's the complete list of features:

[X] Newton compatible with A6.5+
[X] Sylex3 Post-Processing Shaders
- Bloom [is used]
[ ] Soft Shadows
[X] Water Reflection/Refraction

[X] Standard movement using physics (Balance, walk, jump, swim)
[ ] Smooth animation transitions
[ ] Complex Bones Animation *1
  • Normalmapping shader

    [X] Water Buoyancy
    [ ] Water Splashes (Upon collision)
  • Model based levels
    [X] Fully interactive objects
  • Complex Object Placement script. *2

    *1: User will be able to control player accurately using a complex bones system. The model will rotate/move according to the way humans do (Sounds more special than it is). Such as if you were standing still, but wanted to look around, your players head, neck, and several divisions of torso would rotate depending on your target angle.

    *2: This script will allow the user to dynamically place objects on a terrain a pre-defined skin from the terrain. This will place objects in densities dependant on the RGB [and hopefully] A color values.

    If you would like to contribute to this project, please let me know... I'd love some help. I've got scripting covered, but I lack everything else [IE: models, level, sounds, etc].
  • Posted By: Anonymous

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/23/07 14:20

    what kind of models do you need
    Posted By: xXxGuitar511

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/23/07 16:01

    Hmm... pretty much anything. As mentioned somewhere above, the level is [currently] set in a harbor. Any and all models are welcome.

    rock/grass/tree/bush (have some already thanks to Loopix )

    We currently have a player model, but it is "borrowed". As far as the level models, I was hoping to incorperate a model-based level section. Basically, if you have anything you want to donate, it would be greatly appreciated.
    Posted By: molotov

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/23/07 19:48

    Hey xXxGuitar511, I'm donating my catwalk version model, it's based on the catwalk model from newton which you also use in your harbor. Hope you can use it.

    It's also for everyone else that wants to use it.

    Posted By: xXxGuitar511

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/24/07 20:10

    Very nice, thank you...

    I will put it in later tonight.

    And who should I give credit to?
    Posted By: Anonymous

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/25/07 14:56

    hi xXxGuitar511. i have a barrel for you.Hope you can use it.
    Posted By: xXxGuitar511

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 03/26/07 03:18

    Ah, thank you Fear411, it will fit very nicely...

    And to all of you, I'm sorry for the delay. There's been alot goin on lately, and I've had little time to work on this. I'll try to publish the next release ASAP. I'm just cleaning up, and making some final adjustments/improvements.
    Posted By: Vini

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 04/04/07 11:39

    no more updates here????
    Posted By: xXxGuitar511

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 04/04/07 14:20

    I'm still workin on it, but I'm not sure if I'm still going to contribute it for free...

    It's been alot of work...
    Posted By: Anonymous

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 04/05/07 20:09

    i have a problem.
    in my level when i make lights with wed in the game i see no light.
    only dinamyc lights work.
    i use the newton level and sylex and normalmapping shader.
    can someone help?

    sorry for my bad english.
    Posted By: xXxGuitar511

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 04/06/07 03:45

    As long as you are using blocks, it should work. The NM shader I posted only works with static lights when their is a block UNDER the origin of the model.

    A workaround for this, if you want to use models, is to place the blocks under the models with a small, simple texture. Then the blocks won't be visible, but the shader will still react to static lights...
    Posted By: bstudio

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 04/06/07 08:15

    because the normalmappingshader only works with dynamic lights
    Posted By: lostclimate

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 04/06/07 14:56

    nope, it works with the shadow plane too, right now im also making it so you can read the static lights directly from the wmp file.
    Posted By: Anonymous

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 04/07/07 11:51

    when i make a block and add a sky textur to the block then i get errors "crash in newton.Get child entity" and some other errors.can someone help?
    Posted By: xXxGuitar511

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 04/07/07 23:04

    I have no idea why, but for some odd reason using sky textures with newton gives you bad errors. It makes no sense, but it does. You have to use skycubes, and where you'd normally place a sky image, you have to use a special texture for it.
    Posted By: Anonymous

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 04/08/07 11:34

    it works now.I used the sky from loopix page and it works fine.
    Posted By: xXxGuitar511

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 04/08/07 22:03

    Posted By: Daedelus

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 04/27/07 00:46

    Will you have an updated demo or some screens of the level you plan to sell son with this code or has this project been scrapped?
    I'd be interested to see how everything turned out.

    Posted By: xXxGuitar511

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 04/27/07 03:29

    Currently, I am using this for a new project [temporarily] called "Darkness" [In Showcase 1]...

    I might turn the project into a template and sell it though.

    The template would be something like this:
    - Newton Physics
    - Sylex3 PPE:
    --- Flags:
    --- Bloom
    --- Blur
    --- Tone mapping
    --- DOF [maybe]
    - Physics Player:
    --- Simple vertex mode
    --- Complex bones mode
    - Gun:
    --- Skills:
    --- different callibers for impact
    --- speed
    --- flags:
    --- tracer on 3?
    - [Simple] AI
    --- Wander WED paths
    --- sound sensitive
    --- light sensitive
    ------ Player can hide in dark if AI is not nocturnal
    --- Newton Physics support
    - Platforms:
    --- Follow paths?
    --- Spinning?
    --- speed?
    - Dynamic sound environments
    --- use cubic models for marking [faded] transitions
    - More to come...
    Posted By: lostclimate

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 04/27/07 15:08

    wow, if you could figure out a way to convice larrylaffer to go in on you with his intense ai and make a mega pack, that would be an amazing combination tool
    Posted By: xXxGuitar511

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 04/27/07 16:00

    Yeah, I thought about that too...

    I need to get alot more done before I get into that though. I might contact him sooner though...
    Posted By: Shadow969

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 04/27/07 17:17

    Sorry for the offtop, but can Sylex3 work with ps1.4 vs1.1? Because i've set everything correct, and none of examples work
    Posted By: xXxGuitar511

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 04/28/07 04:38

    I'm not sure. I've only used it with 2.0

    Hopefully someone else might know. Try posting this in the shaders section, and make sure you tag the title with "[Sylex]"...
    Posted By: Shadow969

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 04/28/07 10:45

    thanx, i'll try doing it
    Posted By: Quad

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 10/27/07 17:09

    this not gonna work with a7 comm right??
    Posted By: xXxGuitar511

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 10/30/07 15:02

    No, the old Newton.DLL is not compatible with the A7 engine. It uses different structs for storing info...
    Posted By: croman

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 08/07/08 23:48

    does anyone have that file? the link is not working anymore. i need it for some experiment
    Posted By: VeT

    Re: Newton 6.5 + Physics Player (V1,0) - 04/10/09 09:00

    wow, looking like this could be helpfull

    i mean, if enybody have this file as link is broken?
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