
Posted By: Robotronic

Windtree - 04/03/07 08:39


I made a tree model. Itīs basically four meshes (trunk, two meshes for the leaves, that swing with the wind and a collision cylinder) for the detailed version and three LOD-entities. Everything should be ready to use, the code should work, but... well, Iīm not a great programmer, so you better have a close look.

Here are some screenies:

And here comes the link:


Please feel free to comment, itīs still a little bit work in progress and Iīm still learning and very happy, if people come up with ideas, how to improve the style and performance.
Anyway, I hope, this tree is useful for you!
Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

Re: Windtree - 04/03/07 08:55

Nice contribution , thnx.
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Windtree - 04/03/07 11:08

The new Loopix is born
I think that says enough


Posted By: rvL_eXile

Re: Windtree - 04/03/07 11:40

N1 Contribution..

one Question: Which tool do u have used?

cYa Sebastian
Posted By: Robotronic

Re: Windtree - 04/03/07 12:51

@ all: Thanks for the comments
@ Angel: the models were made in blender. So I didnīt use any special tool. The most interesting part was the creation of the small branches with the leaves: Itīs based on just one single leaf (with transparent background), copied several times. Each copy was transformed and morphed in many ways (in PSP), and arranged with different effects (shadow, lighting, little color differences). Finally I painted the small branches, that connect the leaves.
The LOD models are simply based on rendered images (with alpha transparency) of the high poly version. So they match the shape of the tree. Unfortunately the lighting looks not so good on these models, so they should only be used at great distance. I might replace the second LOD by a version, that is more based on the construction of the detailed model ...
Posted By: Alex J.

Re: Windtree - 04/06/07 15:33

really great tree! and cool script

thank you for that really cool Contribution!
Posted By: Tempelbauer

Re: Windtree - 04/06/07 16:44

i like the model. looks very good
and have a beautiful and realistic skin

keep those models coming
Posted By: Robotronic

Re: Windtree - 04/06/07 17:58


keep those models coming

Thanks. I know, one tree doesnīt make a forest . But actually Iīm unsure about the technical aspects behind the trees.
They require a lot of work and maybe they are a little bit oldfashioned: based on the FFP instead of a shader, also I would like to implement a different LOD system - where the LODs are blended (for a short transition period).
Maybe in the future someone comes up with the ultimative vegetation shader, that is sensitive to dynamic light changes (via material adjustments or by reacting to changes of sun_color) and maybe also handles the wind effects ...
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