A6 physics player without Newton!

Posted By: Puppeteer

A6 physics player without Newton! - 06/04/07 19:15

It is quiet simple but Fear was interessted in it... So you could have a look at it...
It was an only 30 minutes project tryin if it works...

It'll need some improvement like jumping but prinzipaly it works

So have fun:

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: A6 physics player without Newton! - 06/04/07 19:18

Thx derOmega
Posted By: Puppeteer

Re: A6 physics player without Newton! - 06/10/07 19:46

I already have 37 downloads but noone said anything...
Is it that bad?
Posted By: Mondivirtuali

Re: A6 physics player without Newton! - 06/10/07 21:52

It is great. I would use it in a fps, even for shooting to cans , boxers , chair,
I mean a physic objects that are not really related to game play but give the illusion of a more realism.
Posted By: Daedelus

Re: A6 physics player without Newton! - 06/11/07 09:04


I already have 37 downloads but noone said anything...
Is it that bad?

I couldn't get it to work at all in 6.6
Posted By: Puppeteer

Re: A6 physics player without Newton! - 06/11/07 11:04

Then try the exe!!
Maybe because you are using A6 com. and this demo uses 2 physics objects...
You have to delete the ball!

Posted By: msl_manni

Re: A6 physics player without Newton! - 06/17/07 07:54

Any update with your very nice contribution. Also can you help as I get sticking object movement of the character in some places.
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