Slins post processing and A7 mystymood together?

Posted By: Migueljb01

Slins post processing and A7 mystymood together? - 01/17/08 16:31

Is this possible. I've been beating my head around trying to get these 2 scripts to work together. They both work great alone on there own.(Thanks for the great contributions guys) No matter what I do it just wont work. I get various errors if I try to integrate mystymood with Slins post processing or vise versa.

Has anyone done this succesfully and would they be willing to share? Thanks for any help.

Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Slins post processing and A7 mystymood togethe - 01/18/08 02:09

Mr. Miguel, How are you? It's been a while...

I'd give it a try, but my "new" computer doesn't have a graphics card, so I can't do any shader work
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Slins post processing and A7 mystymood togethe - 01/18/08 03:47

I know what you mean... right now im using a geforce 2 400 mx lol, Im awaiting some parts to rebuild my old system... I have a pci geforce 5200fx and I think it burned out because no matter what computer I put it in I can't get it to work... and the machine its in doesnt boot if i set it as default in bios....

I hear your pain.

@ OP

I think the mystymood performance pack (i think its by fogman?) I believe combines the two.
Posted By: fogman

Re: Slins post processing and A7 mystymood togethe - 01/18/08 08:58

Thatīs not right (atm) - because it would not make much sense to combine half working dynamic shadowmapping with this level.
As you might know, we are working on a combination of normalmapping + vents static lightmap (2nd uv-set) plugin.
But I donīt know if it will make its way into the performance pack, because Iīm very busy with some work for clients.

Edit: What are your specific problems to get them work together?
Posted By: Migueljb01

Re: Slins post processing and A7 mystymood togethe - 01/19/08 05:36

Hey Josh good to see you again man. Hope things are getting better for you bro. As for the not having a shader card that sucks, knowing how much you love writing them. All I really wanted was a working bloom with mystymood A7, but thought why not just integrated the 2 so I can mess with post processing.

Being I am a level designer/artist I don't know how to get a working bloom in any level. I tried just adding the bloom code from the wiki into the mystymood main level file and that gives me no errors and doesnt do anything. I followed another example and nothing to if anyone has any suggestions how to get a working bloom with mystymood would be really cool. I hear and see all the programmers laughing having fun with post processing and shaders and I cant even get a working bloom ingame:( Anyway thanks for anyones help.

Posted By: Slin

Re: Slins post processing and A7 mystymood togethe - 01/19/08 14:03

Do you need it for A7.07 and Lite-C or for something older?
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Slins post processing and A7 mystymood togethe - 01/19/08 17:57


oops sorry for that :/
Posted By: Migueljb01

Re: Slins post processing and A7 mystymood togethe - 01/20/08 05:05

Hey Slin. Ya I needed it for A7.07 and for Lite-C. Would really be a big help for me on this level I am working on at the moment. Big thanks Slin. Keep up the great contributions you give artists like me effects to work with, then when we can't integrate we ask for more help like this:)

Posted By: Slin

Re: Slins post processing and A7 mystymood togethe - 01/21/08 22:06

Okay, here is a short copy&past introduction on how to work with the new stages feature

Take the Lite-C postprocessing codes from the wiki. They should fit for this.
As an example, use the Bloom effekt:

Create a new fx-file called Bloom.fx and put the shadercode into it.
Then create a new .c-File and call it PPEs.c and put the Lite-C code from the wiki into it. Include this file into your mainscript: #include "PPEs.c" (make sure, that the files are all at the same folder!).

Now add the following lines to the bottom of PPEs.c:

VIEW* Bloom_view =
material = Bloom_mat;

void PPE_Init()
camera.stage = Bloom_view;

and add PPE_Init(); to your function main.
This should work independent mystymood and the screenresolution.
If you want to combine it with more postprocessingeffects just add an other view with an other name and the other material and set:
Bloom_view.stage = your_new_view;

Make sure that PROCESS_TARGET is set for the new view if you want to use postprocessing. And think about the order (which view is which stage), because it will effect the output if you do first the bloom or first the blur, only slightly but it most probably will In one case you blur the bloomed image and in the other you bloom the blurred image.

Did I mention that I love the new stages feature?

(Plants and textures by Loopix )
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