Force Feedback

Posted By: maybenew

Force Feedback - 01/25/08 14:40

Hi there,

is there any plugin for this?
The wiki lists one but the link is dead!


Posted By: PrenceOfDarkness

Re: Force Feedback - 01/26/08 05:05

LOL, I've been hearing force feed back forever.. still no clue what it is, help me out on that? What is the definition of force feedback?
Posted By: alleen

Re: Force Feedback - 01/26/08 08:15

it's a feature some steering wheels support, that pushes the player movements to the opposite direction or makes the wheel stuck, and that way simulates the blocking behaviour of wheels in real cars..... i think... i played colin mc rae rally 2 with such a steering wheel in a computer shop
Posted By: Xarthor

Re: Force Feedback - 01/26/08 09:29

Force Feedback is not only implemented into steering wheels but, when I remember correctly, first came up in joysticks (Mircosoft Sidewinder me thinks).
Today you find it in all kind of controlers:
- Joysticks
- Gamepads
- Steering Wheels

You can simluate many kinds of "forces" to the player.
In a FPS when you get hit (by a shot or something else) you could feel the shock in the gamepad.
Or when you crash into a wall playing a driving game etc.

There are many possibilties and I would like to see force-feedback either supported by 3dgs or by a plugin too!
Posted By: PrenceOfDarkness

Re: Force Feedback - 01/27/08 04:59

sounds great, so i'm assuming 3dgs doesn't support this feature?
Posted By: Xarthor

Re: Force Feedback - 01/27/08 09:48

No, not as far as I know.
Thats why maybenew asks for a plugin
Posted By: maybenew

Re: Force Feedback - 01/27/08 14:02

look here in the wiki:

there once was a DLL enabling force feedback in the engine, but the website is gone.
anybody who still has this dll?
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