[sell] Battletroll

Posted By: Blattsalat

[sell] Battletroll - 04/21/08 05:24


We are starting a new line of enemy character and animal models on Blattsalat.com .
And our first enemy model is a battletroll:

Direct link to the model and all info about it:
Battletroll creature

And here is a small movie of the creature:
Battletroll animation movie (3mb divx)

We hope you like it and more to come very soon.
Comments and suggestions for other enemies are always more then welcome.

cheers and have a nice one
Posted By: Joozey

Re: [sell] Battletroll - 04/21/08 08:12

My my, that looks very awesome! \:D
Great texture work there, and a very nice shape!
I'm eager to see more ^^ .
Posted By: tkunze

Re: [sell] Battletroll - 04/21/08 08:28


i like the model very much (good lord of the ring style) and i am very
interested to add it to my project. I also look forward to see more
coming. I would be interested in an Raptor model.

On the troll model are three things which could be improved in my opinion.

1. The animations look good to me however the body part appears very static
2. The eyes do not fit to the rest of the texture
3. It is too obvious that this is a male troll ;-)

But really good work!!!

This part looks static in the animations:

Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: [sell] Battletroll - 04/21/08 10:40

There is a strange cut in both upper arms.
Posted By: aztec

Re: [sell] Battletroll - 04/21/08 15:33

 Originally Posted By: Machinery_Frank
There is a strange cut in both upper arms.

maybe becuase its pretty hard to model elbows?

I like the model and the skin I could never do these amazing models ;\)
Posted By: Blattsalat

Re: [sell] Battletroll - 04/21/08 16:33


thanks for the feedback and comments.
The next model will be a reaper creature. kind of a raptor but with huge claws.
It will be available very soon.
If there are any other creature ideas arround just let me know.

cheers and have a nice one
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: [sell] Battletroll - 04/21/08 17:49

i would change the trolls death... right now when he dies the legs dont move at all, he just falls like a tree...... it would be nice if his legs collapsed, or kicked back as if being struck or something.
Posted By: Blattsalat

Re: [sell] Battletroll - 04/21/08 19:11

There are two different death animations included. in the first one he falls forward (bent knees, falling on his arms and chest) and the second one is the falling on his back. Its ment to look like a falling tree. The first animation should be used for melee fight deaths while the second one is for arrow, spear or magic hits, where the body movement gets stoped/stunned and pushed back.

I am trying to add different types of key animations so there is some more variation in it.
Smaller creatures will have a third death sequence where the whole body gets slammed back (like a huge balista or rock has hit them).

Thanks for the hint, i will definitely keep that in mind when creating the next animations.

cheers and have a nice one
Posted By: JimFox

Re: [sell] Battletroll - 04/21/08 22:02

The troll is nicely done. It catches the spirit of the trolls in the movie "Lord of the Rings". I do think the polycount could easily be cut by about 500, though, without losing much. There are a lot of wasted polys on the snout (which could be done with a texture) and the hands (the same).
Still, this is a small point.
I would be interested in seeing more. As for creatures, how about a bull with long, sharp horns?
Best regards,
Posted By: Nems

Re: [sell] Battletroll - 04/21/08 22:26

Excellent Blattsalat, great model.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: [sell] Battletroll - 04/22/08 06:56

 Originally Posted By: aztec
 Originally Posted By: Machinery_Frank
There is a strange cut in both upper arms.

maybe becuase its pretty hard to model elbows?

I like the model and the skin I could never do these amazing models ;\)

No, elbows are not a problem and with the right polygon flow they even animate well.

But the current state looks like the lower arm is magically hovering below the upper arm with no connection between them, a bit like Rayman.
Posted By: aztec

Re: [sell] Battletroll - 04/22/08 11:21

@Frank yeah maybe youre right but I think the space beetween the elbows(arms)
and hands are way bigger than the one on this troll.

And hey how about a big slimy pillar


Posted By: alpha_strike

Re: [sell] Battletroll - 04/22/08 11:30

I think in relation to the price it is a good looking modle. In compare with your other work it is a huge step in the right direction. If you are able to modle 10 different types of these enemies, it will be a good action pack. Good luck with your further work!

Maybe you are able to add some battle cry.
This would be very cool for such dumb creatures.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: [sell] Battletroll - 04/22/08 11:44

Aztec: I think you misunderstood. I don't mean any proportions. I mean the cut. There is a cut completely through both upper arms but they did not fall to the ground, it's some kind of magic.
Posted By: aztec

Re: [sell] Battletroll - 04/22/08 13:03

oh okay now I see what you mean well yeah you're right
Posted By: Blattsalat

Re: [sell] Battletroll - 04/22/08 18:36


thanks for the comments and input so far.
yes there will be a whole line of enemy models available very soon on the website.
And i like the idea of the battlecry. I will see how i can adapt this into the models.

As for the arm: the lower arm is as thick as the upper arm (trolls like to work out :)). when you bend your arms they will form a fold between the upper arm and the lower arm. the thicker the arms are the bigger the fold gets. since his idle pose is "on guard" (meaning his arms are bent a little bit) it has to look that way. Its not human anatomy or proportions.

Actually he is not even a he ;\)
i was thinking of adding genitals to all creatures, but this would cause so many troubles (ratings aso). so there is no sexy time for him.

cheers and thanks for your comments
Posted By: ryangregory

Re: [sell] Battletroll - 04/23/08 12:49

The animations are great, your texture needs more work, smaller details, definately change the eyes. For the model try to follow the shapes of the muscles and general body shape with your poly lines, this will improve it greatly. Overall its pretty good, however I'm sure you could make it great with a few changes.
Posted By: Abakay

Re: [sell] Battletroll - 05/11/08 19:53

Heya Blattsalat,

Dein Email Account kann keine Emails mehr empfangen, kommen alle mit ne fehlermeldung zurück. Bitte schau da mal drüber, wollt dir ne PM Schicken aber geht ja auch nicht ;-) Weiß also nicht wie ich dich anders erreichen soll als hier.


Posted By: Blattsalat

Re: [sell] Battletroll - 05/11/08 20:21


hab dir eine pm geschickt

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