Fantasy Warrior Model

Posted By: VatosLoco

Fantasy Warrior Model - 10/29/08 12:14

Hello , i know this is abit to hard but i really need a model familar to this:

, could someone make me one with the animations like:

Run (default)

PLEASE! I know its abit preatty hard but i really need this model before finishing my game.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Fantasy Warrior Model - 10/29/08 12:25

So where is the problem? This model is only 29 $. You can simply buy it. If I make it complete from scratch for you then it will be much much more expensive.

If you dont have 29 $ then you can get that money easily with a few hours of work.

I am really sure that you dont get good animated characters for free. And the reason is simple: It is a lot of work to create them, even if some kids use pirate warez tools for that. It still takes a lot of time and experience to model, paint and animate a quality model.
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