User Templates

Posted By: KiwiBoy

User Templates - 05/10/09 23:47

I am currently writing an example level for a member here as an example fo using A7 with error free code and object level placement examples etc and thought it would be a good idea to actually turn this into a community process by posting full working script examples here, commented as much as needed for new learners and now approach my fellow developers to assist by providing similar in their own coding styles.

I am focused on using AUM scripts as the template to provide for code comparisons for learning purposes.

Mine is still being developed as I write but here is the first format version.
Please do not use yet as this is working out format stage to base next series on.
Comments and Critiques sought.
[EDIT code removed for reading ease, untill I learn where the ubb codes are hiding wink ]
I would like to know how to make a scrolling code box for space and clarity.

Please comment, hothouse etc in a new thread to keep this one tidy, possibly projects thread.
Posted By: KiwiBoy

Re: User Templates - 05/13/09 23:13

Im pretty sure I have the header worked out now but am open to suggestions.
1. The code base is now functional and includes primitive object management.
2. Player needs jump working and blends as well as more anim frames for other behavioral aspects like strafe walk, climb down/climb up etc.(another model to find)

Here is the header format/layout
//A7 Acknex Engine v.7.7
//Lite_C Language

//AUM TEMPLATE  3rd person camera                                          //
//Contains;                                                                //
//1. Player                                                                //
//2. Cameras                                                               //
//3. Chest and Key                                                         //
//4. NPC on path but moves to intercept player                             //
//5. Object management                                                     //
//6. Attached weapon                                                       //
//7. Level change                                                          //
//NB = Note Well..11/05/09 Not working yet, still under construction       //
//..11/05/09 Working some now, still under construction                    //
//LICENSE: Free. (This block must not be removed*).                        //
//CONDITIONS:Must include similar statement to ;Source A7UT_3rdP - Adapted.//
//to ensure full working knowledge base for users                          //
//Prototype level for .......... School Project.                           //
//Purpose: Learning medium for a basic working level.                      //
//Brief: 1 level - Airport/Hanger to arbortorium tunnel systems and        //
//3 rooms.                                                                 //
//NPC = Grunts and Boss.                                                   //
//End room contains sea dock tunnel.                                       //
//Discription: Player is armed with a mission and must find a way into     //
//arbortorium complex.(no clues are given, user must use common sense)     //
//Once in, player navigates through complex meeting security personal      //
//along the way.                                                           //
//Player must neutralise security team to reach boat access area.          //
//example scenario ends.                                                   //
//Compiled and Authored by KiwiBoy and Nems referencing AUM scripts as     //
//much as possible for code comparison 'tweak' implementation as learning  //
//resource. AUM article numbers not included to aid research skills.       //
//* To use as a base in other projects, copy and paste the code base into a//
// new file and save as or delete this block then save as.                 //
//CONDITIONS:Must include similar statement to ;Source A7UT_3rdP - Adapted.//
//to ensure full working knowledge base for users                          //
//Foundation = Treat all lines as Algorithyms, all algorithyms as lego     //
//blocks then build your code and always refer to the manual               //

//EDIT notes                                                               //
//(*MW) = Morrowing camera and player code updated to lite-c               //
//(*ALC) = Q&A AUM Level change                                            //
//(*AEP) = Q&A AUM Enemy leaves path to confront player                    //
//(*AOC) = Q&A AUM Open chest                                              //
//(*APB) = Q&A AUM Push Box                                                //
//                                                                         //
//Contributors, commenting                                                 //
//Format: (insert Source) insert Content [insert Edit author]              //
//[GP/AUM] = George Pirvue Aum User Magazine                               //
//[KB] = KiwiBoy                                                           //
//***Add your handle and name here for all edits and place on edit line    //


//AUM series author; George Dan Pirvue, Randombytes Software               //
//Entire code base used here is sourced exclusively from the AUM series    //


//'Base script' is a functional programme geared towards level designers   //
//for testing purposes.                                                    //
//It should comprise of:                                                   //
//1. Game window open   		:suggests bug free script                    //
//2. Free camera              :view non interactive game world             //
//3. Game start               :start game mode                             //
//4. Ingame editor/Debugger   :basic is good                               //
//5. player/camera            :interact with game world                    //
//6. object managers          :control test objects                        //
//7. scene managers           :control scenes                              //
//8. FXs                      :determine effects on objects - scenes       //
//9. NPCs                     :determine behaviour and weapon effects      //
//0. Recorders                :record shots, scenes, debug panel etc       //

Found the ubb stuff so here goes....

Main script
Click to reveal..
//A7 Acknex Engine v.7.7/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Lite_C Language////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

//AUM TEMPLATE 3rd person camera //
//Contains; //
//1. Player //
//2. Cameras //
//3. Chest and Key //
//4. NPC on path but moves to intercept player //
//5. Object management //
//6. Attached weapon //
//7. Level change //
//NB = Note Well..11/05/09 Not working yet, still under construction //
//..13/05/09 Working some now, still under construction //
//LICENSE: Free. (This block must not be removed*). //
//CONDITIONS:Must include similar statement to ;Source A7UT_3rdP - Adapted.//
//to ensure full working knowledge base for users //
//PROTOTYPE level for .......... School Project. //
//PURPOSE: Learning medium for a basic working level. //
//BRIEF: 1 level - Airport/Hanger to arbortorium tunnel systems and //
//3 rooms. //
//NPC = Grunts and Boss. //
//End room contains sea dock tunnel. //
//Discription: Player is armed with a mission and must find a way into //
//arbortorium complex.(no clues are given, user must use common sense) //
//Once in, player navigates through complex meeting security personal //
//along the way. //
//Player must neutralise security team to reach boat access area. //
//example scenario ends. //
//Compiled and Authored by KiwiBoy and Nems referencing AUM scripts as //
//much as possible for code comparison 'tweak' implementation as learning //
//resource. AUM article numbers not included to aid research skills. //
//* To use as a base in other projects, copy and paste the code base into a//
// new file and save as or delete this block then save as. //
//CONDITIONS:Must include similar statement to ;Source A7UT_3rdP - Adapted.//
//to ensure full working knowledge base for users //
//Foundation = Treat all lines as Algorithyms, all algorithyms as lego //
//blocks then build your code and always refer to the manual //

//EDIT notes //
//(*MW) = Morrowing camera and player code updated to lite-c //
//(*ALC) = Q&A AUM Level change //
//(*AEP) = Q&A AUM Enemy leaves path to confront player //
//(*AOC) = Q&A AUM Open chest //
//(*APB) = Q&A AUM Push Box //
// //
//Contributors, commenting //
//Format: (insert Source) insert Content [insert Edit author] //
//[GP/AUM] = George Pirvue Aum User Magazine //
//[KB] = KiwiBoy //
//***Add your handle and name here for all edits and place on edit line //

//AUM series author; George Dan Pirvue, Randombytes Software //
//Entire code base used here is sourced exclusively from the AUM series //

//'Base script' is a functional programme geared towards level designers //
//for testing purposes. //
//It should comprise of: //
//1. Game window open :suggests bug free script //
//2. Free camera :view non interactive game world //
//3. Game start :start game mode //
//4. Ingame editor/Debugger :basic is good //
//5. player/camera :interact with game world //
//6. object managers :control test objects //
//7. scene managers :control scenes //
//8. FXs :determine effects on objects - scenes //
//9. NPCs :determine behaviour and weapon effects //
//0. Recorders :record shots, scenes, debug panel etc //

//Code: Base Script||------------------------------------------------------>>
#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>
//all added includes need to follow below syntax, " " instead of <>
#include "objctloader.c"
//vars Global variables set or unset[KB]
var camera_distance = 200; // [set] (*MW)distance from the player to the camera in 3rd person mode[GP/AUM]
var camera_height = 60; // [set] (*MW)distance from the origin of the player to the camera (on the z axis)[GP/AUM]
var distance_traced; // [unset] (*MW)distance that is return by a trace instruction[GP/AUM]
var camera_mode; // [unset] (*MW)starts in 3rd person mode, changes to 1 for first person[GP/AUM]
var stop_player = 0; // [set] (*MW)set it to 1 to stop the player until stop_player is set to 0 again[GP/AUM]
var player_speed = 15; // [set] (*MW)
var got_key = 0; // [set] (*ALC)
var entity_speed = 3; // [set] (*AEP)
var movement_enabled = 0; // [set] (*AEP)
var dist_to_node; // [unset] (*AEP)
var current_node = 1; // [set] (*AEP)
var angle_difference = 0; // [set] (*AEP)
var jumping = 0; // [set]

//VECTORS are variables that uses coordinate systems[KB]
VECTOR temporary_distance;//(*MW)
VECTOR temp_angle;//(*AEP)
VECTOR pos_node; //(*AEP) stores the position of the node[GP/AUM]
//Sound pointer[KB]
SOUND* step_wav = "step.wav";//(*MW)insert your own names between quote marks, e.g. step_wav = "insert_here.wav"[KB]

STRING* message_str = "#50"; //(*ALC) this string can store up to 50 characters[GP/AUM]
STRING* prize_mdl = "prize.mdl";
BMAP* pointer_tga = "cross.tga";//crosshair[KB]
//Function Prototypes[KB]
function avoid_obstacles();//(*MW)
function first_person_camera();//(*MW)
function third_person_camera();//(*MW)
function move_target();//(*AEP)
function open_chest();//(*AOC)
function spinning_model();//(*AOC)
function player_jumps();


//Definitions defines skill usage and pre-empts the skills exclusively[KB]
#define flare skill4//(*MW)Kept
#define health skill40 //(*MW)use skill40 to store health for the player and its enemies[GP/AUM]kept[KB]

TEXT* message_txt =


pos_x = 200;

pos_y = 20;


flags = VISIBLE;

//mix n match script[KB]

action players_code() // attach this action to your player[GP/AUM]

on_f1 = first_person_camera;//toggles camera mode[GP/AUM]

on_f3 = third_person_camera;


VECTOR movement_speed; // player's movement speed[GP/AUM]

VECTOR trace_coords;

var anim_percentage; // animation percentage[GP/AUM]

var jump_percentage; // animation percentage for jumping[GP/AUM]

var distance_to_ground; // the distance between player's origin and the ground[GP/AUM]

var jump_height;//LOCAL VARIABLES[KB]

var reached_height;

var time_passed = 0;
var jump = 0;

player = my; // I'm the player[GP/AUM]
set(my, SHADOW);
// set (my, TRANSLUCENT); // the player is transparent[GP/AUM]

// my.alpha = 100; // but opaque if the camera doesn't run into obstacles[GP/AUM]

my.skill41 = camera_height; // and its height[GP/AUM]

my.skill42 = camera_distance; // we store the distance to the camera[GP/AUM]

camera_mode = 3; // the game starts with the camera in 3rd person mode[GP/AUM] = 100;

while ( > 0)

while (stop_player == 1) {wait (1);}

player.pan = camera.pan;

camera.x = player.x - camera_distance * cos(player.pan); // keep the camera behind the player[GP/AUM]

camera.y = player.y - camera_distance * sin(player.pan); // at the distance given by camera_distance[GP/AUM]

camera.z = player.z + camera_height + 0.8 * sin(my.skill46 * 3.6); // and above the player[GP/AUM]

camera.pan -= 10 * mouse_force.x * time_step; // the camera has the same pan angle with the player[GP/AUM]

camera.tilt += 7 * mouse_force.y * time_step; // and can tilt freely[GP/AUM]

camera_distance = minv(maxv(camera_distance, 5), 500);

vec_set (temp.x, my.x); // copy player's position to temp[GP/AUM]

temp.z -= 10000; // set temp.z 10000 quants below player's origin[GP/AUM]

distance_to_ground = c_trace (my.x, temp.x, IGNORE_ME | USE_BOX);

movement_speed.x = 10 * (key_w - key_s) * time_step; // move the player using "W" and "S"[GP/AUM]

movement_speed.y = 10 * (key_a - key_d) * time_step; // don't move sideways[GP/AUM]

movement_speed.z = -(distance_to_ground - 15); // 20 = experimental value[GP/AUM]

c_move (my, movement_speed.x, nullvector, IGNORE_PASSABLE | GLIDE); // move the player[GP/AUM]

if (!key_w && !key_s) // the player isn't moving?[GP/AUM]


anim_percentage += 4 * time_step; // 2 = "stand" animation speed[GP/AUM]

ent_animate(my, "stand", anim_percentage, ANM_CYCLE);


else // the player is moving?[GP/AUM]


ent_animate(my, "walk", anim_percentage, ANM_CYCLE); // play the "walk" animation[GP/AUM]

anim_percentage += 8 * time_step; // 5 = "walk" animation speed[GP/AUM]

if ((key_w ==1) && (key_r ==1)) // [KB]


anim_percentage += 4 * time_step; // 2 = "stand" animation speed[GP/AUM]

ent_animate(my, "run", anim_percentage, ANM_CYCLE);

movement_speed.x += 10 *(c_move (my, movement_speed.x, nullvector, IGNORE_PASSABLE | GLIDE)) *time_step;

if (camera_mode == 3) // if we are in 3rd person mode[GP/AUM]


avoid_obstacles(); // run the function that avoids camera collisions with the relief[GP/AUM]


//JUMP, Not working[KB]
if (key_space && !reached_height)

jump = 1;
my.z += 5 * time_step;
jump_height = minv(180, jump_height + 15 * time_step); // 40 sets the height, 5 sets the ascending speed[GP/AUM]

if (jump_height == 180) // reached the maximum height? Then start descending![GP/AUM]


reached_height = 1;

jump_height = maxv(0, jump_height - 5 * time_step); // 5 sets the falling speed[GP/AUM]



else // space isn't pressed anymore?[GP/AUM]


jump_height = maxv(0, jump_height - 3 * time_step); // use a smaller falling speed (3) for smaller jumps[GP/AUM]

if (!jump_height && !key_space) // the player has touched the ground?[GP/AUM]


reached_height = 0; // then allow it to jump again[GP/AUM]
jump = 0;


if (!jump_height) // the player isn't jumping?[GP/AUM]


if (key_w != 1 && key_s != 1) // the player isn't moving?[GP/AUM]


ent_animate(my, "stand", anim_percentage, ANM_CYCLE); // play the "stand" animation[GP/AUM]


else // the player is moving?[GP/AUM]


ent_animate(my, "walk", anim_percentage, ANM_CYCLE); // play the "walk" animation[GP/AUM]


anim_percentage += 5 * time_step; // 5 = animation speed[GP/AUM]

jump_percentage = 0; // always start jumping with the first frame[GP/AUM]


if(key_space != 0)


jump_percentage += 5 * time_step; // 5 = jump animation speed[GP/AUM]

ent_animate(my, "jump", jump_percentage, ANM_CYCLE); // play the "jump" animation[GP/AUM]


wait (1);



function avoid_obstacles()//(*MW)


vec_set (temporary_distance.x, camera.x);

temporary_distance.z -= 50; // sets a position closer to the feet of the player; 50 = experimental value[GP/AUM]

distance_traced = c_trace (player.x, temporary_distance.x, IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PASSABLE); // trace between the player and temporary_distance[GP/AUM]

if (distance_traced == 0) // no obstacles on the way?[GP/AUM]


my.alpha = minv(100, my.alpha + 3 * time_step); // then increase player's alpha up to 100[GP/AUM]

if (player.alpha == 100)


reset(player, TRANSLUCENT);




set(player, TRANSLUCENT);


if (camera_distance < my.skill40) // if the camera got closer to the player[GP/AUM]


camera_distance += 1; // restore the initial camera_distance slowly[GP/AUM]



else // obstacles encountered?[GP/AUM]


distance_traced -= 2; // then bring the camera 2 quants closer to the player![GP/AUM]

my.alpha = (distance_traced / (my.skill40 + 1)) * 100; // decrease player's alpha; don't allow a division by zero[GP/AUM]

camera.x = player.x - distance_traced * cos(camera.pan); // place the camera behind the player[GP/AUM]

camera.y = player.y - distance_traced * sin(camera.pan); // at the new distance given by distance_traced[GP/AUM]



function first_person_camera() //(*MW) press "F1" to run this function[GP/AUM]


camera_distance = 0; // place the camera at player's position[GP/AUM]

camera_height = 150; // play with this value[GP/AUM]

set (player, INVISIBLE); // make the player model invisible[GP/AUM]

camera_mode = 1; // set the camera_mode variable to 1st person[GP/AUM]


function third_person_camera() // (*MW)press "F3" to run this function[GP/AUM]


camera_height = player.skill41; // restore the height[GP/AUM]

camera_distance = player.skill42; // restore the distance from the player to the camera[GP/AUM]

reset (player, INVISIBLE); // and show the player[GP/AUM]

camera_mode = 3; // set the camera_mode variable to 3rd person[GP/AUM]

//get key to open door and change levels[KB]
action my_key()//(*ALC)


set(my, PASSABLE);

while (!player) {wait (1);} // wait until the player is loaded[GP/AUM]

while (vec_dist (player.x, my.x) > 50) // this loop runs until the player picks up the key[GP/AUM]


my.pan += 5 * time_step; // 5 gives the rotation speed of the key[GP/AUM]

wait (1);


// the player has got the key here[GP/AUM]

got_key = 1; // so let's set the variable named got_key to 1[GP/AUM]

set(my, INVISIBLE);


action level_end() //(*ALC)takes the player to the second level if he has got the key first[GP/AUM]


while (!player) {wait (1);} // wait until the player is loaded[GP/AUM]

while (1)


if (vec_dist(player.x, my.x) < 100) // the player is closer than 100 quants to the exit gate?[GP/AUM]


if (got_key) // the player has got the key?[GP/AUM]


level_load("level5.wmb"); // then let's load the second level[GP/AUM]

break; // and let's get out of this while loop, no need to run it anymore[GP/AUM]


else // the player has come close to the exit gate, but hasn't got the key[GP/AUM]


str_cpy(message_str, "You need to pick up the key first. Go and find it!");



else // the player is away from the exit gate[GP/AUM]


str_cpy(message_str, ""); // so let's reset the message[GP/AUM]


wait (1);


//(*AEP) Path NPC moves off to intercept player[KB]
function move_target()//(*AEP)






entity_speed = minv(5, entity_speed + 0.5 * time_step);

ent_animate(my, "walk", my.skill46, ANM_CYCLE); // play its "walk" frames animation[GP/AUM]

my.skill46 += 5 * time_step;

my.skill46 %= 100; // loop the animation[[GP/AUM]]

c_move(my, vector(entity_speed * time_step, 0, 0), nullvector, IGNORE_PASSABLE | GLIDE);

vec_to_angle (my.pan, vec_diff (temp_angle, pos_node, my.x));





action my_enemy() //(*AEP) attach this action to your enemy model[GP/AUM]


VECTOR temp;

while (!player) {wait (1);}


result = path_scan(me, my.x, my.pan, vector(90, 80, 400)); // scan the area looking for the player[GP/AUM]

if (result) {movement_enabled = 1;}

path_getnode (my, 1, pos_node, NULL);

vec_to_angle (my.pan, vec_diff (temp_angle, pos_node, my.x)); // rotate towards the node[GP/AUM]



if ((c_scan(my.x, my.pan, vector(180, 90, 1000), IGNORE_ME) > 0) && (you == player)) // detected the player?[GP/AUM]

break; // then get out of this loop![GP/AUM]

dist_to_node = vec_dist(my.x, pos_node);

if(dist_to_node < 50) // close to the node?[GP/AUM]


current_node = path_nextnode(my, current_node, 1);

if (!current_node) {current_node = 1;} // reached the end of the path? Then start over![GP/AUM]

path_getnode (my, current_node, pos_node, NULL);




// the enemy has spotted the player here[GP/AUM]

while (1) // so it rotates towards it and starts chasing it[GP/AUM]


vec_set(temp, player.x);

vec_sub(temp, my.x);

vec_to_angle(my.pan, temp);

my.tilt = 0;

wait (1);


function spinning_model()


var init_z;

init_z = my.z;

set (my, PASSABLE);

while (my.z < init_z + 300) // the prize will move 300 quants upwards[GP/AUM]


my.z += 10 * time_step;

my.pan += 8 * time_step;

wait (1);


while (my.z > init_z) // and then it will return to its initial height[GP/AUM]


my.z -= 7 * time_step;

my.pan += 6 * time_step;

wait (1);


while (1)


my.pan += 4 * time_step;

if (vec_dist (player.x, my.x) < 30) // the player has come very close to the prize? (play with 30)[GP/AUM]

break; // then get out of the loop[GP/AUM]

wait (1);


ent_remove (my); // the prize will disappear (it has been picked up)[GP/AUM]

// increase player's health, score, etc here[GP/AUM]


function open_chest()


if (!you) return; // didn't collide with an entity? Then don't do anything![GP/AUM]

if (you != player) return; // didn't collide with the player? Then don't do anything[GP/AUM]

my.event = NULL; // don't react to other impacts from now on[GP/AUM]

var anim_percentage = 0;

while (anim_percentage < 100)


ent_animate(my, "open", anim_percentage, NULL); // play the "chest opening" animation[GP/AUMG]

anim_percentage += 2 * time_step; // 2 gives the animation speed[GGP/AUM]

wait (1);


// the chest is open here, so let's create a reward (a spinning model) inside it[GP/AUM]

ent_create(prize_mdl, my.x, spinning_model);

wait (-1); // wait for a second[GP/AUM]

ent_remove(my); // now remove the chest model, allowing the player to come close to the reward[GP/AUM]


action my_chest() // the chest should have a size of 100 quants or so[GP/AUM]


set (my, POLYGON);

while (!player) {wait (1);} // make sure that the player exists in the level[GP/AUM]

my.emask |= (ENABLE_IMPACT | ENABLE_ENTITY); // the chest is sensitive to impacts with other entities[GP/AUM]

my.event = open_chest;

action slider()//door[KB]

if((vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 100)){wait(1);}
if((vec_dist(my.x, your.x) < 100) && (event_type = EVENT_ENTITY))
my.y += 1 * time_step;
if(my.y > 100)
my.y = 100;

void main()//Basic main set up. **Can be written in oether ways[KB]
var shadow_stencil = 1;//intitialise stencil shadows
var video_screen = 2;//set game screen in windowed mode
vec_set(sky_color,vector(225,0,0));//create a background color for fog use
video_switch(9,0,2);//1024x768 window mode
video_window(vector(150,200,0),vector(1024,648,0),48,"Final Run...!");//set window pos and give it a unique title
level_load("FinalRun.wmb");//load the level
wait(3);//Give time to load all elements. increase as neccessary.
camera.clip_far = 5000;//dont show objects beyond this range. Tweak as needed.
camera.clip_near = 0;//Dont clip near objects
move_friction = 0;//gliding requires this
ent_create("cbabe.mdl",vector(-6817.000,-14.000,586.000),players_code);// create the player entity[insert your own names between quote marks "" ""]
// ent_createlayer("scifi1b+6.tga", SKY | CUBE | VISIBLE, 0); // create the sky layer[ditto as above]
fps_max = 100;//limit fps (time variable relies on this setting, 100 = default)
shadow_stencil = 4;//quick sorting for faster fps
enable_polycollision = 1;//needed for OBB (object oriented bounding box)collision detection system
sun_light = 100; = 8; = 8; = 8;
fog_color = 1;

fog_color = 5;//default fog values, 1 = white, 2 = blue, 3 = red, 4 = black
camera.fog_start = 0.01 * camera.clip_far; //vary to suit level but uses clip_far range
camera.fog_end = 0.6 * camera.clip_far; //so make it dense near the end
sky_clip = 45;

//** example from A6[KB]GP/AUM

/* //begin 'block' comment
string GameLevel_1 = "Escape2.wmb";
function fog();
function start_game();

function main()
var d3d_mipmapping = 1;
video_switch(7, 16, 2);
fps_max = 60;//stop fps issues with FPS over 100
enable_polycollision = 2;
game_started = 1;

function start_game()
me = null;
level_load (GameLevel_1);

wait (3);
camera.clip_far = 8000;
camera.clip_near = 0;
var d3d_autotransparency=0;
var d3d_entsort = 2;
d3d_alphadepth = 16; // set all TGA alpha images to 16 bit mode
d3d_texdepth = 4; // compress all except TGA based textures
d3d_texdepth = 24; // render PCX and BMP images in 24 bit mode


function fog()
while(game_started == 1)
bg_color = 5; = 8; = 8; = 8;
fog_color = 1;

fog_color = 5;//default fog values, 1 = white, 2 = blue, 3 = red, 4 = black
camera.fog_start = 0.02 * camera.clip_far; //vary to suit level but uses clip_far range
camera.fog_end = 0.5 * camera.clip_far; //so make it dense near the end
*/ //end 'block' comment[KB]
//(AUM Q&A)crosshair[KB]
function mouse_startup()


mouse_mode = 1;

mouse_map = pointer_tga;//set to your own file e.g. cross[KB]

while (1)


vec_set(mouse_pos, mouse_cursor);




//(Wiki)Materials [KB]
MATERIAL* mtl_fixalpha =
effect =
technique right_alpha1
pass p0
CullMode=CCW;//..............> CCW = see one side, none = see both sides[KB]


action alphafix()

reset(my, TRANSLUCENT);
my.flare =0;
set(my, OVERLAY);
while(you != NULL)
set(my, POLYGON);

and object management script

Click to reveal..
//A7 Acknex Engine v.7.7/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Lite_C Language////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

//AUM TEMPLATE 3rd person camera //
//Contains; //
//1. Player //
//2. Cameras //
//3. Chest and Key //
//4. NPC on path but moves to intercept player //
//5. Object management //
//6. Attached weapon //
//7. Level change //
//NB = Note Well..11/05/09 Not working yet, still under construction //
//..13/05/09 Working some now, still under construction //
//LICENSE: Free. (This block must not be removed*). //
//CONDITIONS:Must include similar statement to ;Source A7UT_3rdP - Adapted.//
//to ensure full working knowledge base for users //
//PROTOTYPE level for .......... School Project. //
//PURPOSE: Learning medium for a basic working level. //
//BRIEF: 1 level - Airport/Hanger to arbortorium tunnel systems and //
//3 rooms. //
//NPC = Grunts and Boss. //
//End room contains sea dock tunnel. //
//Discription: Player is armed with a mission and must find a way into //
//arbortorium complex.(no clues are given, user must use common sense) //
//Once in, player navigates through complex meeting security personal //
//along the way. //
//Player must neutralise security team to reach boat access area. //
//example scenario ends. //
//Compiled and Authored by KiwiBoy and Nems referencing AUM scripts as //
//much as possible for code comparison 'tweak' implementation as learning //
//resource. AUM article numbers not included to aid research skills. //
//* To use as a base in other projects, copy and paste the code base into a//
// new file and save as or delete this block then save as. //
//CONDITIONS:Must include similar statement to ;Source A7UT_3rdP - Adapted.//
//to ensure full working knowledge base for users //
//Foundation = Treat all lines as Algorithyms, all algorithyms as lego //
//blocks then build your code and always refer to the manual //

//EDIT notes //
//(*MW) = Morrowing camera and player code updated to lite-c //
//(*ALC) = Q&A AUM Level change //
//(*AEP) = Q&A AUM Enemy leaves path to confront player //
//(*AOC) = Q&A AUM Open chest //
//(*APB) = Q&A AUM Push Box //
// //
//Contributors, commenting //
//Format: (insert Source) insert Content [insert Edit author] //
//[GP/AUM] = George Pirvue Aum User Magazine //
//[KB] = KiwiBoy //
//***Add your handle and name here for all edits and place on edit line //

//AUM series author; George Dan Pirvue, Randombytes Software //
//Entire code base used here is sourced exclusively from the AUM series //

//'Base script' is a functional programme geared towards level designers //
//for testing purposes. //
//It should comprise of: //
//1. Game window open :suggests bug free script //
//2. Free camera :view non interactive game world //
//3. Game start :start game mode //
//4. Ingame editor/Debugger :basic is good //
//5. player/camera :interact with game world //
//6. object managers :control test objects //
//7. scene managers :control scenes //
//8. FXs :determine effects on objects - scenes //
//9. NPCs :determine behaviour and weapon effects //
//0. Recorders :record shots, scenes, debug panel etc //
//v.00.001b :15/05/09

//Uses model to call action 'makem' to 'makem7' in this example //
//Should use array system on model that records entity and data from //
//WED then creates them at start up and promptly removes them ready //
//for when in range of player entity to activate but I dont know how. //

//GROUP_1----------------------------------------------------------------->>//Block start[KB]
var MKt1 = 1;
var MKt2 = 1;
var MKt3 = 1;
var MKt4 = 1;
var MKt5 = 1;
var MKt6 = 1;
var MKt7 = 1;

function remove_t1();
function tree1();
function remove_t2();
function tree2();
function remove_t3();
function tree3();
function remove_t4();
function tree4();
function remove_t5();
function tree5();
function remove_t6();
function tree6();
function remove_t7();
function tree7();

ENTITY* marker;
ENTITY* marker2;
ENTITY* marker3;
ENTITY* marker4;
ENTITY* marker5;
ENTITY* marker6;
ENTITY* marker7;

//GROUP_1------------------------------------------------------------------<<//Block end[KB]
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------1//other block type[KB]
MATERIAL* mtl_fixalpha =
effect =
technique right_alpha1
pass p0
CullMode=CCW;//..............> CCW = see one side, none = see both sides[KB]

//--------------------------------------------------------------------------1//other block type[KB]
//GROUP1, controlled by makem4--------------------------------------------->>
action tree1()
while(player == NULL){wait(1);}//if player doesnt exist yet then wait untill it does[KB]
set(my, TRANSLUCENT);//Then...make me transparent to controll my alpha[KB]
my.alpha = 0;//set initial alpha value to 0, total transparency[KB]
set(my, PASSABLE);//make me passable to all entities[KB]
set(my, SHADOW);//give me shadow[KB]
vec_fill(my.scale_x,8);//scale my size from original model size[KB]
my.material=mtl_fixalpha;//and fix my alpha sorting problems (on models with .tga alpha embedded files)[KB]
while (1)
while (vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 1500){wait(1);}//if we are not in position then wait untill we are to call the function[KB]
if (vec_dist(my.x, player.x) < 1500)//then when we are[KB]
while(my.alpha < 100)//do the following while this condition exists[KB]
my.alpha += 5 * time_step;//increase alpha endlessly[KB]
if(my.alpha >= 100)//but, if alpha is greater than 100[KB]
my.alpha = 100;//then set it to 100 to stop endless alpha ramping[KB]
wait(1);//then wait a frame[KB]
reset(my, TRANSLUCENT);//and remove translucency[KB]
wait(1);//end loop[KB]
else//otherwise, if above conditions are not the following[KB]
if((vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 1500)&&(my.alpha > 0))
my.alpha -= 5 * time_step;//reduce alpha endlessly[KB]
if(my.alpha <= 0)//then set it to 0[KB]
my.alpha = 0;
remove_t1();//finally delete me when neccessary[KB]
return;//stop all further actions and start this script again[KB]


function remove_t1()
while(vec_dist(my.x, player.x) < 1600){wait(1);}
if (vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 1600)
if(my.alpha)//while this condition exists[KB]
my.alpha = 0;//do this[KB]
ent_remove(me);//so that we can do that[KB]
MKt1 = 1;//switch MKt1 set on to allow recreation of object[KB]

action makem()
while(player == NULL){wait(1);}
marker = me;//make sure I know who I am[KB]
set(my, PASSABLE);

action tree2()
while(player == NULL){wait(1);}
my.alpha = 0;
set(my, PASSABLE);
set(my, SHADOW);
while (1)
while (vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 1500){wait(1);}
if (vec_dist(my.x, player.x) < 1500)
while(my.alpha < 100)
my.alpha += 5 * time_step;
if(my.alpha >= 100)
my.alpha = 100;
reset(my, TRANSLUCENT);
if((vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 1500)&&(my.alpha > 0))
my.alpha -= 5 * time_step;
if(my.alpha <= 0)
my.alpha = 0;


function remove_t2()
while(vec_dist(my.x, player.x) < 1600){wait(1);}
if (vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 1600)
my.alpha = 0;
MKt2 = 1;

action makem2()
while(player == NULL){wait(1);}
marker2 = me;
set(my, PASSABLE);

action tree3()
while(player == NULL){wait(1);}
my.alpha = 0;
set(my, PASSABLE);
set(my, SHADOW);
while (1)
while (vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 1500){wait(1);}
if (vec_dist(my.x, player.x) < 1500)
while(my.alpha < 100)
my.alpha += 5 * time_step;
if(my.alpha >= 100)
my.alpha = 100;
reset(my, TRANSLUCENT);
if((vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 1500)&&(my.alpha > 0))
my.alpha -= 5 * time_step;
if(my.alpha <= 0)
my.alpha = 0;


function remove_t3()
while(vec_dist(my.x, player.x) < 1600){wait(1);}
if (vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 1600)
my.alpha = 0;
MKt3 = 1;

action makem3()
while(player == NULL){wait(1);}
marker3 = me;
set(my, PASSABLE);

//Tree4--GROUP CONTROLLER--7 objects--------------------------------------->>
action tree4()
while(player == NULL){wait(1);}
my.alpha = 0;
set(my, PASSABLE);
set(my, SHADOW);
while (1)
while (vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 2000){wait(1);}
if (vec_dist(my.x, player.x) < 2000)
while(my.alpha < 100)
my.alpha += 5 * time_step;
if(my.alpha >= 100)
my.alpha = 100;
reset(my, TRANSLUCENT);
if((vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 2000)&&(my.alpha > 0))
my.alpha -= 5 * time_step;
if(my.alpha <= 0)
my.alpha = 0;


function remove_t4()
while(vec_dist(my.x, player.x) < 2500){wait(1);}
if (vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 2500)
my.alpha = 0;
MKt4 = 1;

action makem4()//group creator, distance is farther than others. When called, 7 more functions run[KB]
while(player == NULL){wait(1);}
marker4 = me;
set(my, PASSABLE);
if((vec_dist(my.x, player.x) < 2000) && (MKt4 == 1))
{ //create______model______at these coordinates_________________and assign this action[KB]
ent_create ("tree8.mdl", vector(-5397.000, 339.000, -110.000), tree4);
MKt4 = 0;//switch off disallowing further creation calls for same object[KB]
ent_create ("tree1.mdl", vector(-5594.000, -660.000, -21.000), tree1);
MKt1 = 0;
ent_create ("tree8.mdl", vector(-5654.000, 463.000, 31.000), tree2);
MKt2 = 0;
ent_create ("tree8.mdl", vector(-5376.000, 628.000, -110.000), tree3);
MKt3 = 0;
ent_create ("tree8.mdl", vector(-4919.000, 339.000, -163.000), tree5);
MKt5 = 0;
ent_create ("tree8.mdl", vector(-4690.000, -435.000, -163.000), tree6);
MKt6 = 0;
ent_create ("tree6.mdl", vector(-4407.000, 753.000, -175.000), tree7);
MKt7 = 0;

action tree5()
while(player == NULL){wait(1);}
my.alpha = 0;
set(my, PASSABLE);
set(my, SHADOW);
while (1)
while (vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 1500){wait(1);}
if (vec_dist(my.x, player.x) < 1500)
while(my.alpha < 100)
my.alpha += 5 * time_step;
if(my.alpha >= 100)
my.alpha = 100;
reset(my, TRANSLUCENT);
if((vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 1500)&&(my.alpha > 0))
my.alpha -= 5 * time_step;
if(my.alpha <= 0)
my.alpha = 0;


function remove_t5()
while(vec_dist(my.x, player.x) < 1600){wait(1);}
if (vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 1600)
my.alpha = 0;
MKt5 = 1;

action makem5()
while(player == NULL){wait(1);}
marker5 = me;
set(my, PASSABLE);

action tree6()
while(player == NULL){wait(1);}
my.alpha = 0;
set(my, PASSABLE);
set(my, SHADOW);
while (1)
while (vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 1500){wait(1);}
if (vec_dist(my.x, player.x) < 1500)
while(my.alpha < 100)
my.alpha += 5 * time_step;
if(my.alpha >= 100)
my.alpha = 100;
reset(my, TRANSLUCENT);
if((vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 1500)&&(my.alpha > 0))
my.alpha -= 5 * time_step;
if(my.alpha <= 0)
my.alpha = 0;


function remove_t6()
while(vec_dist(my.x, player.x) < 1600){wait(1);}
if (vec_dist(my.x, player.x) > 1600)
my.alpha = 0;
MKt6 = 1;

action makem6()
while(player == NULL){wait(1);}
marker6 = me;
set(my, PASSABLE);

action tree7()
while(player == NULL){wait(1);}
my.alpha = 0;
set(my, PASSABLE);
set(my, SHADOW);
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