first person shooter player code

Posted By: xbox

first person shooter player code - 03/17/12 01:28

Hi all, I am in need of an extremely simple player movement code. I just need the player to be able to move, strafe, jump, crouch, prone, and sprint, no player model animation needed. I don't want a tutorial or any suggestions to go learn the basics of coding because that is not my area of expertise. I design levels, so I just need to test how the players move through the map. I would greatly appreciate it.
Posted By: Siwler

Re: first person shooter player code - 03/17/12 02:23

You can use the code from AUM Magazine called t_shooter_player.c
its under aum97code or aum103code in shootertemplate file.

Its a first person shooter code.

Hope that helps you out, its a very nice snipped code.
Posted By: xbox

Re: first person shooter player code - 03/17/12 03:21

Thank you very much. I actually tried that code earlier, and I the camera view was glitching really bad and I couldn't move the player. After carefully adding the script again, I got it working properly. Thanks again. laugh
Posted By: Dveyee

Re: first person shooter player code - 03/17/12 03:21

Hi, feel free to use our adventure template for this task! The template also comes with other basic actions such as doors, elevators, switches, teleporters, etcetera.

Visit our website at to obtain your own copy for free!

Posted By: Realspawn

Re: first person shooter player code - 04/09/12 12:28

you can use my workshops the basics are there laugh simply add the other movements to it
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