

fog - 12/03/13 12:33

Hello Fellow Gamers,
What I would like to do is have a circle of fog starting about five meters around the player - and the fog moves with the player - such that part of the scene is always hazy, or not visible.
I am working in C_SCRIPT (most of the game is in c_script - will convert later).
Any help would be appreciated - I can't find any data about this.
Yours hopefully, David
Posted By: gri

Re: fog - 12/03/13 14:35


dont know your used scaling and measurement.

Besides that should got handled in some early "Aums".

fog_color = (fog_color == 0); // set fog_color to 0 (no fog) or 1
camera.fog_start = 500; // the fog starts at 500 quants
camera.fog_end = 2500; // and ends at 2500 quants
Posted By: wrekWIRED

Re: fog - 12/03/13 14:39

3DGS have a built in fog function for that.

default fog color is white. To set predefined fog you can use something like fog_color = 1 default white, 2 for blue, 3 for red and etc.

to use your own fog color use this.

Re: fog - 12/03/13 16:18

Thanks Guys - What I need is the data to make the fog follow the player - ie. as the payer moves around the scene, the fog follows like a 'ring' of mist, obscuring the rest of the scene.
Any ideas? Can't find the data anywhere,
Kind regards, David
Posted By: rayp

Re: fog - 12/03/13 16:30

But thats what the fog does ???

If you want a dynamic fog ( really following the player ), you can take this great contribution as basic script:

Posted By: sivan

Re: fog - 12/03/13 17:32

the fog mentioned above is drawn around the camera. this is why called as distance fog. probably the camera follows the player, doesn't it?
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