Lightsaber Work

Posted By: Grimber

Lightsaber Work - 06/14/05 05:12

Originaly contributed by Stefan last Sept:

I kept coming back to it modifing the script, eventualy re-writting it and modifing the model

now it turns on and off with the 'O' key ( extends and retracts the blade)

move the mouse to swing it around a bit ( nothing great there, just alter tilt/roll angles to test moving it)

press 'C' to change cycle the blade color between Red, Blue and Green

includes sound FXs for blade extending, blade retracting and the humming sound as the blade is on aprox 230k
Posted By: Drittz_Dourden

Re: Lightsaber Work - 06/14/05 05:34

nice contribute, i like it...the only crit i have is , when you are deactivating the lightsaber...the sfx it plays , sounds funny the way it kinda slurps. hehe but still i like it

Posted By: Daedelus

Re: Lightsaber Work - 06/14/05 05:50

Thats very cool Grimber. I like it!
Posted By: Nems

Re: Lightsaber Work - 06/14/05 06:00

Cool Grimbar, bound to use it.
Posted By: task1

Re: Lightsaber Work - 06/14/05 07:18

Luke I am your father...


Posted By: Josh_Arldt

Re: Lightsaber Work - 06/14/05 07:23

Very nice.
Thanks for sharing Grimbler.
Posted By: CCs_R_US

Re: Lightsaber Work - 06/14/05 10:00

it looks very nice and the sfx its great but i get a problem when i activate it it does fully open it only comes up with a very very small blade, like a dot
Posted By: Grimber

Re: Lightsaber Work - 06/14/05 11:50

try changing the size

par_size = 3; increase it to like 5 or something

are you using an older version of the engine?

the sound FX arn't mine they are taken right from an older LucasArts game so they arn't commercialy usable
Posted By: FeiHongJr

Re: Lightsaber Work - 06/14/05 12:41

Good work look very nice


the sound FX arn't mine they are taken right from an older LucasArts game so they arn't commercialy usable

Wouldnt the lightsabers or anything starwars related not be usable in a commerical project
Posted By: JediBry

Re: Lightsaber Work - 06/14/05 13:36

wow nice affects almost exactly like Jedi Knight II lightsabers except that on jedi knight they made the tips alomost pointy. No clue why O.o
Posted By: Grimber

Re: Lightsaber Work - 06/14/05 13:43

if you used something that was defiantly Lucas created. Like R2D2 or Han Solo, Darth Vader Tie Fighter, Millenium Falcon. Yes it is then.

But the concept of a 'lasersword' in sci fi isn't. there are pulp sci fi stories that go back to the 1950s and 60's that have such things. Infact, the concept of a 'sword' that emits energy of one elemental form or another goes back to pre biblical and mythologic times. Sword being a symobol of power, courage, virtue in many cultures, its not surpriseing to find referances in varois mythos of swords combined with the power of the elements ( air, earth, fire, water, darkness, light, good, evil)

even Lucas didn;t call it a lightsaber at first. he called it a laser sword:
(you can read sumations of the original story development here:
Same as they can't copyright using the word 'blaster' for a laser pistol, or 'droid' for android ( android and robot are terms that go back to its origins in the Play 'R.U.R.' by Czech playwright Karel Capek in 1920-1921).

editied: BTW if you never read RUR i highly recomend it, you will find MANY sci fi robot stories parallel concepts it introduced. and its probably one of the first recognized modern era Sci fi works

Just don't Call it a lightsaber or use an actual object created by LucasArts.
( BTW th saber hilt in the above IS a LucasArt creation originaly... comes out of Jedi Academy)
Posted By: Olzii

Re: Lightsaber Work - 06/15/05 09:40

Thanks Grimber!

I want to change this script to car light. Can you give me some advises?
Posted By: RJDL

Re: Lightsaber Work - 06/15/05 11:21

this was just what I've been looking for!
Posted By: Anubis

Re: Lightsaber Work - 06/15/05 12:23

Hey another Star wars contribution... nice...
Works very nice... I'v also put it in my star wars rts example
If you select a jedi knight his sword will activate (or if someone attacks him)
and will deactivate when not selected or not in a battle.

he above game will not be released... because... i made it for an example and
inspiration (and maybe .. that I want to play someone else's star wars rts:p)
Posted By: Grimber

Re: Lightsaber Work - 06/15/05 12:39

not sure on using particals for a cars lights, I mean it could be done but I think that would be a bit heavy handed of a method.

in user requests I did a little work on a headlight for a car using a model for the lights, and source to generate a spotlight, then attached transparent models to simulate the headlight beams.

you might want to look at that.
Posted By: Olzii

Re: Lightsaber Work - 06/16/05 05:07

When I use dynamics lights for car, it generates non circle spotlights.

Do you know why ? Please help me ?
Posted By: Josh_Arldt

Re: Lightsaber Work - 06/16/05 09:02


When I use dynamics lights for car, it generates non circle spotlights.
Do you know why ? Please help me ?

This is not the right place to post this.
Your post should be in the scripting section of the forum.

The reason that the lightspots are not round is because dynamic lights are vertex lights and the geometry doesn't have many polygons.
The more the polygons the better vertex lighting looks.
With more polygons the fps is decreased though.
Posted By: FoxZero

Re: Lightsaber Work - 07/16/05 05:14

I would love to try this code, but when I click on the link I got a 'page not found' message.
Posted By: Daedelus

Re: Lightsaber Work - 10/23/05 06:56

Does anyone still have this file by any chance?
Posted By: Grimber

Re: Lightsaber Work - 10/23/05 16:51

i will check if I still have it on HD and if do upload it again. limited server space so i remove stuff often
Posted By: Grimber

Re: Lightsaber Work - 10/23/05 19:04

OK i re uploaded the file. you can download it from the original link
Posted By: raiden

Re: Lightsaber Work - 10/23/05 19:35

Very cool Grimber, thanks for posting.

Posted By: Daedelus

Re: Lightsaber Work - 10/23/05 19:56

Thank you
Posted By: Ithicus

Re: Lightsaber Work - 10/24/05 01:36

When I open the lightsaber it is a little dot...I increased the par size with no good results. Im using A6.31.4. Any help?

Posted By: Grimber

Re: Lightsaber Work - 10/24/05 05:08

don't know, did you change anything at all?
only way i can even get a reproduction of what you discribed is by eliminating the vertex incrementation routine in the script

or by editing the model and deleting all the un-attached vertexs ( which you need )
Posted By: Ithicus

Re: Lightsaber Work - 10/24/05 20:26

I didnt change the script at all. Really strange...

Posted By: Grimber

Re: Lightsaber Work - 10/24/05 22:08

check makesure the grade4.bmp file is ok (open it in paint)
Posted By: Ithicus

Re: Lightsaber Work - 10/25/05 00:22

Yup, its a grey gradient in a circle shape.

Everyhting appears, just the lightsaber doesnt extend, almost as if the particles lifespan dies before it reaches its intended vector. Or its intended vector is messed up. (Like its not incrememting upwards) I tried upping the lifespan to no effect.

Its to bad, this is a really cool contribution.

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