Outdoor shader package

Posted By: Rhuarc

Outdoor shader package - 08/09/05 19:21

  • Glass - vs/ps 1.0/1.0
    Bump environment mapping in pixelshader with transparency.
  • Haze - vs/ps 1.0/1.0 & 1.1/2.0
    Heat/Haze refraction in realtime (2.0 version requires RTT).
  • Reflect - vs/ps 1.0/1.0
    Bump environment mapping in pixelshader with no transparency
  • Terrain - vs/ps 1.0/1.0
    3 textures, 8 lights, fog
  • Vegetation - vs/ps 1.0/1.0
    Basic vegetation shader to correct alpha transparency, easily change the alpha threshhold.
  • Water - vs/ps 1.0/1.0
    Bump environment mapping with transparency ideal for water.

*All shaders support fog properly, and have been tested on a wide range of GPUs.
***To install, it is a simple "Add Script" operation from WED, and the shader is ready to use in your project. That simple, no confusion in trying to get it in properly.


Get it HERE for $15.00!
Posted By: Sebe

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/09/05 19:30

I just wanted to thank you a thousand times - but then I've seen the

 for $15.00! 

Sorry, way too expensive for me In the shader forum, I can get all these shaders too (except the haze). But for a shader newbie, who can't customize the shaders by himself, this may be a great package. And there are nearly daily new people in the shader forum that need help to get the free shaders working.
Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/09/05 19:41

That's the idea. Most of these shaders that can be found on the shader forum are fairly difficult for people new to shaders to implement, and often require modification to the actual shader to get it working. These all work without any coding whatsoever, and have been tested on a wide range of systems, both nvidia and ATI chipsets as well. Basically a "ready to use" package of shaders that saves the work of trying to implement many of the shaders already available. These are all coded from scratch and follow very similar formats, so modification to the FX files is very easy and they are good for learning as well.

Posted By: Blattsalat

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/09/05 19:50

i am getting one asap

great deal!! for none shader coders like us its a relief and safes a ton of time.

cheers and thanks a lot
Posted By: fastlane69

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/09/05 20:16

Real quick while you have the time..."VegEtation"

Also, the interface alone is worth 15 bucks. I think what Rhuac says is dead on...you aren't so much paying for the shader code as you are for the ease of use. I believe the particle plug-ins currently out there also work on the same philosophy.

Besides, this is not for the Ello's and Drew's on the boards. This is for people like me that want NOTHING to do with shader programming, but want their works to look spectacular!

BTW, what's the liscence, single-user, single-computer, can I use it within my company for example?
Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/09/05 20:22


Real quick while you have the time..."VegEtation"



BTW, what's the liscence, single-user, single-computer, can I use it within my company for example?

It can be registered to a business or an individual, so yes you could use it within your company.
Posted By: XNASorcerer

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/09/05 20:23

Could you include a heat haze shader that goes over a fire or lava?
Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/09/05 20:39

The heat haze shader can be used for anything like that very easily. It will distort whatever is behind it, and supports an alpha channel. If you were to make an animated fire with alpha channel and assign this shader to it, it would have the effect you are looking for.

Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/09/05 21:47

This is a cool contribution. I wish more shaders offerings supported the least common denominator given the overwhelming majority of cards out there can only handle it. Same goes for the ease of use.

Any chance that you will offer an "upgrade" version using the same shaders only more advanced(1.3, 1.4 or 2.0+). That would be a nice complement for those wanting to support both the bottom and top tier of cards.
Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/09/05 21:51


This is a cool contribution. I wish more shaders offerings supported the least common denominator given the overwhelming majority of cards out there can only handle it. Same goes for the ease of use.

Any chance that you will offer an "upgrade" version using the same shaders only more advanced(1.3, 1.4 or 2.0+). That would be a nice complement for those wanting to support both the bottom and top tier of cards.

I'm planning on releasing more packages very similar to this one, next will be an indoor/tech shader package; and following that I will release more complex packages of both that you can also upgrade to. The following "upgrades" releases will be based upon how well the lower end versions are received.

Posted By: XNASorcerer

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/09/05 22:36

Another question:
The normalmaps are provided with your pack?
Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/09/05 23:25


Another question:
The normalmaps are provided with your pack?

There are sample normal maps provided for the water, haze, and bump environment mapping, yes.
Posted By: XNASorcerer

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/09/05 23:30

Ok. I think that I will buy it.
Posted By: Atlantis

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/09/05 23:52

Thank you very much, Rhuarc. I'll purchase one when I get paid Friday. I've seen your work in the past and have been impressed. Nice work on these shaders and will be anxious to give them a try.
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 00:45

It works fine on my GF 5200. You might want to default the haze to a non-render to texture state, though.

It also might be nice to see a list of cards you tested it on and any known cards that cause it problems or that it won't work on at all.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 01:16

Oh, yes. There's a WIKI that lists the GPUs that support shaders but no mention of 1.0. So can you tell me the video cards/chips that support VS/PS 1.0?
Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 01:49


It works fine on my GF 5200. You might want to default the haze to a non-render to texture state, though.

It also might be nice to see a list of cards you tested it on and any known cards that cause it problems or that it won't work on at all.

Great to hear that it's working properly for you OB, I'll post a list once I double check the exact cards it was tested on. So far I can say it's fine on all my ATI chipsets: Radeon 9200, X700/800, Radeon 200M. It was also tested on various Nvidia chipsets, the only one I can confirm the exact card on right now is a 6800. I believe another was a 5200, and another was a touch older I think.

Posted By: Nems

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 01:54

Great work [Rhuarc], not that I'll get to use them in a hurry, GForce 2 I have.
Posted By: Nadester

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 02:45


*All shaders support fog properly, and have been tested on a wide range of GPUs.

I've had some minor issues with the water effect on nVidia. Seems to favor Radeon's a bit more.
Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 03:36



*All shaders support fog properly, and have been tested on a wide range of GPUs.

I've had some minor issues with the water effect on nVidia. Seems to favor Radeon's a bit more.

Try the latest download I gave you to the release version, I might have already corrected this since you last tested it. Otherwise, as I mentioned to you online, just send me a demo of it with the settings that are causing the glitches and I'll get them fixed right away.

Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 04:23

Is it possible to make the haze effect move vertically as opposed to horizontally? Whenever I see this effect either out in the real world or in other games, it's usually going up instead of sideways. I looked through the vars to see if perhaps it was a direction toggle, but nothing is sticking out at me, at the moment. I like the effect, but I just thought I'd ask.
Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 05:15


Is it possible to make the haze effect move vertically as opposed to horizontally? Whenever I see this effect either out in the real world or in other games, it's usually going up instead of sideways. I looked through the vars to see if perhaps it was a direction toggle, but nothing is sticking out at me, at the moment. I like the effect, but I just thought I'd ask.

Good point. I will reorganize the variables to let you control the scroll speed in both U and V directions and release the update soon. Also, I will be adding an option to add a shadowmap to the terrain in a second pass (for precompiling shadows from level geometry, etc.).

Posted By: ventilator

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 06:12

since when does environment bump mapping work with 3dgs and nvidia cards? or did you use a normal map instead of an uv-offset map for the water?
Posted By: ello

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 10:09

isnt that the wrong place (i ever thought contributions are for free)
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 10:47

It doesn't say anything anywhere about Contributions being free and only free. Regardless, for someone like me it's worth it and a steal.
Posted By: ello

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 10:57

well, regardless, the word contribution itself tells its free, or not?? (maybe i used the wrong dictionary)
Posted By: Rigoletto

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 11:10

Hey, thatīs a great work. Can the shaders be used with blocks too?
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 11:17


well, regardless, the word contribution itself tells its free, or not?? (maybe i used the wrong dictionary)

English is screwy, sometimes. Contribution can mean something given for free but, in general, it means something given, and it doesn't have to be free.

Regardless, I don't think it matters one way or the other where it goes. He contributed it; thus it's in the right place. Yeah, regardless.
Posted By: broozar

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 12:24

hey, why is it PayPal? i would buy it if you could offer it to me via ShareIt, BankAccountNumber or whatever...
Is there any way for you to distribute it another way?
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 12:26

It shouldn't be in users contributions , it's not free.
It's not a contribution, you don't really "contribute" to 3DGS community,
but in Showcase 1.

And things like that should be done by conitec and included in the SDK
to have a really sdk helping artists a lot more.

A fantastic tool like Particle Editor is a lot more work than this little thing and it's free

I'm like other people we will never pay for stupid little things that we can have the code easily
If it was big big tool like a very complete terrain editor in real time,
( what you see is what you get ) with editing of heigtmaps,
and terrain with brushes, vegetation/rocks placing like Far Cry editor
perhaps i would see if i'll pay (Torque has this for free).

Perhaps very newbbies will pay.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 13:41

TheExpert: I see your point but my time is precious so I would pay 15 bucks to save some time. When I collect all the knowledge for shaders and have the trouble to solve problems with different gpu's myself then it will cost much more.

You would even save time when you work 2 hours to get the money for that plugin. You never will get all these shaders programmed in 2 hours.

I think this is a good offer.

Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 13:54

Frank_G :
Are you working in a commercial project that would justify your
investment in this little tool ?

I hope Conitec, will bring more tools turned to "artists" and to give us freedom to
produce without looking in shader forums or code topics.

Terrain multitexturing,shadowing is standard, i hope we will have that
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 14:03

I agree with you. I would like to have this features in WED but unfortunately it is not the case. Rhuarc does a good job to close this gap.

And concerning you question: Yes, I sometimes earn a bit money with my modelling. But that is not the point. I will spend money for this hobby and I can calculate quite well. I can go to work for 2 hours more to earn the needed money for a plugin or I can spend much more hours to achieve that myself. What option is better? Since I do not want to become I shader profi and I like to create complete worlds with models and levels I would say I save my precious time.

Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 14:11

Terrain multitexturing , great,
but support for 8 ligths , to do what ??
This is prefect on large terrains to kill the FPS to 1 Frame per second or less.

And perhaps several other packages will be done ?
We are going to pay 15 $, and more 15$ for indoor, and more 15$ for effects
and more 15$ for and ...... and more ....
3DGS users are not "Milk Gold Cows"

Do a big package instead and give it for free , to help all 3DGS users.

Conitec could pay to integrate such things in 3DGS ?
They could create a package of customizable shaders for Water, Bump and parallax, haze, refraction, environement etc ....
Before doing a shader editor.
Render Monkey for example is a big tool made by lot of people
and a similar tool for 3DGS will take one or two more years.

Us 3DGS users, we would like to have customizable packages like that for different
It wouldn't take one or two years
And in some days conitec could give us
a good compilation of customizables ones
Conitec could hire a person here to create that perhaps ?
Posted By: Lion_Ts

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 14:18

I can't expect it from Rhuarc...
That's shaders (no haze) I have for free...
There is nothing difficult to customize it, it's a normal way to learn more...
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 14:18

Sure i understand your point of view, just hope you won't loose lot of money by purchasing 20 packages

I'm mainly with 3DGS community , i want the best things for all of us
not only for thoses who can pay more than a license

And modeling tool are really expensive, so we don't need to spend more
for standard features that could be easily integrated in WED.
Caus that package , Conitec could have it done for Wed , it's just
a compilation
Posted By: ventilator

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 14:20

the next conitec contest will be a shader template contest. then you will get some shaders with customize gui for free. rhuarc just milks when it still is possible. i don't see the problem with that...
Posted By: JimFox

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 14:21

Hi TheExpert,
I will give my take on this.
First, I have no problems with a $15.00 shader being offered in the "contributions" forum. It is a contribution, as I see it. That is not to say that it will be worth $15 to you -- it may not be worth it.

It may not be worth it to me, either. I am also concerned about frame rate issues and I haven't figured out whether it will run on my Nvidia desktop. But the price seems quite reasonable, so I am glad to know about the offer. I can't see how posting this hurt anyone, even if they don't want to buy.

Posted By: broozar

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 14:28

modellers sell models, scripters sell their works. TheExpert, itīs not your right to offend anyone just because you are able to create similar things. Further, it is not fair to call anyone a noob just because he/she isnīt specialised in coding.

If you can do such a job and offer it for free, so do. If not, donīt flame around.

Modellers/Level designers donīt have to be scipt experts, if so, there would be no use for the any more. You simply cannot gain top results at ALL 3d disciplines.

Well, i am still asking if thereīs any way to purchase but by PayPal.
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 14:44

Well i think some people here don't mind about putting down money.
And not lot of us are "free community" contribution oriented.

So let's Ruharc MILK what it can be
(i'll buy the tool and give it for free for all interested people )
Posted By: Blattsalat

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 14:52

if the scripts save me 20 hours of work (even if its just one hour) it pays off to spend 15$ for it.

I think its more then fair pricing and it fills a gap gamestudio has produced. Like the terrain tool i purchased not long ago. It safes me countless hours of work and this is worth money to me.

free contributions are fine, paying for quality stuff is so as well (or none of us would be here ....or has anybody got a free version of gs i dont know about )

I am looking forward for more stuff like this and honestly i think this offers help to upgrade the qualtiy of the engine on the long run.

There is nothing to say if both ends of the development chain benefit from it. Though i doubt Ruharc can buy more then 3 ferraris from the sallery of this package

I like it a lot!!!!
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 14:52


(i'll buy the tool and give it for free for all interested people )

You will not be allowed to do so.

I have no problem with spending money for a well done product. I appreciate the time and efforts. I hope that my clients think so as well. When I create more than 100 models for a certain project then it consumes much time even when another modeller would say: "Hey, that is simple. I can do that as well and I could do it better (but I will not do because I am only flaming)."

Rhuarc has done alot for this community.

Besides my paid work I also like to contribute something for free. That will make people happy, can give you a little reputation and makes fun. But it is much better to get a little well deserved earning sometimes.

Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 15:15

Frank_G :
I was kidding
I'm not someone that will do such things or annoy people like that.

I respect others people work.
The only black point is that this tool will be obsolete with a future update of 3DGS.

Perhaps we could make like in Blitz Basic Forums put a Tools / Plugins Section.
It would be a great help for 3DGS community, it could be free and non free
tools like this package.
And it would avoid us to search in every forums for things.
But i talk about real tools like Particle Editor and this actual one, not about code snippets or little things.

And perhaps someone will put a great terrain editor
Posted By: light_mystic

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 15:16


Well i think some people here don't mind about putting down money.
And not lot of us are "free community" contribution oriented.

So let's Ruharc MILK what it can be
(i'll buy the tool and give it for free for all interested people )

@The Expert. I am not flaming but do you have a problem of spending 15 simple dollars? That is just a drop in the bucket compared to some tools out there which I am sure you know about..... what you said about sharing with everyone annoyed me a bit.... c'mon now are we this cheap? I can see if he charged $150 or something to that effect but $15? I used to make that a hour at some of the Jobs I have worked at. lol Anyways for the respect of Rhuarc ... I do not feel it is right to share with anyone...... either buy it or leave it alone..... I plan to purchase it ..... like Frank G said saves time .... and for a few of us that do get paid making Levels and the such for our clients .... this is a great tool .... anyways enough of the Rant.

I just seen that you are kidding,

Posted By: HeelX

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 15:51

Can you please offer a trailer which shows your effect animated?

- Christian
Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 16:01


since when does environment bump mapping work with 3dgs and nvidia cards? or did you use a normal map instead of an uv-offset map for the water?

It's done in the pixel shader rather than FFP. A6 has some weird problems with the FFP BUMPENVMAP and nVidia chipsets, but when using the texbem asm instruction there are no problems. I use a normalmap.


Hey, thatīs a great work. Can the shaders be used with blocks too?

Not these, in the future I may release a level-geometry-friendly package of shaders.


hey, why is it PayPal? i would buy it if you could offer it to me via ShareIt, BankAccountNumber or whatever...
Is there any way for you to distribute it another way?

Right now I am only using paypal, other options may be made available in the near future.


Terrain multitexturing , great,
but support for 8 ligths , to do what ??
This is prefect on large terrains to kill the FPS to 1 Frame per second or less.

Support for 8 lights is per-vertex, thus it is alike to the standard d3d lighting, we aren't talking per-pixel. I have 8 lights placed in the demo level and it performs just fine.

And regarding the whole issue of charging money for it:
The reason I am selling such an item is that I spent a bit of work on this to get it consistent, clean, and completely standalone. Yes, there are a lot of people out there that can do these things themselves, they are not who I am marketing this to- I am marketing it to those who are less programming saavy. Often people complain of not being able to implement shaders that are posted into their games, this fixes that problem by making it all ready to use and customizable without coding (A6 template customization tool). Sure, conitec may release a similar set, or do a contest for it- but this is something that is a solid package, every peice is the same in design. In a contest, you'd have a mesh of many different authors and formats- it gets messy. These are all together in one peice- and they are available now. If you don't find it worth $15, then don't buy it. It's a pretty simple concept. If you see it as pointless, it's because you aren't who I'm marketing this to. As you all can see, there have been several people quite happy with such a product, and I'm hoping to continue that.


Can you please offer a trailer which shows your effect animated?

Sure, I'll try to throw one together soon.

Posted By: ventilator

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 16:10


I use a normalmap.

ok, with a normal map it worked for me too but an uv-offset map would be much cheaper and look almost the same.
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 16:27

Light_mystic :
Yes you are right , this little thing close a gap that 3DGS SDK have.

Ruharc :
I know you have put time in your tool , and it will save time to some people.
And finally yes 15$ is not a lot and if it is usefull for people , why not.
But you could do an entire package instead and sell it for a global price instead
of little packages ?

And if it existed a lot more little tools free or not like yours, customizable tools
(shaders, particle editor -already exists-, terrain shadowmapper/editor ... )
, i think we could have a great help for making things with 3DGS.

Well, it would be cool to find a TOOLS section in the forums
dedicaced to ready Tools like this one.
Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 16:33


But you could do an entire package instead and sell it for a global price instead
of little packages ?

By all means, as I release more packages, you will get a small discount on each new package you buy for each package you own. This makes it work well for people who only need a few specialized shaders, or for others that need them for all around.
Posted By: bupaje

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 16:49

Not that my opinion is required but I think the price is worth it. I fall into the category of users who wants to try but is a bit put off by the shaders. Small inexpensive packages that ease the pain are worth my while as well.

To make up a quick saying "A starving man would rather have a hamburger today than a steak at the end of the week."

In my case I'll take the burger now, and the steak when it becomes available.
Posted By: XNASorcerer

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 17:49


Sure, conitec may release a similar set

Man, you are so funny!!!
Posted By: bupaje

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/10/05 21:02

@Rhuarc - noob question with this shader pack does the terrain shader use a bump, normal or detail map or is all the 'detail' supplied by the colormap?
Posted By: Atlantis

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/11/05 00:02

I hope more people make tools like this to save time for other game developers. I don't mind spending money on tools that will free up my time for other aspects of game development that there are no tools for and I have to custom make (believe me, there's enough scripting work to keep me entertained).

The complaints are prob pretty discouraging for these developers. Some of you want to make an income without spending years working on a game and this is a great way to have a source of income and still be a part of game development or a supplement to get you by until your game is done.

We NEED these tools! And we NEED people to develop tools like these. If they can earn some money off of it, it will encourage them to develop their product even further or develop something else that will benefit the community.

Perhaps more people don't make tools, because they can't afford to give everything away when they need an income source to purchase software upgrades so they can programme with the latest and greatest tools to create these apps. Let people earn something for their hard efforts. Some don't mind giving things away, others can't afford to, others want to start a business doing things like this. It's gotta be a real discouragement for them to read posts where people constantly complain ... I'm sure for some, it's not worth the hassle.
Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/11/05 11:22

I dont really see how it's a user contribution if your selling it.
Posted By: Towelie

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/11/05 14:51

Contributions arent always free, and this was probably the best forum for it...

Back on topic, it looks nice but unfortunatly, I quit serious game designing of all teams and now I just do it as a hobby and vouluntary work... so now I have no use for it. Looks like your doing good in sales though
Posted By: fastlane69

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/11/05 15:34

That was a great post Atlantis.
You really managed to hit a lot of good points on the head, such as that people often forget that 3DGS is ultimetly a Capatalist community, not Communist and that Money is a great incentive for innovation, quality, and completion.
Posted By: light_mystic

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/11/05 16:06


I dont really see how it's a user contribution if your selling it.

This thread has got me to see two things ... who the complainers are and the ones who at least show some Gratitude for such a effort. My Respects to the ones who show Gratitude and to the ones who complain .... why did you have to post in this thread of your complaints? And waste server space..... Would been easier and less confliction if you just emailed Rhuarc and complained.

Posted By: Tachys

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/11/05 17:03

@Why_do_I_die: Would you rather post on the jobs offered forum, wait for someone to answer, and pay them what a coder/effects designer should expect to get paid per hour to create something similar for you (*)? I thought not...

Edit:*(insert: and STILL not get something close to what you want after 2 or three revisions, all the while STILL paying the person to work for you)
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/11/05 17:07


I dont really see how it's a user contribution if your selling it.

What is it then? Yeah, it's commercial but by definition it's a contribution.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/11/05 17:10

Okay. Let's not go too far off-topic. Contribution is contribution. Period. A product that a user contributes can be free or NOT. In other words, contributing a product doesn't have to be free. I don't want to close Rhurc's thread.

So let's turn this topic back to Rhuarc's product, Outdoor Shader Package.

Thank you.

PS: See this thread for an example. Nordvall's contributing his force feedback source code for $49.95.
Posted By: Tachys

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/11/05 17:22

@grayson: True, true... ***bad tachys***

Rhuarc: It looks great, and I've never been adverse to paying out a little bit for something I like if I can use it. As far as I'm concerned, with all that you've helped out over the years, you could charge twice that (with a feature or two added ) and I'd pay it! Good job!
Posted By: bupaje

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/12/05 04:07

@Rhuarc - a little embaressed to ask this publicly but I note you have PM turned off ... my memory is so bad I don't know if this is a simple error related to me putting stuff in the wrong folders or my card not supporting the shader.

Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/12/05 04:24


@Rhuarc - a little embaressed to ask this publicly but I note you have PM turned off ... my memory is so bad I don't know if this is a simple error related to me putting stuff in the wrong folders or my card not supporting the shader.

You might need to update your A6, d3d_shaderversion is an A6 variable that was implemented with 6.31.4 I believe. You can comment out the lines in fdev_outdoor_sp.wdl and see if that corrects it. I do not believe I ended up using the result from this code anywhere else.

Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/12/05 07:10

Whenever you get around to offering more shaders packages, it would be nice to see a celshader that works on the low end cards(like these outdoor ones) and maybe another version for 1.3 and 1.4. I'm also interested in per pixel lights and all the crap that that involves(shadows, texture projection). And, again versions covering 1.1 to 1.4 if possible.

My masterplan is to collect a low end and a high end version of each shader(and hopefully all from the same author..i.e. consistency) and code a function that will use the appropriate version dependent on a user's card and system. I think that's what we all want to do in the end, but I want to make sure I have all the proper shaders before taking on that project.
Posted By: ello

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/12/05 07:14


Whenever you get around to offering more shaders packages, it would be nice to see a celshader that works on the low end cards(like these outdoor ones) and maybe another version for 1.3 and 1.4. I'm also interested in per pixel lights and all the crap that that involves(shadows mainly). And, again versions covering 1.1 to 1.4.

My masterplan is to collect a low end and a high end version of each shader(and hopefully all from the same author..i.e. consistency) and code a function that will use the appropriate version dependent on a user's card and system. I think that's what we all want to do in the end, but I want to make sure I have all the proper shaders before taking on that project.

and after that, you could sell it
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/12/05 07:55

I'm a Capitalist so perhaps I will.
Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/12/05 16:51


code a function that will use the appropriate version dependent on a user's card and system.

I hadn't thought of this before, but I should have. I already have sourcecode to autodetect the cards capabilities and compare them with shaders registered in the system, then apply them appropriately so they match the cards capabilities. It's not in a finished state, but I will see about integrating it with the current template system and releasing that with the update and with future packages .

EDIT: also, regarding the toon stuff- I am considering a package dedicated to toon effects, if anyone else is intersted let me know so I have an idea of how much it is needed.

Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/12/05 19:35

thats tru , a contribution doesnt alwayz have to be free, though usually here in this forum they are, so i retract my statement , proggie looks pretty decent , thinking of getting a copy of it myself, nice work Rhuarc.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/12/05 19:43


I am considering a package dedicated to toon effects, if anyone else is intersted let me know

Yeah! Cartoon effects are so awesome you should this! I love Disney movies.....
Posted By: XNASorcerer

Re: Outdoor shader package - 08/13/05 23:01

Rhuarc, please make also inside of your pack a normalmapping shader for level geometry. I am trying to make those that I found in this forum, but I have not succed.
Posted By: bupaje

Re: Outdoor shader package - Water - 08/14/05 07:25

@Rhuarc - Can you take a minute to explain the water shader?

-There is a small error I think also in the customize window for the script as it says Default Bump Strength twice -one is supposed to be the speed.

-I get this error in the image and not sure what it is from. I changed the normal map and cube map texture they might have a seam but no good

-Also I'm guessing at the values. I want to slow down the movement but it moves fast. Wonder if you can just briefly explain the values in the Customize window and in the Object Properties.

The terrain shader works good. Here are a few shots from my play without the water (the water is just painted on one of the textures in these shots).


Thanks for any help.
Posted By: Thickheaded

Re: Outdoor shader package - 11/01/05 18:24

Can anyone tell me why my mud sand and water textures are displayed only as red blue and white? I don't thinks it's due to patriotism...
I am new to shaders so I believe the problem lies with me just getting this thing started.
Radeon 9000 64mg agp
Posted By: Lion_Ts

Re: Outdoor shader package - 11/02/05 15:07

upgrade your extra to commercial at least
Posted By: Thickheaded

Re: Outdoor shader package - 11/02/05 15:39

Posted By: JimFox

Re: Outdoor shader package - 11/03/05 15:43

Hi Rhuarc,
I definitely plan to buy this package in any event. But your code to adjust the game to the user's card would be a valuable addition. That alone would be worth the $15 to me. I am concerned about making my game work on low-end computers, more than having the latest graphics effects. Your code might allow the same game to do both, without any complicated adjustment. I have actually considered publishing two versions of the game -- a dreadful solution. So let me urge you to finish this part of the code, and the utility of the shader package would be greately enhanced.
Many thanks for your many contributions.
Best regards,
Posted By: nightshade

Re: Outdoor shader package - 11/04/05 00:11

Looking cool, but you should upload a demo and pack it of course. So we can look, how it is looking on our computers.
(Sorry for those turkey-english).

regards, 1337
Posted By: GeishaG

Re: Outdoor shader package - 11/05/05 11:14

Hi - thanks for releasing this, I wish more people would release their (high quality) code for cheap $$$.

I'm looking for something to learn from - when I buy this, do I get the full source? Or is it all locked up in a dll?
Posted By: Mondivirtuali

Re: Outdoor shader package - 11/05/05 21:24

Yes , release an exe demo.
Posted By: DavidLancaster

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/08/06 11:19

Can anyone help me? I recently purchased this shader pack but haven't receieved the shaders yet and I'm not sure who to contact. Hopefully Rhuarc reads this, I tried emailing him using his profile email but the email came back saying it failed...
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/08/06 11:27

That's why i prefer open source engine like Ogre3D or complete engine like
TV3D or BV engine (with bloom , HDR , bump etc.. others coming soon)
disposing all shaders you need without paying more for
standard nowadays effects !
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/08/06 12:36

Lol, well my friend, why don't you go back to ogre then? Some people have to make a living you know, not everything in this world can be for free, it just would not work ...

Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/08/06 13:20

PhemoX :

I already use Ogre3D, Irrlicht and TV3D.
I'm not focused on 3D engine , but more on
game ideas, and 3D art creation (gameplay, modeling , texturing and animation).

I know some engines have tools where you must pay made by users.
But in that case , it's shaders , why pay for shaders when you can find code on
lot of sites : you pay for 3DGS shader adaptation in fact

I would only pay if i would baught a product that would evolve over time,
cau everything evolve like technologie and game industry.

That's my own point of view , now everyone can by everything that
can be buyed.
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/08/06 20:22

This shaders package isn't meant to evolve. It's a lowest common denominator set of shaders that should work on most cards that support them. If you want evolution, then you're going to want to do it yourself or try out Sphere.
Posted By: broozar

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/09/06 16:31

is the haze still available? would be interested in a separate sale...
Posted By: DavidLancaster

Rhuarc where are you? - 06/12/06 12:03


Can anyone help me? I recently purchased this shader pack but haven't receieved the shaders yet and I'm not sure who to contact. Hopefully Rhuarc reads this, I tried emailing him using his profile email but the email came back saying it failed...

Rhuarc where are you?
Posted By: Ran Man

Re: Rhuarc where are you? - 06/12/06 15:01

I think you have to e-mail before you buy!
I tried e-mailing him with a question before I bought it, and when he never e-mailed back, then I forgot about buying it.

Lesson #1
So, don't buy if they forget to answer their e-mails.
Posted By: A.Russell

Re: Rhuarc where are you? - 06/12/06 15:08

If you pay by Paypal, and you don't get the product, then you can claim for a refund. I am not sure for how long after the purchase you can do it, so you'd better check.

Hopefully Rhuarc will check his mail or Paypal account, but just in case.
Posted By: slacker

Re: Rhuarc where are you? - 06/12/06 15:18

Is this still available - wouldn't have a problem paying the equivelent of 2 pints of guiness for a haze shader if it works well - hard to tell from the initial screens.

How are you managing haze without pro?
Posted By: broozar

Re: Rhuarc where are you? - 06/12/06 15:20

from the screenshot i guess he uses env mapping
Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/12/06 17:29


Can anyone help me? I recently purchased this shader pack but haven't receieved the shaders yet and I'm not sure who to contact. Hopefully Rhuarc reads this, I tried emailing him using his profile email but the email came back saying it failed...

Send me an email to dniezgocki@11threv.com and I will get you the product... I've been having some problems with the server that the package is hosted on and email haven't been going through.

Sorry about that,
Posted By: DavidLancaster

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/12/06 23:53

Thanks Rhuarc!!!! I've emailed you
Posted By: A.Russell

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/13/06 10:40

Hi Rhuarc. Since you are back, I'll order one, too. Should we still order from the linked site?
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/13/06 13:10

I ordered this pack right now and paid with Paypal. I hope your server is online again. Otherwise please keep in mind that there is a new payment at your Paypal account and I would like to get the pack.

Best regards,
Posted By: JetpackMonkey

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/13/06 13:52

Looks great, Rhuarc! I will buy it when I get my Commercial version. BTW Is it possible to get any kind of reflection on the water surfaces with the water shader in Commercial?
Posted By: Lion_Ts

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/13/06 22:04

You can do that with env mapping for stationary objects easly. But for moving one you have pain in ... with A6Comm
Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/15/06 03:18

Yep, I am still processing orders

Got yours Frank,

as well as Jasons; but it is still in process with paypal.

Posted By: DavidLancaster

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/15/06 12:11

Hello Rhuarc

Would you be able to send me the shaders again? I accidently forgot to back them up, had to do some reformatting with a new hd and have lost the email and program you sent me. The shaders work very well!

Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/15/06 12:30

Yes. The shaders are fantastic. The terrain responds to fog and dynamic lights. That is much better than the template terrain shader. I love it

The water and haze is beautiful as well. I am really happy that you offered this pack to us.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/15/06 14:47

Does this shader package work with A6.40.5 ? I hope so hehehe,

Posted By: JetpackMonkey

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/15/06 15:38

How does one draw use the terrain shader with the tool-- can you paint them somehow onto the terrain itself?
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/15/06 15:57

PHeMoX: I just checked it with 6.4 and 6.31 and it worked fine.

Jetpack_monkey: This is a shader template pack - not a terrain editor. You still have to create blendmaps, heightmaps and a hmp file to make a terrain.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Outdoor shader package - 06/15/06 19:41


PHeMoX: I just checked it with 6.4 and 6.31 and it worked fine.

Thanks for letting me know this!

Edit: Rhuarc is there another way than paypal I could pay you with a credit card? Paypal says there's already a account with my credit card, which is not true even deleting my account did not help at all ...

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