Frame Rate Savings

Posted By: ISG

Frame Rate Savings - 08/11/05 02:00


Well this may not be the absolute best way to save your framerate, and it surely isn't going to be able to be used a lot the way it's built; however, maybe somebody can add on to what I have done and make it even better. This script is mainly purposized towards In-Game Cinematics (still background, non-moving camera). As you will see in the open-source demo this only does a little in the engine trick and you won't be able to tell much of a difference.

The Trick...
Well your scenery models (ex: Terrains, skies, trees, shrubs, buildings, etc.) mainly everything in the background that isn't animated stays on the screen for a second while everything OPPOSITE of that is removed. While the opposites are removed, the engine takes a screenshot of all the still life in the background and then saves that screenshot. Then the engine removes all the scenery entities and places the screenshot in the background to save your Frame Rate. Then it puts back all the objects that are animated and that you want to make higher poly (since now you lost a bunch of sceneric polygons you can put more into the players for more realistic look). So now you see how it's best to be used while the background is still...

You can always try new tricks and additions to my little contribution, just thought I would share what I have done. To tell the engine what entities are scenery entities (That need removed AFTER the screenshot is taken, just apply the Flag1 to them and that's how it works. On the following scenery before this method was applied I got about 20 FPS, and while the method was working I got a firm 200 FPS.

The sphere model in this level is around 50,000 polys just to let you know, and was only put there for testing purposes.

And here is the difference (in a slightly different level with same poly count though between before and after results:

Download the entire open-source demo here:

Any comments or questions you can reply here for, and they will be answered. Also thanks to WizRealms this works slightly..uhh...better
Posted By: WizRealm

Re: Frame Rate Savings - 08/11/05 02:12

Well since ISG apparently programmed the whole thing *roll eyes* I'll explain to you how to use his (ya right) masterpiece.


Var EntsPosX[50];
Var EntsPosY[50];
Var EntsPosZ[50];
String ent_1 = <tree1.mdl>;
String ent_2 = <tree2.mdl>;
String ent_3 = <tree3.mdl>;

Text entpatharray { strings=3; string=ent_1,ent_2,ent_3; }

There are 50 slots for entity positions, the arrays. To add another model to replace it you simply use

String ent_4 = <tree4.mdl>;
Text entpatharray { strings=4; string=ent_1,ent_2,ent_3,ent_4; }

Note I don't think ISG ever actually testing models being replaced, but they should be replaced in the order they are removed. So basically the list of ents in WED should be the order you put the strings.

Also since ISG coded this (hah) any problems in the code are his, not mine.

BTW I really think this should of been kept in the code,


define Scenary_Ents,flag1; //On - I'm scenary LOOK AT ME!, off - I'm not scenary, I'm ugly remove me

It just adds so much class that the current version is missing...
Posted By: Tozzy

Re: Frame Rate Savings - 08/11/05 20:13

Sorry for the lack of replies both of you . Hopefully someone will test it soon. I would test it although I don't know about programming . I'm sure it's very good work .
Posted By: Inestical

Re: Frame Rate Savings - 09/06/05 10:06

want have that :/ and the ISG's sites are not up
Posted By: Tozzy

Re: Frame Rate Savings - 09/06/05 20:39


the ISG's sites are not up

Damn right about that one . Doesn't look like mine is coming back on either .
Posted By: ISG

Re: Frame Rate Savings - 09/08/05 02:03


Yea everbody sorry about all this commotion. DNS servers were switched and unfortunately the website host sent the bill for the site to someone else (or at least I didn't receive it) so I haven't been able to give them my money for it before it's terminated.

But by any chance someone else wants to host it just let me know. It's not that bad of a file actually, and if you have MSN let me know and I will try to get it sent to you.


Posted By: Inestical

Re: Frame Rate Savings - 09/08/05 08:19

I think 100mb goes for both of us, but my current host is down :/ and i'm waiting for reply of my new request, otherwise i could host the site contents :/

Reply comes this week.

MSN: inestical[at]
Posted By: ISG

Re: Frame Rate Savings - 09/10/05 19:45

@Whine -

Thanks, I received your PM and will have the file to you as soon as possible. I am trying to find an alternative host for this file right now as well, which hopefully will make all this worthwhile.

Posted By: Tozzy

Re: Frame Rate Savings - 09/10/05 21:11

Hey ISG, hope this helps some:

Good luck!
Posted By: Inestical

Re: Frame Rate Savings - 09/12/05 07:28

@ISG: ok, added u few days ago to MSN, when I get from school, I go straight to my PC.
Posted By: ISG

Re: Frame Rate Savings - 09/12/05 17:37

Current download link:

Hopefully it holds through And hope you enjoy!
Posted By: Tozzy

Re: Frame Rate Savings - 09/12/05 21:36

Yay I knew my link that I posted previously proved useful .
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